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Posts posted by ittaku

  1. 1 hour ago, namiultedjapanXD said:

    Which of these would you recommend the most?

    What do you value most? They're all quite different in terms of their primary material. Is it romance? The MC? Other story line? Comedy? Drama? Fantasy? Battles? They all cover a range of things, but all have strong romance focus.

  2. After attempting to play Fruit of Grisaia and failing miserably, I've started playing the very light and fluffy moege offering from Purple Soft, Chronoclock, which many say is their least interesting game. Unsurprisingly I'm enjoying it 1000x more than Grisaia so far. It's easy to see what I play VNs for, and I should stick to what I know works...

  3. On 02/03/2019 at 12:05 AM, Fred the Barber said:

    Much like Mr. Tiag of Poltroon, the main thing I liked about Grisaia was the common route... in fact, that's so true that I only ever played one route (Sachi's, basically just because it was the first option), which I didn't like, and then I've never gone back to the game since. The common route comedy consistently delivered for me, and I laughed out loud a lot, but then when I actually saw a route, I just got nothing from the game anymore. I keep telling myself I'll go back and play more, because the girls were fun, but it's been a few years now, and it doesn't seem likely to happen at this point...

    Oh dear, someone with exactly the same experience as me then. Looks like it wasn't necessarily the fact it was a heavy drama novel after all responsible. It was the shift in tone and execution at fault. If you went in expecting nothing but drama (and enjoyed or preferred that) then it probably would have been fine. Looks like I'm relegated to only playing charage and moege for the rest of my life, and that doesn't bother me one bit. Might even be good news for people who want stuff like that translated that other translators are not interested in tackling, as I might.

  4. 1 hour ago, Mr Poltroon said:

    That's bound to happen. The main reason I like Grisaia is for the comedy, which not everyone likes. Whenever I think back to it I recall that the routes really weren't much fun most of the time. I rather feel like skipping a fair bit of them. But I'm all over the common route.

    For what it's worth, I did find the comedy amusing, chuckling out loud when it was there, but it was pretty rare and got rarer as the story went on. Perhaps that's why I survived the common route despite its absurd length; it was more slice-of-life and character development and less melodrama and tragedy.

  5. So after playing VNs for 20 years with heavy emphasis on moege and charage, I finally gave in and purchased Fruit of Grisaia after being told by so many people how good it is in terms of story, writing and how solid the localisation is. The first thing that struck me is the game is wordy... long.. I mean real fucking long. Huge passages are spent on exposition with lots of what the MC is thinking, his take on the world at large, plenty of backstory that continually fills in as you progress and how it fits in with the route as you're playing it. The writing is solid indeed and thought provoking. The heroines are all reasonably interesting, though after having played so many VNs, there was nothing new in their personalities I hadn't seen before. The localisation is indeed solid; on my rating it almost reaches a 9/10. The only reason I wouldn't give it a 9 is that I know enough Japanese to see certain less than ideal choices in translation though none of them are massive fails, and all nuance was captured, so it's easily an 8.5 (This is my localisation rating, not my rating for the game itself.)

    So I planned to start out with Makina's route since she was the least appealing heroine to me (I always go from least to most favourite heroine) but it took forever to get past the common route. It went on and on and on. I struggled to read much every night as it would make me sleepy after an hour or so of reading close to the end of the night. This was a bad sign for me. Anyway I soldiered on because of all its redeeming features and finally branched into Makina's route. I kept reading and reading and reading and waiting for that moment where it grabbed me and I simply couldn't let go of the story. 3/4 of the way through Makina's route, and many sleeps interrupting the story later, it never happened... I realised I'd lost the fight. I just didn't care about what was happening, found the endless tirade from the MC tiring to read, and didn't warm to anyone or anything. I starting mashing the ctrl key during the MC's thoughts, and then randomly through what looked less interesting. I got tired of the endless strategy scenes. Finally I gave up and mashed ctrl to the end of the route to at least see the end, which I didn't like. Since I liked the other girls much more, I then downloaded a full save game to check out the H scenes of the other heroines, some of which were pretty appealing, but not enough for me to wade through another trillion lines of story to get through, and I was mad at myself for paying money for a localisation that had not been decensored. The only thing I could think of by the end was the translator Koestl deserves a medal for translating so much fucking text, though if he actually enjoyed the game I could see how he managed to do it.

    Sorry guys, I failed. I'm still only interested in charage and moege with significant romance as the primary part of the story. I'm just too old to get excited by dark themes and bad shit happening to people. I lived through gen X and depressing us as teenagers was like shooting fish in a barrel. Most of us got over it. As a middle aged man I've seen more than my fair share of actual bad shit happen to people I love and care about, and I only want mild drama and then serious happy escapism as my reward.

