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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/14 in Posts

  1. Releasing this as a non-adult title will likely improve sales, especially if it gets on Steam (although I'm not convinced Steam will allow it). IF it gets on Steam, there's no doubt they made the right business decision. That doesn't make me happy about this. But the fact of the matter is that the Western eroge market exists in a bubble that's barely sustaining itself. Despite tens of thousands of fans (>60,000 registered on VNDB alone), the actual customer base is tiny (even popular titles often don't even reach 2000 sales). The market has gotten so rotten that run-of-the-mill nukige outsell even high-profile story-centric eroge. What message do you think that sends to VN localization companies? What we're seeing is a glimpse into the future of the VN market: a future where localization groups splinter along nukige and all-ages lines, leaving story-focused eroge fans out to dry. And I'm not happy about it. Story-focused eroge fans should see this as a warning: voices without money behind them will fall on deaf ears. As for me: I won't be supporting this release unless the H-scenes are officially reinstated. Which won't happen. Once you side with the moral majority, there's no turning back.
    3 points
  2. We've had Mare for a while now, and I was thinking we could change it up every so often by allowing members of the forums to submit and vote for which character they would like to grace the Fuwanovel banner. Every 2-3 months, a staff member could open a thread for user submitted banners, and then users would vote for their favorite. The winning banner would then be used for the next 2-3 months. A stipulation could be that the same character may not be used back to back banner periods. Also part of the request, providing users the option to remove character banners entirely and simply using the regular Fuwanovel logo (ie. pre- Mare banner).
    2 points
  3. Monmon

    Enter Player 2

    Osu!Osu! welcome n have fun enjoy a pun and Holo What kind of tree do fingers grow on? A palm tree.
    2 points
  4. Hey I like to ask if is possible to upgrade search (browse) on main Fuwa site. Something like vndb where u can apply filters will be much more convenient
    2 points
  5. Asking the "hard" questions that nobody else has the "balls" to.
    2 points
  6. This is a fun idea! It'll be a fun competition and will let us jazz out the joint for holidays, etc. Changing the logo is a breeze. The dimensions are, currently, 354px by 90px. Anybody have ideas for the first competition? Best summer banner? Also, I'd suggest we move this thread to the Improvements board. Of course, I'll wait for Batman's permission before doing so -- can't have him going off about the tyranny of the staff, again.
    2 points
  7. Agreed. Wafuunovel Fuwanovel needs more Kud. Edit: Art is not my forte, so if this ends up happening and someone wants to make a Kud banner, you have my support
    2 points
  8. Nosebleed

    Notice Me Senpai

    Have you ever tried so hard to make senpai notice you but normal methods just won't work and you don't know what else to try? Well you're in luck! Introducing: Yandere Simulator (Note: very early footage of a game in development, this doesn't represent the final product) In Yandere simulator you will take the role of a yandere that wants to make her beloved Senpai notice her but the competition is just too fierce. And so what will she do? Well bloody murder them all of course! Yandere Simulator has stealth mechanics to take out your oponents and hide their bodies without raising suspicion. Not only that, there will be a dedicated laugh button so you can laugh as your victims slowly die gruesome deaths and you take the most enjoyment out of it. The game also offers a wide range of weapons for you to chose how to murder your enemies You may also take pictures of your beloved senpai as well as your victims in order to plan your next move. You will control a customisable girl with various traits that can be changed and the story telling will be done visual novel style. The game is currently in development and progress as well as screenshots can be found at YandereDev So? How far will you go for Senpai? Source: Haruhichan
    1 point
  9. Steve

