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Blog Comments posted by Zakamutt

  1. > a teenager crumbling under pressure from her toxic and demanding family
    I feel like this is a poor description because it misses the class aspect of Lynne I thought was somewhat obvious (and calling her family toxic feels overly reductive). It feels clear to me that she's written to be lower class and part of her struggle is dealing with a sense of low worth that brings (cf. her comparisons to Lynne), apart from her generally grimy (in all senses) surroundings.

    anyway I guess maybe I'll read this ge later if I can acquire it, idk tho

  2. Things need to be significantly better than that to be worth reading imo. I really think there wasn't close to enough time to get attached to the characters; like an extremely obvious point is where we get a three-box or something description of going to the market rather than an actual scene. Moege might have their excesses but SoL exists for a reason; ultimately i did not give a shit about the characters in Taarradhin, and everything kind of falls flat at that point... not to mention that, as I said, the wrong character is developed for the developments to make any sense in a story crafting sense.

  3. Whoa I played some of these.

    Myra's magical mishap:
    Shallow, choice heavy EVN; this is p much the epitome of why I don't like the typical EVN. I think I got 1 or 2 endings then dropped it. Not worth your time. Or at least that's what I remember, I do know I dropped it early but not much else.

    It could have been p decent, but the structural planning was utterly terrible. First of all, it invests you in a character (though not that well, especially with all the "time passes" that are obvious sacrifices to the nanoreno deadline), then decides to play a card that requires you to care about the character it HASN'T invested you in to matter. Then you have to get the same thing but opposite so you don't get the surprise effect and it's again a chore. I really like true ends and I guess I'll forgive the hashtag woke section in it despite it being very obvious, but idk it can't really fix the rest of the VN. I recommend this for EVN devs to study due to its wasted potential and terrible structure, and to nobody else.

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