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What is your ideal VN?


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So real life?


No. Real life offers many constraints you wouldn't find in my ideal VN. For example, in real life if you were born to a starving family in Mugabe-land, you're pretty much screwed from the get-go. Also, if you were born as a girl in India or China, you would be lucky to see your first birthday. You may even have been born as a lab-rat in some mad scientists lair (because your karma is lousy and God doesn't like you.)


In real life, you are also not in control over any disabilities you may be born with (congratulations, you have 12 toes, no eyes and your heart is where your asshole should be), or what fields you are natural disposed towards (you have tourettes and you are gifted at cursing in languages you've never heard before.) In my ideal VN, you would have complete control over your starting character, their past, their attributes, who they are and how you play the game. Further-




Oh, you were being sarcastic.

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1. lolis

2. lolis

3. lolis

4. lolis

5. lolis

6. lolis

7. lolis

8. lolis

9. lolis



And aside from that


1 Cute characters

2 Slice of life

3 Comedy

4 School setting

5 A lot of romance and drama

6 Lolis

7 Some supernatural elements

8 An Imouto character (don't care if blood related or not) preferably if they're lolis!

9 A lot of heroines, not just a couple of them, and with some deep back story to them

10 Great art 

11 Doesn't get tedious midway, there's always something you want to keep finding out as you read

12 Has other things to do besides reading , like mini games

13 Has good voice acting, preferably fully voiced

14 Choices shouldn't be THAT obvious and in your face (eg: Pick This for ending 1 or That for ending 2)


I guess that describes it.

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No. Real life offers many constraints you wouldn't find in my ideal VN. For example, in real life if you were born to a starving family in Mugabe-land, you're pretty much screwed from the get-go. Also, if you were born as a girl in India or China, you would be lucky to see your first birthday. You may even have been born as a lab-rat in some mad scientists lair (because your karma is lousy and God doesn't like you.)


In real life, you are also not in control over any disabilities you may be born with (congratulations, you have 12 toes, no eyes and your heart is where your asshole should be), or what fields you are natural disposed towards (you have tourettes and you are gifted at cursing in languages you've never heard before.) In my ideal VN, you would have complete control over your starting character, their past, their attributes, who they are and how you play the game. Further-




Oh, you were being sarcastic.





Also, most VN's don't offer character customization, so what you're describing sounds like a brilliant life simulator/RPG/VN. I'll still play along, I wish my character was born as an heir to a wealthy American family that owns large holdings in some huge corporation. (I always wished I was part of the fucking 1%). 

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Hmmm... This is going to be a bit difficult...


*clears throat


1. A reasonable length, maybe around 30-50 hours.

2. Very emotional

3. No harem (a dramatic love-triangle is good though)

4. If possible, a linear plot with several chapters (think Ef or G-senjou no maou)

5. A small amount of animation

6. Good artwork and high-quality CGs

7. Must have a great atmosphere

8. Few, but very romantic H-scenes

9. A likable protagonist with voice-acting

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  • 6 months later...

My top four qualities would be:

1. Very funny

2. Moving (the romance part of the plot or otherwise)

3. Beautiful art

4. Has a deeper meaning (Clannad --> family, for example)

What's yours? :D

Same like this.

Also, didn't have stupid moeshit~

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I'll put the probably most important ones in bold, just to highlight them.


1 - A balanced number of genders, somethings like 2-3 male characters that appear frequently, I have nothing against harems but still it gets tiring sometimes because, I mean, dude got all the gals but no bros? That's kinda sad, more bromance is needed like Taichi had with Sakuraba and Tomoki in Cross Channel.

2 - Good H-Scenes or H-Scenes that mean something to the plot or no H-Scenes at all.

3 - High Quality voice acting, art, ost, etc. Specially voice acting, preferably fully voice acted.

4 - Protagonist that's not full retarded nor 24/7 asshole.

5 - Something around 50 hours is enough, but could have more, I'd love something with 70+ hours.

6 - Choices that are not obvious.

7 - Characters that have meaning to the plot, not simply exist for the sake of existing.

8 - Mostly everyone said it already but it's never enough to emphasize how important a good system is.

9 - Mix lots of emotions in it, something that makes me laugh, cry, smile, feel confused, etc.

10 - Heroines with reasons to be the way they are, It's okay to have characters that simply act like they do because that's how they were born but at least have characters that have a meaning to their personality.

11 - Not only teach me something, but carve it into me, have so much meaning and impact to make me remeber, to make me try to spread the word for people I know and actually apply it to my life. (Of course, following the idea that it's teaching something useful that can be applied in real life)

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My preferences, in order from the most relevant:


1) Brilliant plot and storytelling that stays intriguing throughout the game.

2) Witty and smart writing/dialogue.

3) Has good emotional impact (leaves an impression).


4) Relatable, likable, possibly complex main character.

5) Relatable, likable, possible complex side characters/heroines.

6) Consistent and cohesive.

7) Apparent character evolution/development throughout the game.

8) Well-drawn art.

9) Presence of and professional voice acting.

10) Great production value.

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My ideal VN would be a combination of this..

1. Intellectually-stimulating story (such as a mystery) with great plot twists.


2. Characters fleshed out to the degree that I actually care about them.


3. Diverse set of sprites that really show a wide spectrum of different emotions (if applicable)


4. Music that fits and adds to the scene.


5. As little slice of life/"fluff" as possible.


6. Original concept. It's ok if you want to make another slice of life "choose your favorite girl" game, but at least add a unique touch to it!


..and this.

1. Deep story that is effectively used to present a complex theme

2. Interesting scenario, ideally not another Japanese high school

3. Complex characters

4. Good pacing


Optional number 5: Mind screw!


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1. Tsundere heroines

2. Slowpaced story

3. good sound/voice design

4. un-foreseen surprise

5. Differents kinds of cups, A to F

6. Ending tht isnt a cliffhanger

7. Absolutely no DONKAN protag

8. did i say Tsundere? 

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1. Art

2. Story


Artwork is a must, considering that they are called "visual" novels.

Isn't that the description of every visual novel, ever?


Also just having lolis doesn't make it great althought it makes it playable (usually).

I want diversified lolis. Particularly an S loli as heroine. More points if she's an imouto character.

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Isn't that the description of every visual novel, ever?


Also just having lolis doesn't make it great althought it makes it playable (usually).

I want diversified lolis. Particularly an S loli as heroine. More points if she's an imouto character.

Novels with story and art. aka visual novels.


Sigh...I have failed.

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1. Funny Heriones. Heriones like Miyako from Majikoi seem to be rare (by which I mean heriones that actually cause me to burst out laughing)

2. Moe. Several people have said they hate moe. not me, BRING ON THE MOE. MORE NEKOMIMI

3. Nekomimi

4. Cute romance

5. not too dramatic. lots of drama just makes reading a visual novel a chore for me

6. as little jealousy as possible. Jealousy is a dark emotion and i don't enjoy reading about it (be it the main characters or the heriones jealousy

7. H content. Not an excessive amount (unless it's a nukige, but that's different), but it needs to be there. you simply can't get a deep enough romance without it

7. did I mention Nekomimi? No? well then: NEKOMIMI

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The two biggest contributors to a great vn for me is the story and the ability to leave an emotional impact. However there are many other things such as a likable protagonist, the OST (I have always thought that the music helps create the scene and that in return, the scene makes the music memorable), the art, comedy... there's just too much.

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