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Posts posted by ittaku

  1. Don't worry, apparently the DALIII previews were not the quality that will be getting broadcast (hopefully).)

    The stand out so far is 5-Toubun no Hanayome which is amazing in this world of lousy harem romcoms.

    The MC doesn't suck, the harem has 5 interesting girls, the comedy seems funny so far, and MOST importantly, they make it absolutely clear the MC chooses a girl by the end. Here's hoping they actually animate to the end (is the manga finished/ing?)


  2. On 30/12/2018 at 7:26 AM, Mr Poltroon said:

    Glad to hear Bloom Into You would not be my thing. Something about the first episode made me hesitate and nothing I've heard of the show since has lead me to regain interest.

    On the other hand, I've enjoyed Goblin Slayer. It has ultimately just been about slaying evil, without being all shounen about it. Fairly up my alley.

    The Bunny Senpai show started well enough with those first three episodes, and I've only heard good things since. However, at the time I felt the plot was being unnecessarily confusing, and given what I've seen some people mention, I'm starting to suspect the translation was to blame. I'm holding off on this to investigate further.

    The Slime anime is the greatest thing that has graced me in a while. And a whole 26 episodes of it, to boot! I am excited to see it continue. In my eyes, it is like all the other power fantasies where a nice guy does nice things, but I guess this one uses his head more and works with people more. It tends to be good at its core, which is great.

    Zombieland Saga had an hilarious start that really drew me in, but by episodes 3 and 4 started to turn into the idol show that it was meant to be. Unfortunately, I'm really averse to these for reasons I can't understand, which is weird, because I really like Shining Song Starnova. I fully intend on finishing this anime, but I can't quite muster the strength to do it all at once.

    There's this one about a magician in the modern world that's kind of about Colours, and I'm liking that. Magic in modern settings is always interesting to some degree. Also, I like stoic protagonists.

    Then there's Gakkou no Juliet which seemed like a fun comedy that immediately establishes the couple and avoids my immediate concern. Until the first new girl showed up. I stopped before that episode in fear of what was to come, and haven't restarted it since. I've also heard it doesn't go much of anywhere, but I think I'll still find out for myself.

    I also watched a single episode of that Vampire anime, and while amusing, I suspect it wouldn't be able to keep it up for too long.


    Bloom into you is really good. You're missing something if you don't watch it. I struggle with challenging shows and I wouldn't call it challenging.

    Bunny senpai remains solid to the end, though the first arc is undeniably the best.

    Gakkou no juliet loses a bit of steam along the way but is still a fun ride with its goofy couple.

    Irozuku world in colours is actually very good. It has a few slow moments during the show but it ends very strongly. I rated this the highest of the shows that finish this season.

    Vampire became boring as batshit.

    Index3 became even more confusing than any of the previous installments. One for people who have religiously watched all previous raildexes only, or read the LNs.

    Goblin Slayer is simple good vs evil fun in the end, though yeah disturbing.

    Slime is a bit of a gem. How to do a seriously OP character yet somehow entertain continuously.

    Akanesasu shoujo was meh cheap handheld game based fare.

    Anima Yall was mundane.

    Beelzebub was boring fluff

    Conception was the most amazingly bad piece of trash in a long time

    Hinomaru is predictable as fuck sport anime about sumo but still executed in a fun enough way that it's good clean entertainment

    Karakuri circus was a complete clusterfuck that fell to pieces only a few episode in and still has ages to go to execute even more clusterfuckery

    Imoimo is so bad the studio itself complained they felt like slaves. It's a hilariously badly executed and animated tropefest with zero value

    Release the spyce was actually great fun about kick arse girls

    SSSS grdiman was extremely popular because of Rikka's thighs but it was still entertaining as a weird take on the superhero thing

    SAO3 is actually the best SAO installment yet. Unfortunately you have to have watched the first two to make the most of it, but it's finally solid consistent entertainment.

    Tsurune was boring AF. Kyoani are making another formula driven but completely soulless show in this one

    Maid uzasugiru was kinda entertaining but creepy at the same time, and not in a good way

    Zombie land saga was good clean fun to the end.

    Himote house was the overlooked gem of the season. Terribly cheap 3d animation, almost no plot to talk about, but a bunch of adult woman sitting around saying hilarious things.

    Jingai san no yome takes the cake for the most bizarre anime of the year, though is strangely cute to watch


    Yes I watched most of these, though a lot of the dodgier ones I dropped a few episodes in.

  3. 31 minutes ago, adamstan said:

    I read it in May, and I'd say it holds up. For me it had painfully slow start, but it was just in the very beginning. Once it gained momentum, it was good. I was only disappointed by Namiki's side route - I liked her as character, but her route was pure fanservice.

