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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Confession: I burned a bible before. Am I going to hell now?

Confession: Whenever our local Mormons put hanging leaflets on our doorknob I crumple them up, spit on them, and throw them in the trash.  They're really starting to annoy me with how pushy they're getting.

No, you're going to hell when you die. 



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Confession: I burned a bible before. Am I going to hell now?

As I've stated before somewhere in this thread, I have the Bible, Qu'ran, Veda Texts, Prose and Poetic Eddas, a few Bhuddist Texts, Illiad, Odyssey, Theogony, and the Epic of Gilgamesh all lined up on the same shelf.  I'm still looking for good sources for Egyptian, Native American, Japanese, and Asian in general folk lore.  After that I need to collect European folk lore which is actually going to be a nightmare considering how many different myths they have is varied by fucking region.  I mean seriously, thanks Byron, you made my life a bit easier by somewhat consolidating that lore string, but also you complicated the fuck out of it at the same time.

I think I'll be going to a much deeper level of hell than you.  I wouldn't worry too much.

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Confession: I like my luck sometimes, I wasn't really quite prepared for the exam and then I find the teacher giving us a second time to take it instead of today which is on Saturday. 

Since when does any religion prevent eating shrimps? This is the first time I have heard about this. And isn't beef bacon an OK to almost all religions too? 

Welcome Back,Kosaki! The place feels dull without our lovable faggot <'3 

Confession: I am going to rant for a big while about my own insignificant problems in life so you are advised to avoid it if you don't wanna read a lot:

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I can actually relate to parts of this, and maybe there's something that this post could help with.... In the end, still it's me whining though, so take that into consideration- it's both a self-confession and a reply to you:

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btw, congrats Flutterz for that Reddit secret santa gift! I should do that when I become 18. 

Confession: I haven't been able to eat lunch with my group of friends at my school for the last few weeks (I've been doing that daily since I started HS). It's very depressing. I feel like I'm being separated from them, which is terrifying.

I have been playing too much hearthstone that HS doesn't translate as highschool to me anymore....

I have been trying to get some time to reply to you but arabic exam was too strong for me to ignore :( 

I actually expected kinda that you would mention somewhere there that we might have similar problems and I think I mentioned there somewhere before when you talked about how you might have let some awesome opportunities slip by which you can never get back. Something you said really piqued my interest " have you realized you've been the same, too harsh, to yourself?" cause that's something my parents have mentioned too which they just called it a potential redeeming factor. Why would I think I don't have an obligation to be happy? In fact , not being happy is a crime in itself, everyone has problems, living a life devoid of problems and full of success means that I should never be unhappy, that's a given. I never really gave it a second thought in my life , that was the conclusion I reached years ago when I was still a kid. Maybe that way of thinking has actually put pressure on me. There's nothing really I can do about me being excluded from my friend's circles. If anything, I can just hope this would change in college, I am not really the kind who would go hunting for friends because in the end I have become a different person to the degree that I doubt I can go back to being guy who's not arrogant and selfish. It has been like that for quite 4 years now.

My fights with my parents aren't really that bad since they actually are really cute :wafuu: . Like my parents are afraid because I have been staying up way too much during exams and I have been going there half-asleep , they are afraid I might fuck up at some point due to lack of concentration or worse I could just faint or collapse which did kinda happen once but only once. In fact, staying up late is not because of being studyaholic or playing a lot. It's just because if the exam is covering half of the curriculum, even if I have studied it all during the last few weeks, I would still revise it all by plain memorizing word by word. Ofc that would take time and I can understand how they are worried but I can't really change the way I study and feel comfortable. 

As for what I did to the guy , I am really disgusted by myself, I was the kind who would listen to problems and try to solve them but now I don't see any problems worth of attention as long as they are not future or health changing problems. There's this girl who comes at second place all the time after me, she's a really hard worker, she doesn't even have any side activities in her life, her whole life is dedicated to one thing, studying. This fact alone makes me disgusted because she can do what I can't do, that fact alone makes dealing with her sometimes unbearable for me. At times where by pure luck , she comes out in the first place, I become really annoyed and disgusted and feel like I have lost an important battle or something like that. 

