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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. 39 minutes ago, Esto Gaza said:

    I didn't think it would be as good as the first one. Much better than I was expecting. I really like how they fleshed out Coconut and Azuki. There were a couple of things that bugged me, though.

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    It's a common thing, but H-scenes that have the MC blowing 4-6 loads with a buckets worth of cum each time in a single segment are just stupid and unrealistic. I know it's nukige, but there's so much room for it to be better. You shove Chocola and Vanilla into the scenes to coax the "featured" catgirls into admitting how badly they want it. Why not have more lengthy yuri scenes after the orgasm? His battery goes from 0 to 100 immediately and it's just something like, "You're up next, _____." Lots of wasted potential. A really intense yuri scene would have put this over the top.


    Watersports, not my thing.


    Super cute, though. I'd be genuinely surprised, and sad, if we don't get a Vol 3. I really love Sayori's art style.

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    Hah, I agree to those points.


    It did get a little too crazy, especially because in the first game, the MC specifically says "guys cant come in quick sucession like that". Then he becomes like, the God of jizzing in the second game ...

    Well, he kind of already did in the first one.

    Had they focused more on the two nekos doing stuff as well, then it would have been 10x better indeed.


  2. Cool thread arc, nice of you to offer free editing services for the members :miyako:


    One thing. I've noticed in a few of the signatures, some pictures are a little oddly scaled. Like, the width primarily seems to be mismatched with the original picture, so it gets that "stretched" look to it.

    Are you holding down shift when scaling images? That way you retain their original scale, so you don't get that problem.

    It's a very small detail, but it overall makes the end result look more professional.

  3. Just now, ロル ビち said:

    ur confusing me, r u dergonu?

    Yes I am. Made  a new account to do some editing on my signature etc, (also wanted to back on a new account cuz I love this site), and ended up posting here on the wrong account :makina:

    Well, here I am! Love me! :pyaa:

  4. 6 minutes ago, Vorathiel said:

    Best girl rating!

    7) Imouto. I just can't stand her, every time she's on screen I cringe or get angry. 
    5) Cinnamon & Chocola. While Cinnamon have annoying voice and not funny quirk, Chocola is just dumb. And I simply don't like dumb characters.
    4) Maple. Nothing much about her.
    2) Coconut. She's just fine. I like her. Her tallness and how she struggles with it made her interesting.
    3) Azuki. That purring. :3 This is where she bought me. And she is little tsunder~ish, but not much, so that makes her likeable.
    1) Vanilla. Admittedly best one. Intelligent, mischevious (sometimes too much), and great voice.


    How dare you not put Coconut as nr. 1! 


  5. Well if its a choice between lower quality with animations or high quality with no animations, of course I'd go with a higher quality still image.

    The animations are nice, but it gets old rather quick unless the animations go alongside a very high quality images.

    Stuff like nekopara will always be enjoyable because you can literally just sit there staring that the character animations and be pleased. If its up to their standard, its superior to most still images.

    If you take something like Eden* from Minori then I'd say its not really that enjoyable to be honest. I guess in this case its literally just lip sync and no movement, but it isnt that amazing and it just becomes disruptive in my opinion.

  6. Ok! Chapter 7 is finally finished and uploaded! Also, I have a new name for chapter 8, which I will be starting on as soon as possible! "Chapter 8, a broken world."


    The link to the chapters is here (remember, you can download the PDF straight of the site if you dont want to read it in the awkward net viewer.) 


    We have now passed 40k words and with afterwords etc its 120 pages at the moment! 

    Thanks for reading, stay tuned for the last chapter, coming soon! 

  7. Hey, welcome to the forum, nice to meet you! :sachi:

    Couple of recommendations: Planetarian and Eden*. Neither is a murder mystery, but they are awesome so everyone needs to play them :illya:


    I'd recommend giving the forum rules a quick run-through, especially the section below. (Don't worry, you didn't break any rules! Just thought I'd give you a heads up in case you weren't aware of them.)

    "Lolicon/Shotacon Policy"



  8. 3 minutes ago, MrBanballow said:

    Currently reading through Princess Evangile that I got last week, as well as a bit of Dangit Grandpa and Nekopara Vol 2.

    Quick question on Evangile... 

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    Just danced the night away in Chapter 5 ( ? ), about how far am I into the story?


    There are 26 chapters, after chapter 16 you go into to the heroine specific routes.

    So chapter 5 is about 1/3rd of the common route.

    Here is a guide if you need it:



  9. So yesterday Denpasoft made a news post on their site saying that they too will be closing their steam key sales, though unlike Mangagamer it seems they will be disabling all the steam keys that were apperantly stolen.

    Here is a copy paste of the news post.

    "Complementary Steam keys removed from titles

    We have to remove Steam keys from titles that had Steam key support. Roughly $30,000 worth of keys were stolen from us and we will be contacting Valve to disable the keys that were fraudulently obtained. We’re sorry for the inconvenience but we must protect our relationship with our credit card processor or else we will not be able to offer adult games in the future."


    Whether this is linked to the same thing that happened to Mangagamer is hard to say. It seems to be a little bit of a different situation. Either way, it seems that problems like this is quite common right now.

    I hope both Denpasoft and Mangagamer can get out of this unscathed, though we'll see how it goes.

  10. Finished nekopara vol 2 yesterday, loved it. Coconut is love, coconut is life.


    Played some more ikikoi and still don't hate it :miyako: Just started Eika's route. But I'm fed up with SOL shit at the moment so I'm stalling it for a little and will be starting G-senjou no maou instead. After that I'll move over to Saya no uta I think. Will go into ikikoi again after those.


    First impressions off G-Senjou, the characters seem cool. The girl who keeps on noting everything down in her diary reminds me of Akira from Yosuga no Sora. :wahaha: 

    Haru is ... Strange. Strange and hot :illya:

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