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What Fuwanovel Means to Me (Yay, 2000 posts!)


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I believe it is customary to write tl;dr posts upon reaching certain post count milestones. Since I actually managed to remember this one before passing it, it's time for me to do that as well, methinks. Well, somehow... I mean, I'm not sure what to write here.

Oh yeah, I know what to do! I'll increase the font size, since this post is Very Important. I won't go full Rooke though, don't worry.

...Alright, about me and Fuwanovel.

Fuwanovel didn't save me from depression or whatever, and to be honest, I could probably have done without y'all. Hell, I remember reading Higurashi for too long disturbing my sleep, causing real problems for my sleep schedule... maybe if I hadn't done that, I could maybe have done better in uni sometimes? Well, probably not, but still, it's not like the pleasure of VNs hasn't been without consequences.

Admittedly, I might well have continued to read VNs even without a community. Maybe I'd even have read more of them, since I'm kind of too busy talking about them to read them these days. We need a word for that... though admittedly I've moved past that phase now and into the fully matured non-VN-reading-VN-reader who mostly interacts with the community around them rather than actually talking about visual novels.

But hey, I have to admit you've provided me with some of the best community moments I've had on the 'nets so far. Old IRC and Steve's TS3, shitting on Run, some occasional moments when Run's TS3 wasn't shitting on Run and still was fun... the fuwaskype isn't bad either. I mean, I even got to take a level in 中二 thanks to ボコ茶 (and North, you get a special mention for inspiring the name - I'll even refrain from calling you by a certain other name, just this once. I will nom your cookies forever~).

Please note that only two people got a special mention and that you should not treat the lack of such mentions as a sign of lack of affection. Because it amuses me, I shall yet again extend the offer to PM me asking for my honest opinion of you, which I will then provide. I reserve the right to not do this for people who easily get upset, though~

...My blog and social media work takes up like five hours a week, maybe even eight - my counselor was visibly shaken when I told her, after having spoken about just how damn hard I find it to do any kind of "work". I suppose it's a pretty nice substitute for actually doing some progress IRL. Of course, it might also have kept me from doing those IRL things, so quite possible it may have had a negative impact in a way :P

It's also very possible I'd just be spending my time half-heartedly playing DotA2 or something instead.

Basically I'm honestly not sure if I should be thanking any of you for anything, though I have to admit I kind of instinctively feel like this all hasn't been too bad. I'm sure you've done something unambiguously positive...

...Oh yeah, come to think of it you /did/ introduce me to Osu. That's actually pretty nice, it's a great game because each play takes a low amount of time, so you can quit any time. It's also really hard to put down, which negates all these advantages. Oh well.

Anyway, what I want to say here is you totally ruined my life and I love you for it. With many hugs and kisses, and optional tentacles, from yours truly -

変態魔法猫 Zakamutt.

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Since you posted that picture I'll seize the opportunity and post the superior version that I was aching to post somewhere. Alas the first third of the superior version has been lost.






Disclaimer: credit goes to Nosebleed for the creation of those pictures and Run for the original (kekeke) idea

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Since you posted that picture I'll seize the opportunity and post the superior version that I was aching to post somewhere. Alas the first third of the superior version has been lost.






Disclaimer: credit goes to Nosebleed for the creation of those pictures and Run for the original (kekeke) idea

Oh, damn. I was going to write a meaningful reply to this topic, but commenting on this is far more important. Maybe I should go in TS from time to time.


...Amazing. Mind-blown. All of fuwa's secrets have been unraveled (except the biggest one related to the Australian government)

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Just use the remove formatting thing in the text editor when copy pastaing, Brooke :D <- wow phone autocorrect



But if I did that I wouldn’t annoy NEARLY as many people. So I'll call your suggestion the “less fun” option and promise to never use it ;)


Thank you for the new nickname, I'll treasure it always...


 All of fuwa's secrets have been unraveled (except the biggest one related to the Australian government)


Heh, fear our country.

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Nice post Zaka. :)


I will say this place is far kinder than many other Vn havens. I always have to remind myself to remove my claws before entering. But that friendlier atmosphere is a good thing.


And don't fret, you may feel that time might be used better - but it could also be used far worse, imho. <3

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I thought only coders liked Notepad++?

Well, I have to admit that this is partly true... I know shcboomer uses it, but he's also pursuing something computer science-y. I myself was a CS student as well... but! The program is damn useful for quickly typing stuff up. It's fast (got Word and its ilk open slow), and those tabs are very handy when you tend to have fifteen or so random snippets around.

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Glad to know that VNs and Fuwanovel ruined saved your life like for so many of us. I hope my negligible presence on the forums made you more miserable happy. 


By the way, can I gain access to the Secret rave part for non peasants? Or born a peasant always a peasant.

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Welcome to the forums, Zakamutt!

Believe it or not, this one isn't actually in the introduction forum unlike my last one~


Blunt and honest, as expected of zkaa. Pretty good read, happy to have ya

<3. Tiago's probably better than me at this, though...


Heh, I was just thinking earlier about how if you had made one more post before posting in Batman's contest thread your 2000th post would have been "please be gentle my ass is still hurting from last time".

I think I may have missed an opportunity here.



Just sayin'


Anyway nice read.

What wow


Is nice to know more about you,  Zakamutt-san


Nice post :D

Thank you~


Glad to know that VNs and Fuwanovel ruined saved your life like for so many of us. I hope my negligible presence on the forums made you more miserable happy.

By the way, can I gain access to the Secret rave part for non peasants? Or born a peasant always a peasant.

You gotta infiltrate the halls of power, man. I suggest spending inordinate amounts of time on the forums acquiring a good rep, hanging with the mods in ts3, then murdering one of the current global mods and applying as Tay tries to find a replacement.


That said the illuminati might be more powerful at the moment, so just leading a FuwaProject might be a better idea.

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Because at heart, we all have a penis. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Raise your dongers! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ


But seriously, those Cocoro@Function! stream pictures bring back so many memories.

It's still not pink.


Dear Zaka.


It's not like I think you're a good writer and I actually enjoy reading your stuff and look forward to Fuwa's continued success...b-baka!




I hate you, and you mean nothing to me. You're not cute or fun to talk to in any way either.




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My mobile device had such a hard time properly quoting your post that it crashed and my reply with it. Enraged, all I'll give you is an "Acknowledged" instead.

Let it be known that I acknowledge the man one post above yours, and do not in any way acknowledge you, impostor.

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