    If you plan to replay it now, remember about sound fix:

    Also, running it in fullscreen mode with upscaling is neccessity, as in modern resolutions 640x480 window is so small, that reading becomes eye-straining.

    Well I play everything on linux so I'm used to "getting things to work" for VNs. I recently bought HdR and downloaded it because I felt guilty that I played it by sailing the high seas over a decade ago, and it's an absolute bargain. So the archive is sitting there waiting for me to see. I do recall an extremely long common route, but once you get that out of the way and save it you can go straight to each heroine's route. I think I'd only play Asumi's route through again: my first tsundere crush :P

    Izumi from Clover Day's is my all time favourite tsundere, but I need to do something in the future to bring that project back to life for people to play it in English.

  4. 37 minutes ago, adamstan said:

    Ah yeah, I liked Asumi too, but was a little afraid to mention it, as HdR seems to be even more divisive than Chisato's route from KoiChoco ;)

    I have a real soft spot for HdR. Not sure if it has aged well but it really hit a nerve when I played it when it first came out. I should replay it to see if it still works for me. I do remember hating all the epilogues though (especially Asumi's.)

  5. 6 hours ago, TexasDice said:

    Can't wait to get the bad ending first try because I'm too much of a coward to confess. Just like in real life. :badnicoman:

    If this is anything like sugar+spice (and it almost certainly is since it's an evolution of that series) confessing isn't always the best way to get a heroine, and sometimes isn't a way to get her at all. So there's bound to be at least one heroine you can get without a confession. Wimp.

  6. 1 minute ago, Hajun said:

    Hell no, I get headaches just by looking at these japanese runes.

    I've download VNR + ATLAS. I can at least understand what is happening:


    Picking one line that translates into something intelligible is hardly useful evidence of it working everywhere. I'd hazard a guess that only about 5% of lines come out that "good."

  7. 1 minute ago, Stormwolf said:

    It does kind of make the struggle the protagonist have with the heroine to help her deal with her problems pretty damn pointless though.

    Nonsense, it's just an alternate universe execution. If you prefer to have them all die around you instead, that's your prerogative but I certainly don't want that.

  8. Depends on how the other routes are written in the background. I prefer it if it's implied the other heroines have their issues solved/attended to in some other way. The one I'm currently translating does that. You see the other heroines you haven't chosen quietly get better, even if you have nothing to do with them. I much prefer this, but it's also the hallmark of many games that have no bad endings which is also something I prefer.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Thyndd said:

    Though I'll stand by the claim that no matter how mediocre a translator is, unnatural grammar in the target language is unacceptable. Every native speaker would be able to figure out whether something sounds awkward or not, and so should be the translator and make the corresponding tweaks.

    I don't disagree, but the grammar being natural sounding is the editor's job. As a translator myself, I can tell you when you're deep in the translation process you can write some funky shit whilst trying to convey the nuance that was in the original Japanese, even if English is your native language.  It then takes a fresh set of eyes to look at it and go WTF and fix it.

  10. 33 minutes ago, Thyndd said:

    I have some issues with the entries' descriptions that are making it really hard for me to place a vote.  I can understand why subtle nuances would be missed. In fact, besides the nuances loss that could be chalked up to the translator inexperience or lack of effort, there are some cases where it might be necessary or else it would unavoidably sound awkward (you have to keep in mind that things that are commonly said in a language are not in another one). However, if an English native speaker is translating the thing, I expect the English translation to sound natural. There is absolutely no excuse if it doesn't. It's just laziness (I mean, a fairly good reason, but a very poor excuse nonetheless :makina:).

    On the other hand, since I am not a native English speaker myself, I probably wouldn't pick up on every little detail anyway, so that should make my personal cut-off point somewhat more lenient. 

    I won't even take typos into the equation because that's not really a translation issue. The translation should be gone over by the editors to at the very least fix those minor issues. If it's not, well, it will certainly give the final product a very unprofessional vibe, but it's not like it affects the translation per se.

    So... I guess my bare minimum to be happy should be around a 5 in that list? But as I said I don't agree with every point. It's a 5, but the grammar should still sound natural, ffs. 

    There's no doubt that a better grading scale could be created, but the only way to do it justice properly is to split it up into multiple components, separating out translation, editing, production values etc. My list was simply created to try and combine all of those values into one grading scale, assuming that in general quality of other components tends to parallel that of the translation. I also stated in the opening post that there are always exceptions to this, but the main thing that I'm interested in is the actual translation component itself, but one cannot ignore that editing is part of that process!

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