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Posts posted by ittaku

  1. Just now, Plk_Lesiak said:
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    Well, it didn't seem to be a very faithful translation. :D My personal theory is that the translator was so sick of working on this creepy piece of crap that they decided to fuck it all go overboard like this. But either way, this is one line I was not expecting to to ever see on CR. :wahaha:


    Oh that steaming pile of shit. I dropped that on episode 1, but I just assumed they translated lolicon to paedophile.

  2. I played their previous offerings that this is based on, Sugar+Spice! 1 and 2. These were great fun stories/dating sims with wildly different girls. I didn't necessarily like all the heroines though, which in my eyes is a good thing since it means they had character. The "confession system" in the original was fun, along with the huge branching selection of choosing which scene to do with which heroine in order to get up enough goodwill towards you. I did find it frustrating though that you had to effectively play each heroine through about 3 times to get most of the scenes with them, and for some reason you could get further on replays with the same heroine as though there was memory of the goodwill accumulated through the last playthrough. Nonetheless you could just click on a previously watched scene and skip it entirely so it was pretty quick. I did like the option of being able to try and confess at any time - and confessing wasn't necessarily the best way to get a heroine to date you! I don't know how this confession system has evolved in this game but it looks to be much more mature.

  3. 22 minutes ago, Stormwolf said:
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    I dont really agree. Many people look for people who're similar to ones they love/loved. Instead of solely focusing about the fact that she looks the same and is just a replacement, they could have put focus on the fact that while they're similar, they are in fact 2 different girls. Protagonist had no spark with the main girl if i dont remember things wrongly, so the choice was obvious from my viewpoint.



    What the main character had for the heroine was respect in addition to being almost identical in personality to her. I think the respect was adequately portrayed and a powerful reason. It was the harder story to pull off and had other sentimental value that a new girl would not have ever had. It worked for me at least, but yeah I can understand why it wouldn't for others who would have just seen her tsun side. Her tsun side though was a cover for feeling that she should not be allowed to like him knowing that her sister loved him. It worked to explain why Kou liked Aoba, but Aoba herself was still hard to like as a viewer, especially during the middle third of the series. Even my wife often said "Aoba's hard to love."

    I've watched the series a dozen times so I've thought about this way too much :s

  4. 1 hour ago, Stormwolf said:
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    That series made me sad. Absolute best girl died in the beginning and while it did have a good ending, she just could never match up to her sister.:(



    I know, and even the second best girl - Akane - doesn't get chosen by the MC. Though for story telling Aoba is the correct choice.


  5. Currently playing Sara Sara Sasara https://vndb.org/v1361

    Usual fare from Atelier Kaguya Berkshire Yorkshire. Not too challenging story, lovely characters, consistently spread out H scenes that are plentiful. No bad endings.  All good clean(?) fun. So far I've finished 2 of the 3 heroines, saving the best for last, though maybe romancing the goddess may have been the best route. There's also the secret box which has extra H scenes for each heroine, though only one for each this time unlike Prima Stella. There's also a Prisara fandisk which has H scene crossovers from both Prima Stella and Sara which I'm looking forward to.

  6. 4 hours ago, Stormwolf said:

    That ending was not satisfying.

    A bit too much spoilering in your post for my liking. But I thought there was enough implied to


    say that they would definitely be forever together and not even time and space could draw them apart. That's a pretty conclusive ending even if they weren't adults and a couple in the final scene itself.


  7. On 29/10/2018 at 9:14 AM, Thyndd said:

    I started watching this new series that is currently airing, "Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl senpai no yume wo minai". I've watched the first 2 episodes and damn, this shit is good. I love the dynamics of the main couple so much. 

    Two more episodes to go until I catch up, and then I'll be sad waiting till next week.

    I am enjoying it but the whole monotone smart arse dialogue thing is getting a bit old in anime...

  8. I actually have a mechanism I use that decreases the censorship without any redrawing, but it's labour intensive. I should see what happens if I combine the two processes together to see if the results are any better...

    EDIT: I tried, and the two techniques fight each other and the outcome is worse. Oh well.

    Just for reference, here is my softened mosaic sample.


  9. 4 minutes ago, TexasDice said:

    As an amateur hobby editor, redrawer and shitposter, I feel like even a bad result from the program would be a better starting point for a redraw than the mosaic.

    That was entirely my point and why I think this is more than just fanciful wishful thinking and pipe dreams of software giving us dicks and pussies in place of blocks.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Emi said:

    I haven't tested the tool. but the neural network used have been used before and usually is pretty slow I believe?

    Nope. Admittedly my computer is high powered, but a single censored spot on that first example I gave took only 10 seconds. Even on a slow computer it wouldn't take more than a minute. The more censored spots the longer it takes. It took me about a minute personally to "green out" the mosaiced part so that wasn't a lot of work either. You can get these results in less than 5 minutes per CG then once you are familiar with it.

  11. Well, I wasn't really sure what subsection to put this in but anyway it's still relevant to visual novel talk. This software uses a neural network to recreate censored images. There have been previous similar posts from early versions of this software but it's now actually quite usable. See my post here on reddit:


    The long and the short of it is that considering it takes about 10 seconds, it can be used as a starting point for graphic editors to then make a more reasonable decensored image, while still preserving the bulk of the original artist's "impression." No it doesn't look great, but in the absence of original work from the companies, it can be used as the basis for another graphic artist to polish up a decensored version for a localised release.

    Here's the only sample I've tried it on, NSFW of course:


    Here're some that others have uploaded:



  12. Just now, Hetzer123 said:

    What do you mean Steam saw the light?

    They overturned their long-standing position on 18+ material recently and allow it, so a spate of recent VNs have been re-released on steam uncensored now. You have to  enable adult content in your search to find them but yes you can now buy uncensored eroge on steam.

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