    Steve = Luch

    How else can you explain this: (profiles: https://www.evolvehq.com/players/luch , https://www.evolvehq.com/players/steverowland )
    1 point
  10. get this using all my gems and playing in expert xd and I'm in the top 35000 so I can get a second one to idolize her
    1 point
  11. As much as I like cute lolis I don't think it's fair to rule out male characters. We host Otome games too. Also if it's every character possible you could get Renge there for example "Fuwanovel nanon~"
    1 point
  12. Assuming you work 8 hours a day 6 days a week at minimum wage (using US values) you'll make 348 dollars per week, that's around 1500 dollars a month. Assuming you live alone in a very cheap place at, let's say 500 dollars rent you still have 1000 dollars spare. Internet + electricity fees if you're cheap enough would be like 150 per month, meaning you still have around 850 dollars to spend. Then comes the most basic living essentials: food and water which might shave off 300 per month. Let's add to this a 200 dollar monthly value for other personal expenses. This means, if you dedicate your life to SIF you can get around 350 dollars to spend on it every month at minimum wage. Given you need 20 dollars for 50 love gems you can stack up really fast. And these values are just for minimum wage jobs, if you have a better job you'll have more money to spend on it. That's if you want to live like a hermit of course
    1 point
  13. I don't ever recall Commie trolling, all of the stuff I've seen from them is properly done.
    1 point
  14. Flutterz

    What are you playing?

    You're doing it right!
    1 point
  15. Nagisa_Fawkes

    Enter Player 2

    Hey! Mind your own business! I didn't forbid him from loving Saber, I just taught him how to love lolis. It's the secret for immortality!
    1 point
  16. It's so he can blind his pray (lolis) before striking. They won't see him cumming coming, but they'll definitely feel it.
    1 point
  17. ExiledSaber

    Enter Player 2

    Long live the lolis!
    1 point
  18. The bald guy bothers me. His head is waaaayyyy too shiny.
    1 point
  19. Why don't you go for the whole class of Free. Everyone would love that! Look at those Non-Nipple dudes. ((Just pick a male characters since a certain loli has been around for too long.))
    1 point
  20. I've edited the post to more thoroughly address the issue. There may not be a problem if they're only worried about being able to sell it, but perception may alter to the point where they actually get less sales by having the option. They have to weigh the potential sales lost from people realizing it's a "porn game in disguise"' vs the sales gained from people who wouldn't buy a 17+ version but would buy an 18+ version. edit: I will say that I'm not exactly a moralist and my personal point of view is obviously not in line with what I'm saying here. I'd buy an 18+ version if it was the only one available, and I'd buy a 17+ version if that was the only one. I'm not sure what I'd do if there were both versions available. I'm just talking about the general gaming market. Like it or not, but part of the process of making visual novels popular in America is divorcing it from porn, at least at first. Once you get enough people okay with the idea of VNs, I think eroge will become more popular at the same time, but trying to market eroge to the masses would be a mistake.
    1 point
  21. Right now a purchase of Sekai Project's Grisaia is a vote for more all-ages Grisaia releases. Some people may want that. I don't, and I'm not going to fund something I don't want. Then Sekai Project will have no issue releasing an ero version / patch alongside the all-ages version. I'll believe it when I see it.
    1 point
  22. Once you release a title on Steam, that game is bound to Steam's terms of service. If you go release other versions with adult content, Steam will likely remove the title and ban the company from Steam. That's how the moral majority enforces their will. Here's an excerpt from the publisher of Reccetear on why they don't work on adult titles. While it turns out his claims didn't turn out to be entirely true (Mangagamer has titles on Steam), it gives you an idea of how adult content can poison the well when it comes to doing business. http://new.spring.me/#!/SpaceDrakeCF/q/277898826382050043 As MoeNovel did before it, Sekai Project had to make a decision: to market their games as porn, or to market them as "not porn". You have to pick one side or the other, because there's no inbetween. As for my $50, well that's my business. If I take my $50 and give it to JAST instead, that certainly doesn't mean "I don't support the sale of Japanese visual novels in the western market."
    1 point
  23. Then find or start an alternative distribution method that has as much sales potential as putting a game on Steam so that unedited versions can have a financially viable way of getting said versions to the west. Otherwise all you're really saying is "I don't support the sale of Japanese visual novels in the western market." First comes awareness. Then comes economic viability. Then comes options. If no one knows or cares about the medium, and if you can't prove that the medium can sell, then you have no choice but to work within the existing constraints of the western market. You have to be able to bring something to the bargaining table(i.e. customers) before you can set terms. Let me put it another way. You won't support this release due to cut content(or rather that they are using a version of the VN that doesn't contain the content you want). But let's paint a possible scenario here. Let's say that people do support the official localization of Grisaia no Kajitsu. Let's say that it makes enough money that Frontwing gives the greenlight to an official localization of the sequels. Now let's say that due to the success of those sales, we can then convince Sekai Project to release through distributors other than just Steam so that an unedited version could be available for those that want it. After all, once we have proven that such an effort could be worthwhile economically, our own voices then count for more than they would if we all just continued to pirate or only buy Japanese versions. Would that not be a favorable situation? Would that not be worth putting money down, and furthermore, contacting Sekai Project and letting them know your reasons for putting your money down? You claim that there is no turning back, but that sentiment ignores that there is currently no road leading where you want to go. Shouldn't we take steps to build one?
    1 point
  24. Can't go too much fancy if we just replace the Mare though...
    1 point
  25. Mephisto