  6. 57 minutes ago, Fred the Barber said:

    Me, I've been watching Kill La Kill recently, and I'm sorely disappointed in all the people who thought it was cool to hate on a fantastic show like this back in the day, since they managed to scare me away from watching it for a long time, until a friend asked me to watch it with him while he's rewatching it. We're currently a little over halfway through and both having a wonderful time with it. It's chock-full of exactly the right kind of insanity to push my buttons, from the premise to the plot to the execution. I definitely would not have enjoyed watching something this unapologetically horny a few years ago, and I can't help wondering if I wouldn't have been right there on the "eww" train with people, but today, I am absolutely here for the whole package Kill La Kill has to offer.

    Also worth mentioning is that Kill La Kill has literally the best subs I've ever seen (the official ones on crunchyroll). They are consistent, and consistently delightful, full of fun and spirit and a little edge of sauciness. I can't get enough of them. I dream of doing work this good.

    Hmm I seriously need to rewatch it. I haven't watched it since it first aired and don't remember much except it being insane and enjoying it.

  7. I watched Sukitte Ii Na yo - Say I love you. This was a little gem of a romance that somehow had flown under my radar till now. It was clearly shoujo romance which seems to always be more satisfying than anything written for boys. The latter half wasn't quite as good as the first half, with lots of convenient stereotypical resolutions to the various dramas but it was still a delight to watch and ultimately satisfying. 8/10

  8. 14 hours ago, Seraphim88 said:

    Shouldn't an AI be able to learn proper grammar, use of context and whatnot? It might not be on the table right now for everyday consumers, but I feel like it's something that could really revolutionize translation processes in the near future.

    Yes, but as a software engineer myself, I can tell you an AI capable of that is still decades away if not over a century...

  9. 56 minutes ago, kivandopulus said:

    1.  JUST LEARN JAPANESE ALREADY! The best variant, but requires either 2+ years of dedicated study with some study group or 5+ years of dedicated study alone, or eternity if you slack.

    2. Manual translation. Takes at least x10 times more to read any visual novel, making forget previous events with time and lose enthusiasm with such horrible pace. In theory should help learning Japanese. In practice makes you drowsy each 10 minutes resulting in never finishing anything without proper dedication.

    3. Machine neuro translation. Allows you to read whatever you want at a normal pace right away without big hit to the meaning provided you can put up with some broken grammar.

    There is no just one right answer. All people are different. First and second variants are suitable only for some 10% of people, others would get demotivated before finishing anything. I advocate for machine neuro translation only because it's available just as you set up your mind to try untranslated visual novels. You get to appreciate the media and then need to decide for yourself if you want to try more works this way first or start learning the language at this point. I also have selfish motives here as I'd like to see untranslated visual novels discussion bloom after all those dark decades for untranslated vns. For those who are 100% sure that reading machine neuro translations automatically makes you understand nothing, I only urge to try machine neuro translation and then read proper English translation. That will make you see for yourself whether there are myriads of hidden meanings lost in initial playthrough or it's the very same story.

    Yes there is just one right answer, and that answer is NOT machine anything translation if you don't know any Japanese.

  10. When one works too hard to ensure all routes are of equal length then one ends up padding certain routes with crap. On the other hand, all H scenes are the same so it's easy to give each heroine exactly the same number of scenes, but I'm quite happy with allowing a little flexibility with both.

  11. I exclusively play VNs on linux with wine. They often need something slightly different to get going and having different wineprefixes helps. Most of the problems are usually to do with those stupid mpeg1 videos most of them use. Very very rarely you simply cannot get it working with any combination of things under wine, and then I run it on a windows virtual machine under linux. The vast majority work though. If you need suggestions, just ask.

  12. OPM bored me stupid and I gave up without finishing the series. Again the author hates his protagonist so that even though he's more powerful than anyone and will never lose any battles, he gets treated like dirt continuously. That part of the joke really grates for me, and it's the major premise for its comedy.

  13. On 12/02/2019 at 8:10 AM, Plk_Lesiak said:

    On the other hand, I'm now more than half-way through A Place Further Than the Universe and it might be my first 10/10 rating. I mean, can you really do better with kind of slice-of-life/adventure anime? With how likeable and believable the characters are, how good and usually subtle the humour is, how genuine the drama feels... I definitely won't try to claim that it's the best anime ever, but in its own category it feels like pure excellence. At least, if it can keep up the quality until the end. I'll probably finish it around the weekend, as I have some more-urgent things in the next few days and this series deserves taking your time and paying proper attention to it.

    It's a brilliant series, but save a box of tissues for later on...

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