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About the ending of Mass Effect 2... Apparently I've made a grave misunderstanding. (ME2 and ME1 spoilers)


I thought the Reapers at the end were improvised human battleships since I saved the base, but they were indeed actual Reapers OH MY FUCKING SHIT

Also, apparently there's this mercenary dude who I had NO IDEA about, Zaeed or something. Is he DLC, like Kasumi (whoever she is) or was I supposed to be able to recruit him?

Also apparently Cerberus is the villain in ME3 and I think I've made the wrong call once again at the end, after the final battle has been fought. In ME1 I let the Council die and in ME2 I saved the base, and I think both will have the opposite effect I'd intended.

The aliens hate humans now because we seized power and what I decided at the end of ME2 probably means that now CERBERUS will seize power.


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About the ending of Mass Effect 2... Apparently I've made a grave misunderstanding. (ME2 and ME1 spoilers)


I thought the Reapers at the end were improvised human battleships since I saved the base, but they were indeed actual Reapers OH MY FUCKING SHIT

Also, apparently there's this mercenary dude who I had NO IDEA about, Zaeed or something. Is he DLC, like Kasumi (whoever she is) or was I supposed to be able to recruit him?

Also apparently Cerberus is the villain in ME3 and I think I've made the wrong call once again at the end, after the final battle has been fought. In ME1 I let the Council die and in ME2 I saved the base, and I think both will have the opposite effect I'd intended.

The aliens hate humans now because we seized power and what I decided at the end of ME2 probably means that now CERBERUS will seize power.



Small spoiler for ME3

Basically the ending of ME2 only changes very little dialogue in ME3. Kind of disappointing really.

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Beat the Hanzo storyline last night in Shinovi Versus...it was not very good.

For starters it's basically a rehash of the last game's storyline except there are two teams to fight but this storyline is a weaker version of it. The new characters in this story have no depth at all, no interaction with Asuka and co. outside of their fighting, and much of the story contradicts with the Gessen story mode while in the original game while there were differences the two stories didn't flat out contradict each other.

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Beat the Hanzo storyline last night in Shinovi Versus...it was not very good.

For starters it's basically a rehash of the last game's storyline except there are two teams to fight but this storyline is a weaker version of it. The new characters in this story have no depth at all, no interaction with Asuka and co. outside of their fighting, and much of the story contradicts with the Gessen story mode while in the original game while there were differences the two stories didn't flat out contradict each other.

The only good parts were in the third chapter when Homura and co. showed up as their interactions with Asuka and co. were enjoyable and Ikaruga's part of the first chapter.

All in all I recommend playing the Hanzo storyline first just to get it out of the way and if you play it after Gessen you will be disappointed at least.


On the other hand I've played up to chapter 4 of Homura and co.'s story...and my God has it made up for the Hanzo story mode (and more) as this is the most entertaining of the story modes so far. The best example for why can be seen in Hikage who may now be the funniest character in the series.

Getting to it soon.  I'm pretty sure everyone just plays these for the Hebijo.

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Super Mario 3D World is way more fun than I expected. World 3-2 I keep dieing on and its pissing me off.


Super Metroid I restarted because I got lost... I love Metroid now though.


Then my typical MOBA's that I love so much. Ashamed to say it but I am trying out Wizard 101.

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Trying to get back into Final Fantasy XIV again after not playing for 1,5 years, having to buy a new account. Just quit WoW again after playing the last patch of Pandaria and reaching lvl 100 in Warlords of Draenor.

As for single player RPGs... I play a bit of whatever whenever I feel like it, so this results in me being

- almost finished with FFIX for the first time

- also in phase 2 of Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia, doing Aurica endings first. 

- casually playing .hack//infection first playthrough, planning to just play all .hack//games eventually

- playing the Drakengard series, because why not

- playing the first part of FFIII (steam ver.)

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Finished Gravity Rush.


I'm currently replaying Dead Space 1 on PC (hard difficulty with lights off) and after that I'll either start Alien: Isolation or Planescape: Torment. On the Vita, I'm going to finish Uncharted soon, then I'll focus on Tearaway.


In my later plans, I'm going to play Mass Effect 3, and I'll replay Dead Space 2 and 3 as well. 

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