I am not really a genius at academia either, I am just slightly better at memorizing and concentrating than other people, I also like doing things in full detail thou I wouldn't go as far to say I am a perfectionist. I don't like the idea of pms, just because I feel more guily as if I am annoying the other party, for some reason I don't feel that here. Inb4 gets banned for spamming. Thanks for complimenting my anyways , it makes me happy :D

Also happy birthday, Rains. Too lazy to go to birthday thread. May you have the best luck in maintaining your current job and relationship :D 

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Confession: I like my luck sometimes, I wasn't really quite prepared for the exam and then I find the teacher giving us a second time to take it instead of today which is on Saturday. 

Since when does any religion prevent eating shrimps? This is the first time I have heard about this. And isn't beef bacon an OK to almost all religions too? 

Welcome Back,Kosaki! The place feels dull without our lovable faggot <'3 

Confession: I am going to rant for a big while about my own insignificant problems in life so you are advised to avoid it if you don't wanna read a lot:

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I can actually relate to parts of this, and maybe there's something that this post could help with.... In the end, still it's me whining though, so take that into consideration- it's both a self-confession and a reply to you:

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btw, congrats Flutterz for that Reddit secret santa gift! I should do that when I become 18. 

Confession: I haven't been able to eat lunch with my group of friends at my school for the last few weeks (I've been doing that daily since I started HS). It's very depressing. I feel like I'm being separated from them, which is terrifying.


I have been trying to get some time to reply to you but arabic exam was too strong for me to ignore :( 

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I want you to realize you're contradicting yourself on some points. First off, you say that you stay up very late memorizing stuff word for word (to the point your parents worry you are overexerting yourself) yet you say that you aren't a studyholic or that you don't study much and merely have "better concentration and memorization skills". Is that not studying? Is that not trying hard? It is. I think this might tie in with your fear of college: Your current academic success is what your current work brings you. If college was truly harder and your grades dropped, you'd think that you were doomed to being utterly valueless due to being less successful because you actually are aware that you're trying to do your best. There might be more efficient ways to work, and healthier ways, but you're still working hard- you're belittling your own achievements. You equate your worth to your academic success, and you kill your own self-worth due to having problems despite making yourself feel like you have to be happy. It only follows that it means your academic efforts, the results of which being the sole thing that gives you meaning, must be insufficient and petty- because you feel like you're an insufficient and petty person. You're only outwardly arrogant or inconsiderate. Suffering exclusion and loneliness, anxiety about your future and yourself- that's some of the heaviest burdens a person can bear, yet you claim to have no problems. Deprecating yourself this far isn't arrogance. It's belittling yourself, and punishing yourself for not living up to your own ideal version of yourself. Your self-hatred reflects in your interpersonal relationships (I've experienced being unwillingly rude when people talk to me while I'm feeling bad about myself, I understand that horrendous feeling you had when you talked to that friend of yours like that). You belittle your own achievements, so you belittle the achievements of others. That makes you think you're arrogant. You belittle your own problems, so you belittle the problems of others. That makes you think you're inconsiderate. That girl you talk about, her success is an indirect attack to your academic success and therefore, you interpret it as an attack on your value. That's why her success aggravates you so much: Her being more successful means you aren't as successful, thus, aren't as valuable. I can bet that that girl, if she pays you any mind, is frustrated that you can do what she accomplishes academically with seemingly far less effort. That's not to say any of you are more righteous, neither of you are. I can understand your apprehension over studying, I can relate to that! However, do take into consideration that she views your (relatively) effortless victory as admirable to her as her studying skills are infuriating to you. Whatever you're doing, it causes admiration to someone you view as admirable due to doing something you are having great troubles with. Therefore, even your worst fears confirm that there's more to you than you think. Your fears fear you.

Your very own fears fear you. 

You claim you need to be happy. The truth is, you don't. You can't *need* to be happy. Yes, it's a good thing that you're aware of how good your economic and academic situation is- however, you are still unhappy. You're unhappy despite being so well off in some areas of life, but that DOES NOT mean you should think it a problem to "not be happy enough". It means your problems are so acute that you're perpetually depressed despite being aware of your current advantages in life. Your current status doesn't belittle your problems, your status amplifies them by being a way of emphasizing how greatly these problems stagger you. The moment one realizes they need to toughen up is when they find out they're overly sensitive to the depressing, difficult, unpleasant aspects of life. You are NOT being overly sensitive. You have problems big enough to be problematic regardless of anything else. 

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Since when does any religion prevent eating shrimps? This is the first time I have heard about this. And isn't beef bacon an OK to almost all religions too? 

