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  1. Past hour
  2. In terms of what stories fit the VN format best, I think slice-of-life, romance, drama, and mystery/suspense narratives can work particularly well. The visual and interactive elements can heighten the emotional impact and immersion fnaf
  3. Today
  4. Use https://github.com/arcusmaximus/VNTranslationTools. It supports.mjo format and you can add linebreak as well, the default is 50 letters but you can change that in Vntectpatch..exe.config file.
  5. Yesterday
  6. I think Sorcery Jokers https://vndb.org/v16337 probably fits what you're looking for. The romance is - mostly - contained to the after stories, and there's a decent amount of action and mystery going on. I definitely found it interesting.
  7. I went through most of the 'top 50 translated before you die" so I guess I can now die in peace but since that post is from 2013 I was hoping there are some pearls I have missed recently. My preference goes to dark, action packed, mystery, crime or anything apart from Slice of Life/Romance but I'm open to trying anything. Bonus points go to novels with a protagonist who can get pretty dark. Nitroplus titles are mostly that but unfortunately I read them all.. Thanks in advance
  8. Well it just got released, and it's interesting that it's also available on Steam despite Shiravune manage to do so. No much to say other than feel free to play this if you're interested, and the size is quite something for the short VN at around 20 GB (To be fair it has animation).
  9. Greetings Friends, I have some brand new music to share with you: On my Fantasy 13 page: "TREASURE CAVE " https://soundimage.org/fantasy-13/ On my Funny 8 page: "SNEAKING AROUND QUIRKILY" https://soundimage.org/funny-8/ Ogg Music Packs Please make sure to check out my Ogg music packs which enable you to download all of my tracks from various genres at once...a huge time-saver. Here's a link: https://soundimage.org/ogg-music-packs-2/ Enjoy and keep being creative! :-)
  10. Some of the recommendations are good. Anyway as for the recommendations, I would recommend Amanatsu, Mashiro Iro, Clover Day's, and Primal Hearts. I also would like to recommend White Album 2, although the romance drama might be too intense for you. I don't know if you're already read those VNs or not, but regardless I hope my recommendations will be helpful to you.
  11. I could list a lot more, but these came to mind more or less immediately. https://vndb.org/v3671 https://vndb.org/v18842 https://vndb.org/v10957 https://vndb.org/v10958 https://vndb.org/v370 https://vndb.org/v1335
  12. Last week
  13. https://vndb.org/v?q=&ch=&f=042gen4owin0380NL80Tl80X0D1281NM81NN&s=24w is a narrowed down search on VNDB for "English" "On Windows (PC)" "Romance" "Slice of Life" and "Protagonist with a Face" and should eliminate yuri/yaoi. From that list I'd outright recommend Gin'iro, Haruka https://vndb.org/v18778 and Hoshi Ori Yume Mirai https://vndb.org/v14265 they are arguably the two most pure love slice of life romance VN's out there, but both of those don't really showcase the protagonist's face much, if I remember correctly Gin'iro's protagonist shows up more in CGs than HoshiOri's does. On the "provisional recommendation" list would be Koi ga Saku Koro Sakura Doki https://vndb.org/v10304 protagonist here even has a sprite, but the story is more into fantasy and the story quality varies by route, but it also has what I'd argue is the best imouto route in any VN I've read. This is assuming you've already tackled some of the more popular ones like Majikoi, Fruit of Grisaia, and Kin'iro Loveriche.
  14. I would prefer some slice of life, but fantasy or sci-fi I don't mind. My only hard requirements are that it has a good amount of romance and that the protagonist has a face that appears in the VN, be it in CGs or as a sprite. Voice acted MC is a plus. Also, please no Yuri/Yaoi. Thank you very much.
  15. Were you able to reproduce the workflow from the original post? As in, have a single file in the Patch folder and change a single line in that file? Does that single change load, or does that fail to load for you? If not, verify the file is shift-jis encoded. Are you able to run the game normally when version.dll and Patch.xp3 are not in the main folder? If not, are you running the game with Japanese locale? JP VNs tend to need that. If you still cannot get it working without version.dll, Patch.xp3 and after using a locale emulator, then what OS are you using?