    Steve = Luch

    I would just run and hide in a basement. For those uninformed about the terror of what Kappas are, As water monsters, have been frequently blamed for drownings, and are often said to try to lure people to the water and pull them in with their great skill atwrestling.[14] They are sometimes said to take their victims for the purpose of drinking their blood, eating their livers or gaining power by taking their shirikodama (尻子玉?), a mythical ball said to contain their soul which is located inside the anus. A shirikodama is a ball inside the anus that holds your soul that the seeks. Hide your kids, hide your wife, and most importantly of all, hide your anus. Also, are also known as ravishers of women. An 18th-century ukiyo-e image by Utamaro depicts kappa raping an ama diver underwater. In his Tōno Monogatari, Kunio Yanagita records a number of beliefs from the Tōno area about women being accosted and even impregnated by . I SAID HIDE YOUR WIFE. It's over. The has reached fuwanovel.
    1 point
  26. I always assumed the guaranteed UR has the same ratio as the normal scout, 95% SR with 5% UR. That was purely assumption though That poster is telling you what the newest cards that were released. They did have a guaranteed SR with those, but it stopped being active as of the beginning of this Nico event. The time between the events is when the guaranteed SR "event" goes on.
    1 point
  27. Since a lot of people still seem unconvinced that they won't tone down the sexual humor, references to sex, etc, here's a screenshot of the Vita version of the game that was posted on VNDB: http://www.gamer.ne.jp/news/201307230047/image/8/ Do not click this at work. You probably should not let your kids play this game.
    1 point
  28. HMN

    What are you playing?

    What's charming is that I feel sorry for something in this route? but you got to admit she looks cute in that outfit she wore in that date anyway she will show quite the development in her route
    1 point
  29. LiquidShu

    Hello everyone :3

    If by lift you mean lift my team mates on my back in league of legends and carry them then yes, yes I do.
    1 point
  30. FoggyOrchid

