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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. 3 hours ago, DarkZedge said:

    The cultural differences are quite deep and noticeable but it doesn't bother me..there's a lot of things i like about the way they do things and their culture and others not so much...I'm pro learning and sharing between cultures...one can learn and adapt from others and viceversa though that's actually hard to accomplish aswell

    ^ Totally agree to this.


    Wise words kouhai. I'm proud.

    (Love the new avatar :pyaa: )

  2. 5 minutes ago, Down said:

    It seems like they corrected a lot of things, all the while... introducing new mistakes, of course.


    Not sure how they're gonna pull this off in a month, clearly aside from correcting TL mistakes and nonsense english, they need to do one or two entire QC pass at the very least.

    Dear lord ...

    Why did this have to happen to this title... The one JAST release I'm hyped for :pyaa:

  3. 10 minutes ago, Vorathiel said:

    Vol 2 is much better optimised than Vol 1 and 0.
    My old laptop was getting incredible hot and loud in older titles, and animated h-scenes was unwatchable (5fps maybe?), while in vol2 everything was smoother (~15fps), and laptop wasn't sweating as much.

    yeah I noticed this too

  4. 1 hour ago, Orcka said:

    Actually this is very serious Nosebleed, this isn't a shitpost, I genuinely have a sexual disorder and it has been plaguing me for a while now. I placed this in the general board because it is the only category that seemed to fit the criteria asking for advice on personal issues.   

    Perhaps the title is a bit "click bait" but I literately just made a generic title, actually I would take it a step forward and call it lazy. 

    Plus, I HAVE been posting most of my forums on the CoC, not sure what thread you are referring to. 

    So thanks Nosebleed, thanks for moving my thread to the CoC, now everyone who sees this will think that my disorder is a joke.

    Ok .... But what makes you think a forum full of visual novel fans will be able to help you with your ... Penis ... issue...

    Even if some of us are medical proffesionals, (don't know of any but .. Maybe there is one of them here,) wouldn't any medical site or .. hotline, whatever, be better than this place?

  5. Still playing G-senjou no maou. I've done chapter 1 and 2 now, just finished Tsubaki's route.


    This VN is really fantastic. Of course I was expecting that, considering how hyped up this is, but I still had no idea exactly what it would be like, and I was pleasantly suprised.

    It's so freaking addicting. Really not much else to say ... This thing is bloody amazing and I can't wait to read chapter 3 and 4.

  6. Think most of these were already mentioned, but they are the ones I think are essential.


    Skip to next choice option

    The ability to re-load from a line in the backlog

    Don't interrupt voices by going to the next un-voiced line

    Ejaculation counter option

    Scene recollection for everything, H-scenes in its own category

    "Skip common route?" Option, (unless all the heroine specific choices are in the common route)

    Re-play opening movies etc in the menu

    Sprite viewer, preferably something more advanced like in Kono oozora: flight diary

    Date display


    EDIT: Backround H-scene voices, yes! So ... boring when there are none.

    Flowcharts. Havent played many VNs with them, but they seem really handy.

  7. 5 minutes ago, CvkHawk1547 said:

    Oh it's yuri i didn't noticed it:wafuu:. I'm not really fond of yuri no offense to Derg...

    Oh yeah it's my pleasure to join the UnOfficial Koiken Otome BrigadeTM and hope to see you around too...


    Non taken. Everyone has their own tastes.

    I think this might fit your tastes quite well: Shuffle! (Not yuri :sachi: )

    It has some parts later on that are a little dramatic and sad, but its very fluffy and gets resolved quick. Quite an enjoyable read. Noticed you already had Kono oozora on your list so, I wont recommend that again :P

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