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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. 2 minutes ago, Deep Blue said:

    I finished one thousands lies, really good vn, I wasn't excepting that ending at all. I loved every single character. One of the best OELVN I've read aside from katawa shoujo.

    Oh, that´s cool. I was looking at that and it seemed interesting. Will probably get it when the full version is out. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Decay said:

    Thank GOD... 

    Although it´s slightly irritating to have to wait even longer, if they are able to salvage this and actually release a working translation, that alone will make me happy agian :miyako: 

    We need more good, quality yuri VNs translated, and from what I gather, this is one of them. 

    Really hope they get their shit together and get this thing fixed for the new release. 

  3. Just now, DarkZedge said:

    So far i ran into situations of normal explanations or talks between characters, all the H i've seen thus far has been voiced along with most of the important conversation. i'm not that far myself so i don't know about the rest but so far it's been like that...though i did run into one or two sections that had choices in them but not voices senpai

    Hmm, interesting. Well, if the H-scenes are voiced, that is the most important part :makina: 

  4. 8 hours ago, sanahtlig said:

    What is the download limit exactly?  If it's like 10 then just keep the compressed archive on a hard drive somewhere and forget about it.  If it's 3 then there might be an issue.

    The limit, (at least on this game) is 3.


    4 hours ago, DavidB said:

    First off, thank you for supporting the release, OP, much appreciated. And the same to anyone else who has supported Atom GRRRL!! or any of our other releases...be it on Denpasoft or Steam.

    To address some of your questions/concerns: The primary function of this download limit is to prevent account sharing. Yes, the game is still DRM-free, but we hope that people will want to support the blossoming western VN community/industry by acquiring the titles legitimately: i.e. purchasing them directly from their publisher or development circle or from trusted third party services like Steam. We also understand that internet access and bandwidth issues can be finicky and downright troublesome at times, so if a registered user has an issue(s) downloading a title they have purchased that can be easily remedied by contacting Denpasoft support. :)

    Ahh cool, thanks for the reply!

    1 minute ago, Zenophilious said:

    Also, please don't double post, it irritates me  :saber:

    Yeah did that by accident, thanks for fixing it for me :P

  5. 26 minutes ago, sanahtlig said:

    I heavily criticized that system.  Did they actually do something about it?  They showed no sign of budging when I whined about it last year on their forums.  It's one of several reasons I gave up on MangaGamer completely.

    I wonder if Denpasoft discovered that some users were downloading a single game many, many times and decided to put a stop to it.

    It seems to me that mangagamer has removed that, yes. At least none of my newest purchases on their site has it, including new releases like beat blades haruka.

  6. Just now, Zenophilious said:

    That's activation keys.  I think you can download an infinite number of game copies, it's just that you can only use, like, 5 of them.  I think they stopped doing that because it was useless.

    Ah yes, that was it. They had that system where you had to activate the game once with a unique key before you could open it.

    Haven't seen that in a while now.

  7. 3 minutes ago, EdwardWongHPTIV said:

    Ehh, I can't really see this as a anti-fraud thing. I mean the problem with steam keys was they were purchased with stolen cards. The keys were sold off and redeemed by others. Later the transactions are disputed and denpa is left hanging with an unpaid steam version.

    This is probably a means of capping their bandwidth costs. Though it might bite them in the arse a bit since I don't think anyone else is doing so.

    I know mangagamer used to do this, though I haven't seen it on their recent releases.

    Before, you used to have 5 downloads each game. It seems like they have either stopped it, or that they only do it for certain games.

  8. Just now, VirginSmasher said:

    If it was to stop piracy, they sure did a really bad job with that. :makina:

    Well we can't really tell for certain since they have made no posts about it at all.

    I doubt its a spur of the moment thing, as its just a little too random. They probably have their reason for it.


    If it really was to stop piracy ... Well then yes, it was a fairly bad solution ... :makina: 

  9. Just now, Down said:

    That's all speculation. For all we know this could be for other reasons then piracy, such as preventing security issues or w/e. I don't know shit about back-end web design but who knows.

    Yeah it's just my guess based off recent events.

    Personally I'm quite indifferent about it. It's DRM free so I can just put it on my external hardrive and move it around between my PC's.

    If it does help their security in some way then hey, I guess it's a good thing. (On the note of piracy, the game is already on a certain site, so it seems it wasn't exactly super effective if stopping that was their intention.)

  10. So I bought the new game Atom Grrrl!! from denpasoft today, and I noticed something a little interesting. They have added a download limit to their games. It has not been a thing previously, as all my other games like Grisaia, Zodiac, sunrider etc doesn't have it. It could just be for this particular game, though it might also be a permanent thing for their new releases.

    My guess would be that this too is a response to some of the fraudulent activity VN publishers has seen recently, possibly wanting to reduce piracy / illegal sharing of their game.

    It's still DRM free, so it's not like it will have a huge impact on anything, but it is still interesting to see.

    EDIT: Word from DavidB on the download limit:

    4 hours ago, DavidB said:

    First off, thank you for supporting the release, OP, much appreciated. And the same to anyone else who has supported Atom GRRRL!! or any of our other releases...be it on Denpasoft or Steam.

    To address some of your questions/concerns: The primary function of this download limit is to prevent account sharing. Yes, the game is still DRM-free, but we hope that people will want to support the blossoming western VN community/industry by acquiring the titles legitimately: i.e. purchasing them directly from their publisher or development circle or from trusted third party services like Steam. We also understand that internet access and bandwidth issues can be finicky and downright troublesome at times, so if a registered user has an issue(s) downloading a title they have purchased that can be easily remedied by contacting Denpasoft support. :)


  11. Ok, just finished chapter 3 + Kanon's route in G-senjou.


    I feel like Kanon's route was weak compared to Tsubaki. The chapter itself was also not as good as chapter 2.

    It was great, of course, but in comparison I feel the quality kind of dropped a bit. Still, the story is quite interesting, and I can't wait to find out what happens next! Also, chapter 4 will finally give me the Shiratori route :makina:

    Don't know much about her yet, but all I need to know is ... Twintails :pyaa:


    A little more on Kanon's chapter, they spent too much time just randomly talking about boring ass ice skating. I just ... Didn't care. The ending was good, but it wasn't as impactful as the Tsubaki ending, and the bad ending was just dumb ... Way too short.

    I like Kanon as a character though. She is introdouced as this cute innocent little thing, but as you get through more of her route you start to see different sides of her. Her whiny, annoying side is ... Well, exactly that; annoying, but it made sense considering the situation she was in.


  12. 17 hours ago, DarkZedge said:

    It's not the only Miku based Vn, there's a follow up with her and Rin and then another one with just Rin...that's on the side of the decent/good ones but then there's a bunch of shitty ones

    I actually didn't know this! :pyaa:

    Have to buy these now. Miku is love, miku is life :miyako: 

  13. 15 minutes ago, DarkZedge said:

    I voted for S;G since i still have to fully commit to it :komari: been on my backlog for way too long like other things..It just never ends

    Yup. Same here. Really want Steins;gate to win :miyako: 

    (And then I will just end up not reading it because I suck. But shh!)

  14.  I really love the design of Carol from maggot baits.

    (Yes, I went there :makina: )






    Her design is just perfect; subtle but deadly.

    The colors are great, the smaller details like the piercings and the cat ears look awesome and things like her stance when holding her sword too is just so cool. Her outfit is really simple, but it looks epic and fits well with the bright colors from her eyes and sword. 

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