  16. Yeah, I tried to put the original file scripts (.ks scripts, the unmodified) in to Patch folder and used Xp3Pack.exe to repack again. I put Patch.xp3 and version.dll back to game directory. Yep, and the result is still the same, still encounter that error, not change compare when I put the translated scripts file in to Patch folder. Yep, I think issue is the .dll or the Patch.xp3. This is so bad, can't even play this game, ........... there must be a solution to this. :<<<<<<<<<<<<,. I am so depressed.
  17. Unfortunately, it is no longer available. This is no surprise, since it is from before the turn of the century and was likely never redone in a digital format. Also, please remember to put NSFW pics and borderline ones inside of spoiler boxes with NSFW warnings above.
  18. Troubleshoot. Are you able to reproduce the test in the screenshot above? If you are, then does the game return to the home screen when loading Patch.xp3 filled with the original unmodified scripts or only the modified ones? If it returns to the home screen even with the unmodified scripts, then the issue is the .dll or the Patch.xp3. If it does not and only returns to the home screen after loading changes, then the problem is the changes made to the scripts. Can you play through part of the game, but not the rest? In that case, figure out which .ks file is crashing and why it is crashing. Is the encoding correct (shift-jis)? Did the T++ parser mess with some line it should not have? Try loading an unmodified version of that .ks and go through line-by-line making changes until it crashes so you can find the issue.
  19. Sorry, I already followed your instruction. However, that game always return to the home screen, or automatically restart again and again. How can I solve it ? I think the problem comes from Patch.xp3.
  20. Attack on Titan is the anime I have been most fond of over the past few years.
  21. ok let's start with Birdie Wing 2 ans maybe World Dai Star next ___________________________ Tutuapp 9Apps
  22. Does anyone know where I can download the game Kusa iro no hitomi? 腐色の瞳 sorry for the inconvenience Clephas Edit: NSFW
  23. Well I'm very late to comment on this, but better late than never. Shield Hero - The MC (Naofumi) is called as a loser thanks to the king's policy that treat shield as worthless weapon based on his subjective opinion, and to make it worse the princess decided to playing victim by accusing Naofumi raping her which make the princess gather the ire from the fanbase quickly. Understandably Naofumi is very bitter with the experience, and so he buy a slave girl, Raphtalia, who he quickly treat as his companion. Premise aside, this is more or less about Naofumi prove that shield is not really worthless weapon whilst at the same time shown on how three other supposed superior weapon users prove their uselessness in the real life. Oh yes, the author already finished the web novel of this, although he deemed that version as non-canon and thus he decided to make the light novel version as canon. Manaria - It's the spin-off from mobile game Rage of Bahamut focusing on the dragon girl and the human princess, with both of them quickly prove they really love each other so much it almost resemble Izetta, or if I may say it bluntly it's more or less GL anime with half of the air time (Only 14 minutes per episode instead of usual 24 minutes). Gotoubun - Conveniently we just have PQube released two games based on this. In here we have Fuutaro who is hired to teach the quintuplet of beautiful girls that have bad grades, and he find out that one of the girls may be his crush from the past. While the mystery is quite interesting, obviously the author put too much homage to the mystery genre where the culprit usually got less focus on the beginning, and he apply that writing into Fuutarou's love interest causing some fans to not accept the canon choice (Especially when this is supposed to be romance story as well). Currently the author already write the new manga that also got the anime in this season, Loser Ranger. Endro - From what I see, it's about the parody of the RPG story with the heroes already finishing her journey and then attend the school with the former demon king as the teacher. It also has Yuru Yuri author as the artist, so at least you can watch it for the art. Promised Neverland - The author make the girl as the MC, which is unusual for Shounen Jump manga with male MC dominate their catalogue. The premise is quite interesting, with the MC must engage battle of wits against their caretaker in order to be avoided got eaten by the demon, and yes it's exactly as I saying because the children from the orphanage where the MC live are periodically sent off to be eaten by the demon. The author want this to be finished within two season, although obviously it's impossible to get satisfactory adaptation if we look on how much the material that was needed to be adapted. STPC - It's more like the new series instead of sequel or side-quel, unless Toei somehow think it would be nice to randomly make a new Precure as the continuation from one of their past Precure (They should already gave up that idea since 2009). For STPC, it's about Hikaru who want to find her alien friend, and soon enough she encounter one, Lala, with Lala was chased by the bad alien. Obviously Hikaru being the heroine receive the Precure power, and then fight against bad alien after gathering several other friends like usual Precure. Kaguya - According to the author, Kaguya is pretty much basic mainstream romance manga or something like that, although turned out it's one of successful work from the author. In here, we have both of Miyuki (Who is male for the info despite feminine sounding name) and Kaguya being in love with each other, although they prefer to treat it as battle of wits with each side waiting on who will eventually swooned by their feeling. Admittedly not the most bombastic premise, but at least the comedy make it work. While the series eventually depict heavier stories beside the main duo comical battle of wits, obviously the story is still not as heavy as the author's another successful work, Oshi no Ko. That's all for what I can write in regard of Winter 2019 anime.