I don't doubt that beef bacon exists, but as a uncultured American, I have never had any other type of bacon aside from pork and turkey. 

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Since when does any religion prevent eating shrimps? This is the first time I have heard about this. And isn't beef bacon an OK to almost all religions too? 

I don't doubt that beef bacon exists, but as a uncultured American, I have never had any other type of bacon aside from pork and turkey. 

Beef bacon, at least the closest thing which is called "pastırma" in Turkish, is pretty much a type of salty breakfast food (breakfast food as in a small part of it, like olives or tomatoes or something- Turks always eat pretty big and varied breakfasts). It's eaten raw (usually not cooked a la bacon), often with bread. Pretty spicy too. I fuckin' love it. 

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You might be right, I might be belittling my achievements, thou I don't really know how I can help myself even after I figure out such a thing and there's something weird And even if I realize how much pressure and stress I am putting on myself, I don't really know how to fix it. How am I going to solve these problems if I acknowledge them as problems... I doubt anything can really solve it other than time and being lucky. For example if we say that me being excluded would depress me, there's nothing I can do about it other than hoping that in college I would leave good first impressions and people wouldn't be such douchebags. As for working hard, I still don't view myself as working hard.... just because some people work harder , now that I think about it , my logic is so dumb but I can't really change it. Now for my parents, I don't think anything would change unless I stop being such a worry wart and go depending on my memory and stop the "Even if I had studied all this, I am still going to study it again before the exam by one day to make myself feel satisfied and safe". As for having someone I care about, I doubt such things come to you if you try to find them :D You say that my problems is belittling my own achievements and problems but what can I do after I approve of them? Nothing really would change.

Since when does any religion prevent eating shrimps? This is the first time I have heard about this. And isn't beef bacon an OK to almost all religions too? 

If I'm not wrong Jews don't eat shrimps.

Yeah you are right. Jews apparently don't eat shrimps... never knew that

Since when does any religion prevent eating shrimps? This is the first time I have heard about this. And isn't beef bacon an OK to almost all religions too? 

I don't doubt that beef bacon exists, but as a uncultured American, I have never had any other type of bacon aside from pork and turkey. 

Beef bacon, at least the closest thing which is called "pastırma" in Turkish, is pretty much a type of salty breakfast food (breakfast food as in a small part of it, like olives or tomatoes or something- Turks always eat pretty big and varied breakfasts). It's eaten raw (usually not cooked a la bacon), often with bread. Pretty spicy too. I fuckin' love it. 

Pastirma is cool, not really a big fan of it thou. Have u tried omelette with it? That's the most awesome meal to eat with Pastirma imo. 

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Confession: I always wonder what it would be like to have a gift exchange with people from other countries. I have no idea how it'll work though. I haven't received mail in the 17 years I've been alive, after all. And I mean mail that aren't bills.

You're 17 and have gotten bills? What gawd did you piss off?

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Pastirma is cool, not really a big fan of it thou. Have u tried omelette with it? That's the most awesome meal to eat with Pastirma imo. 

Feeling better about yourself will reduce your stress and it might improve your outlook on the world a little. It won't resolve everything but it'll help.

Cooked pastırma just isn't the same, it lacks that beautifully intense, spicy, garlicy flavor. 

Confession: I have absolutely zero interest in the new Star Wars movie (or the new trilogy at all, really), and as such having major plot points spoiled for me failed to elicit any emotional response.  I simply reported the troll for the benefit of others, and moved on. 

OT 4 lyfe.

Same here lol

I'll watch the original trilogy though because I'm going to TFA with a SW fan friend of mine after Christmas 

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Confession: I want to play russian roulette :Teeku:

Word of advice: use a NERF gun.

Confession: I have absolutely zero interest in the new Star Wars movie (or the new trilogy at all, really), and as such having major plot points spoiled for me failed to elicit any emotional response.  I simply reported the troll for the benefit of others, and moved on. 

OT 4 lyfe.


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Confession: I want to play russian roulette :Teeku:

Word of advice: use a NERF gun.

Confession: I have absolutely zero interest in the new Star Wars movie (or the new trilogy at all, really), and as such having major plot points spoiled for me failed to elicit any emotional response.  I simply reported the troll for the benefit of others, and moved on. 

OT 4 lyfe.


Understand that Zenophilious is part of said "Moderator" category. You can't really call it "good citizenship" when he's just doing his job.

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