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And then you have to edit your quotes for spoilers as well.

I didn't really think I had spoiled anything other than "something happened, hope it gets resolved" kind of thing but I put it in a spoiler nonetheless.

I'm dumb :P


But yeah, thats somewhat of a spoiler for those unaware of Sengoku Nadeko's situation this season. 

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She's my second favorite even after turning Yandere. I know she won't die.

There's only 2 episodes left until the series is over. I'm gonna guess she just goes back to normal in the next episode after Kaiki talks it over with her.

And I guess you need to edit your post again for spoilers since you quoted me.


Anyways back on topic, just finished Highschool DxD New. Dat willpower of his...


In other news, I've finally started watching Death Note. I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would.

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My lady and I have our fingers crossed that the person Kirito is meeting with is

Kikuoka and they're going to announce the adaptation of GGO into an anime squeeeeeee

I believe its the revised version of SAO being animated. Much like FMA: Brotherhood in a way. After the SAO extra edition, there may be GGO. Honestly, I'd like to see what 2014's hit anime is going to be lol.

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Need to check out monogatari season 2, is it as good as bake and nise? Yandere Nadeko seems promising.

Imo it is indeed as good as Bake and Nise. It's almost finished airing so you'll be able to marathon it soon if you so wished. I do remember someone mentioning that they skipped an arc (Koimonogatari if I'm not mistaken) and that its going to get its own release like how Nekomonogatari: Kuro got one so look forward to that.


Death Note (Just finished episode 19):

God damn, I miss Light when he still had knowledge of the Death Note. Also glad to see that I dislike Misa just as much as most people seem to

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Need to check out monogatari season 2, is it as good as bake and nise? Yandere Nadeko seems promising.

I'd say it's pretty good though the concept changes a bit from Nisemonogatari and Bakemonogatari. There's a lot of storytelling and much more dialog than action as opposed to Bake and Nise. However it's still nice to see it all unfold and honestly the stories aren't boring either, i was entertained by every episode.


Finally finished Gintama the first season.

All those 201 episode were amazing. I laughed and i cried (Literally). I understand why this series is so popular and well rated. Defenitely a 10/10 for me and I'm not fanboying even, it competely won be over.

Moving on to season 2! Finally going from 4:3 to 16:9 ~

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Seikon No Qwaser finished the first season moving to second one. It's a little bit too ecchi for my taste but if we overlook that it's a great anime with great characters and interesting story. Also it's one of thouse rare anime that acctualy has very great protagonist.

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Just finished Death Note and its been one hell of a ride.


I'm disappointed at the ending, simply because Near doesn't die. I was fine with Light getting caught and eventually killed but would have much rather preferred Near dying as well. There's also the issue of the Death Note that Misa buried awhile ago that hasn't been "resolved" yet unless I'm forgetting something obvious from the story.


Not sure what I'm going to watch now but I think I'll go with Servant x Service or some other light hearted anime while still trying to finish reading LB to watch the anime.

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Just finished Death Note and its been one hell of a ride.


I'm disappointed at the ending, simply because Near doesn't die. I was fine with Light getting caught and eventually killed but would have much rather preferred Near dying as well. There's also the issue of the Death Note that Misa buried awhile ago that hasn't been "resolved" yet unless I'm forgetting something obvious from the story.


Not sure what I'm going to watch now but I think I'll go with Servant x Service or some other light hearted anime while still trying to finish reading LB to watch the anime.


I personally enjoyed the first half of Death Note much more than the second, though it was still quite good overall. 



I would have been much happier if L had won rather than Near. Near was just the convenient replacement for L rather than a legitimately interesting character. I didn't care if Light won or not, but it should have been L that beat him.


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Re-watching Smile Precure. Ultra happy. Really.

Heartcatch might definitely be the best Precure overall, but Smile just redefines heartwarming and attaching.

I've been meaning to start the Precure series since a lot of people say it's a must watch.

But there's so many spin offs and alt versions i have no clue what's good and what's not and where should I even start.

Do you happen to have a suggestion on how i should get into the precure series? I was going to start with DokiDoki Precure but i have no clue if this is right or wrong.


Meanwhile, starting Shugo Chara

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But there's so many spin offs and alt versions i have no clue what's good and what's not and where should I even start.

Do you happen to have a suggestion on how i should get into the precure series? I was going to start with DokiDoki Precure but i have no clue if this is right or wrong.


If you want to get into Precure, I usually advise starting with Futari wa Precure. Although the artistic direction is getting a bit old, it's the first one, it's good, and there's no other series that's more "Precure" in spirit than this one. It's also the less "girly" one, it's easier to start if you're not ready for really pink&heart kids-aimed magical-girl.

Another possibility is Heartcatch. It has the best direction, the best writing, excellent animation, fights and characters.


If you're lost in the amount of titles, here's to be quick:


All the series are independent from each others, except for Futari wa: Max Heart, which is a mediocre follow-up to Futari wa, and Yes 5! Gogo, which is a follow up to Yes 5!. Each of them have one movie associated, usually taking place around episode 35-40, but with an independent story. I usually watch them a few weeks after, to get the whole "see the characters again" effect.

There are also All Stars movies, in which they usually make up an excuse to put all the Cures together, where they friendship each others and beat some evil bad guy to a pulp.


As for the seasons I didn't mention:

*Futari wa: Splash Star takes a lot from Futari wa (too much maybe?) but has some qualities of its own too, especially one idea that makes the middle and the end of the series amazing and kinda saves the whole show.

*Yes 5! and Yes 5! Gogo abandon the idea of a duo of heroines to take up the colored team sentai-ish that's still being used now. They're rather mediocre, probably the worst in the license. Characters are nice, but overall it's not great.

*Fresh has a lot of qualities but also a lot of defaults and a weak second part. The kind of series you'll definitely enjoy if you're a Precure fan, but not a must-see.

*Suite is kinda like Fresh in terms of quality/defaults: a lot in both. A bit more divisive among the fans maybe. I didn't finish it yet but I enjoy it a lot so far though.

*Smile relies a lot on comedy, a bit of self-parody, really entertaining slice of life and attaching characters. Some don't like it too much. (They're fags).  I love it.

*Dokidoki is rather mediocre too. Lots of good ideas that aren't used well, nice characters but an unbalanced repartition of power/screentime... It has its defenders of course, but... meh. If you end up being a Precure fan, try it out.


And as a last piece of advice, take it at your rhythm, and enjoy it for what it is.


Hey, I managed to actually keep this post reasonably sized. When I started writing I was afraid to end up with a Steve-tier wall of text.

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Thanks for explaining all of that, it really helped. I'll start with the Futari Wa Precure to stay truthful to the series since it was the first one and then see which i proceed to after that. I'll probably leave the best (Heartcatch) for last. And if i really can't decide i'll just go with airing dates.

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I've been meaning to start the Precure series since a lot of people say it's a must watch.

But there's so many spin offs and alt versions i have no clue what's good and what's not and where should I even start.

Do you happen to have a suggestion on how i should get into the precure series? I was going to start with DokiDoki Precure but i have no clue if this is right or wrong.

This basically describes exactly how I feel about the Precure series. I guess I'll be starting Futari wa a few months from now. It never was high on the priority list but I'll probably pick it during spring break, like how I picked up Death Note.

Thanks for the explanation Down.


Loving Servant x Service so far. Chihaya is easily my favorite character.

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