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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. 2 minutes ago, mitchhamilton said:

    KnJ might be one of the first manga series i ever finished and not because it was ecchi or anything but because i genuinely liked the characters and their arcs.

    Hooooooo  :makina: 

    Totally read it for the "characters and their boobs arcs" huh? :makina: 


    Hmm, well, good luck to them I guess. Hope it goes well. 

    Kickstarter never makes any sense when it comes to these things. Their rules are kind of stupid .. :amane: 

  2. 2 hours ago, Funyarinpa said:

    Also Hypnotraining My Mother And Sister if rape nukige are your thing.

    If you want something with an even more "evil" protag in this setting, Clock up just released a trial for their new game


    For action VN with a protag like that, I think G-senjou no maou is a good fit, like someone mentioned above. Reading it at the moment, its basically exactly what you asked for :miyako: 

    (Shouldnt this thread be moved to recommendations? :rimu: )

  3. 4 minutes ago, Nosebleed said:

    I can sense the elitism being triggered as I read through this post.

    But yeah all of what this person said aligns with my personal views on translation as well. Imo it's always best to adapt the text for the audience you're reading, not try to stay super literal and possibly make the end product sound unnatural.

    One who's familiar with Japanese might appreciate you being more literal, but if I wanted something to sound Japanese, I'd go ahead and read the original text in Japanese. When I read something in English I want it to sound nice in English.

    I totally agree with this. 

    It´s just a lot more comfortable to read something that isn´t a literal "copy paste" of the original text. It usually becomes strange and awkward to read. People being really stuck up about one line not being translated to its absolute literal meaning is kind of annoying in my opinion. 

  4. Damn, this is looking really good! The story seems interesting and the alpha footage looks great!

    Interesting choice, using Coeus as a villain. I'm kind of a greek mythology nerd and I'm actually writing a story that includes Coeus.

    Every time I speak to others about greek mythology, the only God / titan they can name is Zeus... :makina:


    Can't wait to see more of this, keep up the good work!

  5. 3 minutes ago, Nosebleed said:

    As someone who watched Deadpool yesterday, I am definitely in support of super hero movies getting R ratings in the future. The amount of freedom you get when you don't have to tone down a movie for a teen audience is priceless and more movie makers need to realize this.

    I seriously did not expect Deadpool to go as far as it did, I never saw any other super hero movie do this much. It was incredibly refreshing and I hope we can see more of it in the future.

    Funny fact: Deadpool got a 14+ rating over here in Portugal and when I went to see it the theater was full of 10 year old kids lol. :Teeku:


    Well let's face it, the kids probably loved it :makina: 

  6. Just now, Arcadeotic said:

    In all honesty, harem and/or VNs with routes don't suually bode well in anime adaptations, so a VN with an episodic system is for the better

    It makes it easier for it to have better production values, flow and such

    Yeah that is actually one of the things the Amagami SS and Yosuga no Sora animes did well. They actually managed to make a route system in the anime.

    Still, Kono oozora needs an anime. Someone make it! I will pay you a whole dollar for it! :pyaa:

  7. 57 minutes ago, Eclipsed said:

    if Dice is really reading Gahkthun, I'll read it too. I think @Dergonu said was gonna read it too, though that was a while ago and I didn't keep up to date. 

    Let's do this!!

    Oh shit... At this rate you really will read it before me! :pyaa:

    I never thought you actually would. I got careless.

    I'll get around to reading it after I'm done with G-senjou and Saya no uta.

  8. Still sick, so I haven't gotten much reading done the past few days.

    I'm in chapter 3 in G-senjou at the moment, and its really freaking good.


    The moment when Haru first met Kyousuke's father and froze up made me laugh my ass off :wahaha:

    Then when she meets him again it turns out she was just faking to gain inforamtion... This chick is so badass. Cant wait to get further into chapter 3.

    Also playing XX of the dead, got a little further into it now, (still not too far, since I read very slowly in Japanese. I am noticing improvement in my reading speed though, which is a big confidence boost.)


    Our adorable little sister just got eaten by a big tentacle monster... RIP.

    Considering what is happening at the moment though, I'm sure she will come back as a tentacle zombie and fuck shit up :makina:

    Just as a general zombie game, this is actually very cool. It hints to what made people get infected really early on, and makes each zombie mutate differently, kind of like in resident evil. The zombies even talk and feel stuff which is really interesting.

    (Not expecting a super deep novel, because lets face it, its all about the tentacle rape :makina: But, its still cool to see these small details in it.


  9. Don't worry, it gets better.

    There is a lot to wrap your head around, but it's not as hard as it seems. It takes a very large amount of time, yes, but its not THAT hard, especially the basics. 

    Once you know the Kana and you are able to recognize words it will be a big confidence boost. Until then, just stick with it my friend!

    As Down said, the kana can be done in like a week. I recommend using this for training outside classes: https://quizlet.com/47772/katakana-practice-flash-cards/

    Its possible thats just for the katakana, but there are similar sites for the hiragana as well. Flash cards is a great way to practice.

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