    meet n greet

    honestly you're 100 percent right the system requires improvement cus me being an "Advanced Member"........is
    1 point
  31. I've held off on this debate til now, but I've been asked to weigh in so I'll do so. I think my conclusions will be a bit different than what some were expecting. I also address some misconceptions in this thread regarding the role of Steam and other content distribution platforms in increasing VN sales. VNs are not freeware Commercial VNs cost hundreds of thousands of US dollars to produce. Developers do this for a living, and they're not paid very much to do it. It's a labor of love. They need support to continue making more games for us to enjoy. This doesn't change whether a game is untranslated, fan translated, or localized. People that play VNs without paying are essentially parasites freeloading off the paying fanbase. In the end, if too many people freeload instead of supporting a company, the company goes out of business and no more VNs get made. The parasitic ecosystem collapses. To maintain a healthy ecosystem, people must support the games they love. When you buy a game, you're basically investing in the company's future. You're saying "Here's my money--make more games like this!" The role of fan translation More than 95% of Japanese VNs are untranslated. Fan translators provide a service by allowing us to enjoy titles in English we otherwise wouldn't have access to. Many fan translators choose high profile titles that are currently beyond the grasp of the nascent localization industry. Others choose titles that would never be localized due to controversial themes (e.g., lolicon). Fan translators provide their fan translating services free of charge--but they don't own the game license. All they can lay claim to is their translation, their derivative work. When you play a fan translated game, you're expected to own the original Japanese version. Few people actually buy the original game. This behavior is typically written off because in the end, no sales are lost as a result of the fan translation. The people playing the game in English weren't the target audience for the game in the first place. Also, the customer's dollars won't be achieving their intended effect. "Make more games like this" really means "make more games like this that I can play". If a fan translator has to act as a middleman, financial support does not have its intended effect. You end up with more titles you want to play but can't, since 95% of titles won't be translated. In the end, fan translation does not grow the paying fanbase. The true role of fan translation is to promote localization, allowing consumers to support games they love, to see more such titles in the future. Fan translation promotes localization by calling attention to the medium as well as particular titles. Many localization deals wouldn't have happened if fan translation efforts hadn't highlighted to Japanese developers/publishers that there was interest in these titles overseas. The role of localization Localization completes the support circuit by bringing Japanese VNs to us in a language we can understand--with the promise of more such titles in the future. It also promotes the medium more effectively than fan translators ever could, since official localization brings marketing and media attention. When fan translation undermines localization by providing an excuse for people to freeload, its usefulness ends. This is why fan translations, in general, should not be distributed once official localizations are available. On content distribution platforms (e.g., Steam) These gather funding by attracting a different audience than the VN fandom that typically follows JAST and MG. The DRM that Steam uses increases sales, but not by converting pirates to customers. Rather, it was designed to prevent resale, ensuring that every customer is funding the developer/publisher rather than funding resellers such as Gamestop. Basically, releasing a VN on Steam exposes it to the Steam ecosystem (an ecosystem highly enriched for people willing to support the games they like), attracting customers that otherwise would not have known about or been interested in the product. My stance on Planetarian and Grisaia With my general philosophy on the issue explained, I'd like to qualify it a bit in this particular context. While there's no issue with Planetarian, the release of Grisaia will be a different version from that which was translated--the all-ages version rather than the original 18+ version. There are no plans to release the 18+ version. Putting aside my personal views on this decision, the fan translation has added value for some people, and therefore there is justification for retaining the fan translation on Fuwanovel. I have strong views on this topic, but they are related to my personal interests in the VN scene and thus are outside the scope of this argument.
    1 point
  32. LiquidShu

    Notice Me Senpai

    Yeah but the thing is this is for Senpai no one else.
    1 point
  33. sarayne

    Notice Me Senpai

    Maybe through this vn i can learn how to get ppl to notice me.
    1 point
  34. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay! Have a moe:
    1 point
  35. English voice acting in VNs just doesn't work for me! So much butt clenching during the video xD But shout-out to DEAR HEAD MASTER SOLOMON (the cruel) for the very few people who might get it xD
    1 point
  36. Grisaia no Kajitsu Licensed by Sekai Project Summary Mihama Academy - on the surface, a closed learning environment established to nurture students who find themselves at odds with the world around them; in actuality, an orchard-cum-prison built to preserve fruit that has fallen too far from its tree. Whatever the circumstances behind its establishment, Mihama Academy is at present home to five female students, all with their own reasons for "enrollment." For better or worse, each girl has established a routine obliging of her current situation; life moves at an idle, yet accommodating pace within the walls of Mihama. Yet with the arrival of the institute's first male student, the nearly preposterously opaque Kazami Yuuji, the students at Mihama begin to fall out of step with their predetermined rhythms. Will Yuuji prove to be the element the girls around him needed to take hold of their lives once more, or will the weight of their pasts prove too steep a wall to overcome? And in the first place, just who is Kazami Yuuji? While the true nature of the "job" he is wont to alight to at the most haphazard of moments remains shrouded in secrecy, one thing is for certain - his encroachment upon the quiet orchard known as Mihama Academy will prove itself momentous in one way or another. And of course, one cannot discount the possibility that perhaps Yuuji himself carries the weightiest past of any of the students... Ending Guideline / Suggested Route Order The game has a similar structure to G-Senjou no Maou in that its plot branches into a heroine's route at certain choices, although each of them is valid in its own as there's no true end. After entering a heroine's route the choices boil down to a single one for good/bad end. Following the flow of the story and entering each route as soon as you encounter them would lead to the following order: Makina -> Amane -> Sachi -> Michiru -> Yumiko. That said, Route Guideline Amane Good End Bad End Makina Good End Bad End Michiru Good End Bad End Sachi Good End Bad End Yumiko Good End Bad End Attribution A mysterious source. Aaeru formatted the original version of this post. It has since been updated and reworked several times by various staff members and admins.
    1 point
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