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Virus Shoujo: Ebola-chan the Visual Novel


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Yep... It's exactly what the title says. I have nothing to explain here I believe.


An indiegogo page was opened for a visual novel based around Ebola-chan

You can donate here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/uirusu-shoujo-ebola-chan-the-visual-novel


Official website (Demo available in it): http://ebolachan.org/


VNDB page: https://vndb.org/v16280


Is this going too far?

Is there anything in this world that doesn't have a visual novel?

Is everyone just deciding to try and make a couple bucks by writing a visual novel nowadays?


PS: Please don't bring out a moral discussion about Ebola-chan, we already had that once and that is not what this thread is meant for.



Personally I'm not sure what to think, I'm downloading the demo right now to see how dumb it actually is (or maybe it's actually really good, which I wouldn't mind if it were), I'll post some more impressions after.


What shocked me was the fact that they intend to make this game an eroge/nukige. (Is this even allowed on indiegogo?)

I'm really not sure what to expect, but at the same time I'm still curious, does this make me a person with bad taste?


I do think that trying to raise money for this is a little sketchy, but when even potato salad can get funded online I kind of don't care anymore either way.


Well, on to waiting for the demo to finish downloading.

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Huh. I think Ebola-chan is just a bad joke (not really because of any moral issue- it's just a shock joke without any shock value), and definitely not worth investing anything into... But if you like it, go ahead. Who knows. Maybe their writing skill will make this the next Katawa Shoujo. Or maybe the virus girls are what made the katawa girls disabled. We will never know, unless it gets funded. 

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I was one of those who thought the entire thing was tasteless in the other topic, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't download the demo to revel in the absurdity.

I don't know if I'd actually put the time it might require to play through a full release of the game though.

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So I finished the demo.


Honestly, I have to admit, I'm actually surprised at the writing level this had. For something that looks like a total joke, and even using some otaku vocabulary, the game was quite bearable to say the least.


The plot is a little weird as expected, but it wasn't fully explained either so who knows, it might get interesting.

Essentially the protagonist (named Chungus) is a pharmacist who has a really twisted sense of humor and seems to have psycopath tendencies, he then gets visited by the God of Entropy who tells him his daughters have been waiting and some pseudo-deep stuff. Then he gets magically teleported into a house/dorm with Ebola-chan, Eidzu-chan (AIDS)  and Sars-chan (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and he is now a highschool boy. So already you can expect the highschool setting scenario, but who didn't expect it anyway?

In school you can meet a couple other characters although only one is formally introduced, that one being Rabies-chan. You also get intros on the characters you encountered at home who didn't introduce themselves at the time.

After you meet these characters and come back home from school the demo ends.


The characters are all modeled around the diseases they're based off, particularly their hair.


Characters in the demo and the ones who seem like could be heroines:


Stereotypical genki girl, childish attitude and speaks in the third person.



Likes to read lewd things, seems to like hanging around with cute guys too



Has some affection towards Ebola-chan, kind of like a doting parent or sibling, seems like she could be a tsundere as she doesn't like the protagonist a lot.



Inumimi character, nothing stood out a lot in the demo so I can't judge further.


Some problems with the demo:

There is no sound, ever. Please put some in-game sound.

There's no CGs, they clearly used already made fanart for Ebola-chan because when they used their own sprites the difference was abismal so you can kind of understand why they'd need funds.


So yeah, I was actually somewhat surprised by the fact this wasn't a complete trainwreck and I'd genuinely try the full version if they ever do release it.


That's all from me.

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I really enjoyed that initial vn style video. Not sure if I have time to check the demo out though consider what I could be doing with my time...


...now what surprises me most is that they actually didn't use #lolflexiblefunding on indiegogo since that seems to be what every stupid vn project on indiegogo does. If nothing else respect for that, lol.

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Honestly, they seem to have put some amount of effort into this and i do legitimately believe they can make some decent quality art if they get funded (decent as in your eyes won't burn at least).

I mean these menus look pretty cool:






The only thing they're lacking is decent quality sprites, CGs and background music (although the menu has a soundtrack which is not that bad)

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Q: Is this going too far?


A: If you mean in sense are OEVNs going to far.... well they gone too far a long time ego, somewhere between pigeons and fruits dating VNs.


If you mean is thing with Ebola-chan going to far then not really, it's not such a big deal.


Q: Is there anything in this world that doesn't have a visual novel?


A: I don't know, at this point I would be surprised if the answer was yes.


Q: Is everyone just deciding to try and make a couple bucks by writing a visual novel nowadays?


A: It seems so, yes.


Well if it wasn't Nukige I might give it a try, this way no I am just not interested in nukiges.




Yes, it is going too far.  There are some things you just shouldn't joke about and deadly plagues that are occurring as the joke is made are one of them.


Who are you and what did you do with our Clephes!?

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I don't know.

I don't know what to think.

I always thought Ebola-chan was cute, but it was rather offensive to those that have contacted the disease.

It's kind of mean to the Africans, y'know?

But heck, if people like it, then there's no stopping it, right?


Anyway, as Clephas had said, I wouldn't want this to be released right now when the disease is plaguing the world. It's just wrong. It'll also raise a lot of fuss with moralfags, potentially endangering the communities related to it.


I wouldn't say it's tasteless though, given that their goal is black comedy.


GG 4-chan anons, you're going to make a name for yourselves again.

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Hmmm, it is indeed... An irony to see just how different the world we inhabit is, and how different its people are.


Back in my hometown, here, my relatives are wondering what should they do, should they run for it? Ask for foreign doctors? Even the foreign doctors hesitate to come into an Ebola infected country, and I can't say I blame 'em.


Then I come to the internet... And find this. Like... Where do I even start...? I suppose they won't even hesitate to make an anime out of this either? Yeah, go ahead guys. Its not like I was expecting to find humanity... in the internet.


Reality is indeed, ironing.

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Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with the internet and its seemingly endless cynism and apathy toward something as serious as an ongoing murderous plague.


There's no way I'm ever touching this shit, even though it seems like it will somehow get funded.

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