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Posts posted by ittaku

  1. 54 minutes ago, Satsuki said:

    Being a translator myself, I have no problem with rewriting a sentence to make it sound more natural in the other language, as long as the meaning stays the same. In Fureraba, however, I found quite a few instances which the English sentences were different, sometimes completely, from the original in term of meaning or, how do I say this, the "feel" of them? Like, the sentence was supposed to be quite polite, but the English one sounded pretty rude and forceful. 

    Not to mention those very unnecessary translations of a simple yes/no/umm to a longass line of 5-6 words. They are not exactly bad, just, you know, unnecessary.

    About honorific, wasn't SolPress the one that "invented" the option that allow people to switch between with and without them? Why can't we just use that? I mean, I'm all for keeping the honorific, but obviously not everyone has the same opinion.

    And the thing about people being "ungrateful" toward translators, Idk what you mean, and not quite sure about your definition of "ungrateful", but taking in criticism is a really good way to improve your skill. Also, if you are doing a fan trans, then sure, since everyone is getting the patch for free, they just have to deal with it. However, when it's a commercial product and people are paying for it, then they have all the rights to demand the product to be worth their money. It's just common sense.


    One more small thing, please stop using imperial system in translation...............

    Ungrateful was with respect to fan translations. If you pay for something you have the right to get what you paid for, but the problem is there are so few translators they get worked too hard with too short a deadline and in that scenario it's not their fault if quality drops off. Solpress does indeed have the honorific toggle option - which means we have to do even more translation for the same (very low) fee by the way. I'd love to translate in English instead of American, but that's not up to me. As for changing units, I flatly refuse to do that.

  2. 2 hours ago, Infernoplex said:

    This is not really true. Even on this very forum, I've seen lots of criticism directed toward fantranslations. We even have people discouraging fanTLs here (and I can kinda share that sentiment sometimes, depending on who's doing the fanTL). You may have not experienced it with To Heart 2, but some other translators did get bashed pretty hard (and I approve of criticising translations when it's for good reasons, as I've said earlier in the post).

    That's true, and I find the posts difficult to read and cringe when I see them. Sure if a translation is an edited MTL or doesn't remotely resemble the original text then even for free you shouldn't be happy to get that, but outside of that... the debate shall continue forever on that front. Even the best pros make mistakes is all I can say (and I don't consider myself one of the best pros.) I understand how the armchair experts that have excellent Japanese skills feel when they see a bad translation, but just remember who it was that put the hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of their own time in for free for many people to enjoy some rendition of the original art form. The pool is very shallow to draw upon so you're not going to get translators that translate Murakami's works translating 2D porn for either free, or a few thousand measly sales at best.

  3. I should also point out that people have been very kind with my To Heart 2 translation as I've received almost no harsh criticism, so in that particular instance I did not find people hypercritical nor ungrateful (contrary to my own comment). It seems fair that audiences are more lenient towards amateur translations as the translators are doing it for absolutely nothing. Certainly very low accuracy translations should be unacceptable at any level (and I don't think we need to revisit what people consider poor accuracy) but complaining about stylistic choices means the translation itself is usually more than acceptable in its accuracy, dude.

  4. 18 hours ago, Infernoplex said:

    not sure about the third one, but with TBAC being the main TL for both Fureraba and Sankaku Renai, it's quite possible he may have used that style of swearing again...

    For what it's worth, when I spoke to TBAC, he said the copious swearing in Fureraba at least was the editor's choice. The style guide for solpress at least wouldn't have allowed it btw. Personally I found reading Fureraba quite funny.

  5. Just now, Infernoplex said:

    Try explaining this to people who don't believe me. When I say that, everybody looks at me like I said something impossible.

    The text is long and presents a lot of unique challenges, the artform is lowbrow, the pay is shitful, the deadlines are punishingly short, and some (not all) of the audience is hypercritical and ungrateful. If you were a half decent translator, of all the translation gigs in the world why would you do it unless you loved VNs? Additionally since the pay is so bad one can only earn a living off it by doing vast chunks of stuff they don't like at all. I know many translators that started out loving VNs and translating them has killed their love of them. Luckily I can afford to just do it for fun and will only work on VNs I find appealing in some way. Not everyone is so lucky.

  6. 7 hours ago, Formlose Gestalt said:

    Ok thanks for the clarification.

    I think it is kind of strange that Sol Press put a new  "newer and/or lesser experienced" translator on Nukitashi when it is arguably one of their bigger releases. For me it's probably my most wanted release out of Sol Press and Nukitashi has a lot of hype surrounding it and comedy/jokes are pretty hard to translate. Please don't take it as any kind of personal critique, I don't know how good your translations are and since I don't speak Japanese I am in no position to compare your work anyway, I find it just a little odd. (Also I don't know the work of ningen so it's not like I would have any preference.)

    I guess the amount of translators in the VN niche is just limited, due to the lower pay.


    In any case  I wish you good luck on your work and I am looking forward to Nukitashi!

    No, you're correct. Nukitashi is fucking hard to translate because of its puns and memes. I certainly feel like they've thrown me in the deep end. Ultimately the plan is for there to be more translators working on it though and not just myself partially because of the difficulty but additionally because it's quite big and they had planned for it to be completed sooner. You are right though - there are very few VN translators in general.

  7. Just now, Formlose Gestalt said:


    @ittaku is the translator for Nukitashi?

    That doesn't make much sense. Nukitashi was annouced last year while this initiative for new transltors only started in march.

    Sol Press said on twitter that ningen is the translator for Nukitashi while @Decay is the editor.


    I believe that plan fell through. I don't know the details but I was just asked to work on it and have been doing so for almost a month now.

  8. Fruits basket is already beautiful. I'm really looking forward to the rest of it.

    Mix by the maker of Cross Game and Touch I suspect is going to be an absolute masterpiece again like the two before it. Don't exclude it even if you hate sports anime or baseball.

    More Titan's going to be fun but hopefully the quality goes up after last half season which was all over the place.

    Did not get into OPM, so not interested (I know, unpopular opinion.)

    Everything else looks pretty meh to be honest. Will see if any gems pop up.


  9. Congratulations to 3D Kanojo, AKA Real Girl. I really didn't think you had it in you. With your overuse of tropes, lacklustre execution, and overreaching drama for the quality of your writing, I never expected you to make the grade to be put on this list, but you pulled through in the end with a cheesy happy ending that had me grinning from ear to ear so you get added.


    Bonus points for not a single hero nor heroine ending the story a virgin.

    The same can't be said for Price of Smiles; happy ending sorta kinda but overall you were really meh.

  10. Slime is an iyashikei hidden within an isekai, meaning it's actually a healing anime hidden within an another world anime.  It's a feel good show where there is no tension because you know there is basically no chance the protagonist is ever going to be at real risk. People kept telling me 'it gets darker later on' but the show is virtually over now and that didn't happen at all - at least for this season, and another season is likely. That said, it's still enjoyable in its own way as a result.

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