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I'm finally watching the Elfen Lied Anime, even though I read the manga a few years ago. Somehow, it's not as good as I remember...

nostalgia clouds the mind. :holo:


Now what happend to only watching one or two episode of fate zero?

Why am i suddenly finding myself watching 5 or 6 episodes a day?

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nostalgia clouds the mind. :holo:


Now what happend to only watching one or two episode of fate zero?

Why am i suddenly finding myself watching 5 or 6 episodes a day?

Because it takes 5-6 episodes for,something significant to happen :Kappa:

I have the unpopular opinion that Faze/Zero is mindnumbingly boring

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Railgun S. I went Index -> 9 then Railgun S -> 16(Finished Sisters arc) then Index 10-15 (Index's ver. of Sisters) and now it's break time. The rest of Railgun S is 'filler' so I may just leave it and continue Index so I can have some Mikoto to come back to later ^^

Uhh what can I say... it was really, really enjoyable :P



The first 9 episodes of Index were.... helpful in establishing Touma's character as an overpowered idealistic saint so I was able to accept his righteous last stand against Mikoto in Railgun S & overall appreciate his meddling in her affairs more (otherwise I would still have the whole 'WHO THE FK IS THIS GUY' stigma if I just watched Railgun only >.>)


Also was nice to know little Index details like Touma's current state of mind (hehe vague wording cuz I'm too lazy to spoiler tag), and what happened to the Tree Diagram.


Still would've preferred Mikoto to just ask her friends for help, but nope Touma was the one to solve the problem in Index so he must solve it here too :D:D:D fk Touma



Random comments:

MISAKA was soo fun. For some reason I also had Mikoto's fears of a clone-replacing-original type of conflict but that fabled first encounter between the two was golden







Friggen' LOVE MISAKA  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:

Sigh. But loving a character means watching them die multiple times is quite the torture. I treated every one of them as individuals even though they were all connected via the MISAKA network and man, MISAKA 10031's death by blood flow reversal was by far the WORST death ;-;









As much as that scene traumatized me, it was done beautifully in S compared to Index obviously because it was shown in Mikoto's perspective, magnifying its impact dramatically (for me).


RIP MISAKA 10031 ;-;

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Hahahaha, thats because every time there is a magic arc you get introduced to new characters, where in the science side you see the repeat characters far more often causing a buildup of bias in who you like. I firmly believe this, because the people who I've talked to who have read the novels have little issues with the magic side.

Hehehe, spot on. Episode 19 of Index and already we get Accelerator back and OMG!@# MISAKA 20001 / Last Order <3 


Also, you might as well finish railgun anime, even if it's "filler", its written to in universe laws and plays off the concepts written about in the books (even if they only get explained later on chronologically).

Wasn't stalling it because it was filler, but rather cuz I don't want Mikoto's perspective of the story to end yet >.> so I'm planning on doing Index S1+S2 and then finishing off Railgun S with a good ol' dosage of Saten-san baseball batting robots (ty for spoiler NB  -_-)

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All these talk about Railgun S.


Frenda is best girl. Fite me m8s.


Now then, still watching Kimi ni Todoke S2.




And oh. My version had a broadcast of the earthquake in Japan last 2011. Which is why I need to download Episode 10 again.

Whelp. That sucks. Great scene, but the grim reminder of the tragedy struck Sawako's face.

With that in the way, I couldn't feel the whole thing.

Since it's funny if the person talking has a map on their face.

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just finished fate/zero, a fantasic ride.


But nomatter what i still cant stand that scene with sakura.


As for matou zouken

that about sums my feelings up of that guy.


Still sad he only dies a miserable death in one route of fate/stay night.

fate really needed a fourth route wich leads to the situation in hollow atraxia, which in my eyes is the best:

Sakura saved and still having powers,
Matou's dead as a doornail and rider alive (for some reason i really like her, to me she is more or less equal to saber)

granted haven't read the whole of hollow atraxia yet, infact never started it after i ran trough a partial patch for it.


Now onto Isekai no seikishi to wash away the slight depression i got from the ending offate zero.

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just finished fate/zero, a fantasic ride.


But nomatter what i still cant stand that scene with sakura.


As for matou zouken

that about sums my feelings up of that guy.


Still sad he only dies a miserable death in one route of fate/stay night.

fate really needed a fourth route wich leads to the situation in hollow atraxia, which in my eyes is the best:

Sakura saved and still having powers,

Matou's dead as a doornail and rider alive (for some reason i really like her, to me she is more or less equal to saber)

granted haven't read the whole of hollow atraxia yet, infact never started it after i ran trough a partial patch for it.


Now onto Isekai no seikishi to wash away the slight depression i got from the ending offate zero.


Actually zouken isn´t dead in f/ha. There were two scenes were he was mentioned if I remember right. Based on what Sakura said he is slowly becoming a senile old man though, so I guess it is still fine


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