  24. Patch will be done in like 9 to 10 days the only routes im not touching is miki and kasumi
  25. Dev Status! Summer and programmer! / Статус Разработки! Лето и кодер! Greetings everyone! Congratulations!! The summer has started! And with that we’ve come to you with greater stories for the night! First things first, we’d like to invite you once more to our Discord. You can always chat with us as well as get news happening “behind the scenes”. We’re going to have much more interesting stuff for everyone to check out like contests, showcases, and spicy stuff so don’t forget to join us. We’ve finally come to some interesting issues that we have to deal with. Our team would like you as a player to catch every single moment of action and experience the full range of emotions Project Genome has to offer. Thus, together with our cool programmer we’ve decided to create a system that allows us to be able to fully configure and construct the whole novel as well as adding and changing lots of the current features of the game. Such things always help in the long run especially with our grand future plans for the story and characters. We’ll be able to easily build action, drama, scenes as well as add interactive backgrounds and animations to every point of the game. Such an amazing thing! We’re praising our programmer for that every day. Also we’re still working on proper achievements. They appeared to be a much harder piece of work than we originally thought. Currently we’re thoroughly checking if the amount of time needed for certain achievements is aligned with the player experience we want you to have. We’ve launched the Steam page for Project Genome. Don’t forget to add us to your Wishlist and get rewards! Our socials: Patreon | Boosty | Subscribestar | Itch | Discord | YouTube | X (Twitter) | Instagram | VK | Telegram Yours truly, Fluffy Tail Studio —RUS— Приветствуем всех! Поздравляем!! Лето началось! И вот мы пришли к вам с замечательными историями на этот вечер! Прежде всего, мы хотели бы еще раз пригласить вас в наш Discord. Вы всегда можете пообщаться с нами в чате, а также узнать новости, которые происходят “за кулисами”. У нас будет еще много интересного для всех: конкурсы, шоукейсы и другие пикантные штучки, так что не забудьте присоединиться к нам. Наконец-то мы подошли к некоторым интересным вопросам, с которыми нам предстоит разобраться. Наша команда хотела бы, чтобы вы, как игрок, улавливали каждый момент происходящего и испытывали весь спектр эмоций, которые может предложить Project Genome. Таким образом, вместе с нашим крутым программистом мы решили создать систему, которая позволит нам полностью настраивать и конструировать всю новеллу, а также добавлять и изменять множество текущих функций игры. Такие вещи всегда помогают в долгосрочной перспективе, особенно с учетом наших грандиозных планов на будущее в отношении сюжета и персонажей. Мы сможем легко создавать экшн, драматические сцены, а также добавлять интерактивные фоны и анимацию к каждому этапу игры. Это потрясающая вещь! Мы каждый день хвалим нашего программиста за это. Кроме того, мы все еще работаем над качественными достижениями. Оказалось, что это гораздо более сложная работа, чем мы думали изначально. В настоящее время мы тщательно проверяем, соответствует ли количество времени, необходимое для определенных достижений, тому игровому опыту, который вы должны получить. Мы запустили страницу Project Genome в Steam. На забудьте добавить нас в Список Желаемого и получить награды! Наши соцсети: Patreon | Boosty | Subscribestar | Itch | Discord | YouTube | X (Twitter) | Instagram | VK | Telegram Искренне ваши, Fluffy Tail Studio
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