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Working on getting through the common route for Mio in Little Busters. Kud's and Mio's routes were the ones I was looking forward to the most aside from Refrain so this should be fun.


Mioo! my faav giirl (aside from Saya, eventhough i havent even played her route till the LB! ex TL is finished ahaha *cries*)

Did u already played her route? tell me how u liked it :3


And as for me, i finished kikokugai the cyber slayer the day before yesterday. It was really good eventhough it was unvoiced *shivers*

I still have my Kamidori (where i only finished my first playthrough with yuelas route) playing there slowly into second playthrough and almost done with Zettai Fukujuu Meirei (yaoi vn)


I'm actually thinking of downloading Katawa Shoujo later... I have pushed it away so often, becuz no voices (dont mind 2-10hours vn without voices but katawa is 10-30h, dead!) but its not like i actually force myself to play because im very interested in it. Seeing how many newbies got into vns becuz of it and that its actually is tearjerker vn (or so i heard from friends)


I can doo eet! katawa i can conqueer uu! *self motivation* xD

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The last VN I finished was Yuzusoft's Amairo Islenauts. Story-wise I think Dracu-riot's much better; but at least this one feels much nicer with its fantasy-island and school setting, totally different and refreshing than Dracu-riot. All the main heroine routes are really enjoyable to read (especially Yune's, she's my fav. one from that game) except for Airi's; her route storyline's a bit lacking than the others.

Currently I'm playing Majikoi (I'm pretty new to the series) - now on Miyako's and Mayucchi's routes - and also Cocoro@Function. :)

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I finally managed to finish Grisaia after putting in on hold for so long @__@


(spoiler tagged for light spoilers)

I loved the theme of solving your own problems; Yuuji's willing to give a little push but the decision is completely up to the girls. I liked turning "I'm sorry"s into "thank you"s.

My favorite to least favorite character order:
Sachi > Yumiko > Amane > Makina >> Michiru
Really unique cast though (with the exception of Yumiko; to quote Makina, she's like a textbook kuudere chara XD); their little quirks and interactions are very interesting. Michiru eventually annoyed with her clinginess/moodbreaker attitude. Michiru fans don't kill me.

If that particular girl in Angelic Howl could be included, she would be between Sachi and Yumiko.
For the route orders:
Amane > Makina = Sachi > Yumiko > Michiru
I think I made the mistake of reading Amane's first... Angelic Howl was undoubtedly the best part of Kajitsu. The other routes lacked the intensity of it but was nevertheless enjoyable. People weren't kidding when they said that Makina's route is a better version of Yumiko's. I guess I like darker, less shounen-y routes? My main complaint with Makina's is that the beginning drags a bit. Sachi's route had adorable romance and I liked the process to solve her problem. Michiru's was just... out there. I got rather annoyed by the clinginess/pretend-dates but I guess the epilogue made up for it :/

Overall, the 57 hours invested (after skipping h scenes and some voices mid-way) in the vn was worth it. My main complaint is that there isn't something to tie all the routes together... but there's Meikyuu and Rakuen  :P


I'll be reading Steins;Gate next. I hope I can finish it during this break~

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Mioo! my faav giirl (aside from Saya, eventhough i havent even played her route till the LB! ex TL is finished ahaha *cries*)

Did u already played her route? tell me how u liked it :3

Sadly, I haven't even gotten to her route yet but so far, I'm already enjoying the new scenes that I get to see during the common route because of choosing her. I also can't wait for LB: Ex to be translated as well. I want to see what the deal is behind Sasami and I'm interested in what Futaki's route would have to offer.

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Take ur time~ yea i'm curious about sasami as well. I think there will be a LB ex anime if i'm not wrong, maybe i have my hopes high too up but i hope the LB ex TL is out before it >.< dont really wanna watch the anime before it, though i still need to finish refrain anime.


And on Katawa shoujo im on Hanakos arc now, i cant believe it how much im enjoying it so far eventhough it has no voices @__@ curse mee

and Kenji is the best and funny buddy ever, hes so cool xD

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Kasumi route finished in Dies Irae. Lots of info and foreshadowing in the final chapter and I'm not 100% I fully understood *everything*, so I'm hoping for some more explanations in the other 3 routes.


The route itself was still worthwhile simply because Kei was in it quite a bit and she's my favorite heroine so far. This scene in particular was so full of hnnnng:




Also I wanted to see her sing karaoke in English. I cannot believe they did not show that scene. Unforgivable.


And now I think I'm supposed to read the first two unlocked side stories before starting Kei's route.

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Someone played White Album 2 ? I'm playing White Album 2 , planning to do kazusa route for start , i'll see others routes after if i feel like it . Well the game is great i can say i guess .....

I can just see Haruki suffer and that's it , well i'm still at the start of the closing chapter

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Finished Komari's route in Little Busters! Honestly, if it wasn't for the hype Refrain gets, I'd likely drop this novel now. Both routes so far have been unimpressive (with komari's being outright bad in my opinion). I'm very very disappointed with this one. 

Komari is honestly the one character I dislike. I eventually went and disabled her voice in subsequent playthroughs because I honestly couldn't bear to hear it anymore.


Speaking of Little Busters, I just got into the beginning of Mio's route. All these history facts...

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Finished Komari's route in Little Busters! Honestly, if it wasn't for the hype Refrain gets, I'd likely drop this novel now. Both routes so far have been unimpressive (with komari's being outright bad in my opinion). I'm very very disappointed with this one. 

I find Komari one of the most annoying characters in LB so i'm not surprised by this.

I'm still rooting that you'll like Kud's route.


Going to continue where i left off in the SonoHanabira series with SonoHanabira 4. Yay for Yuri~

Also started Boob Wars. Flat is justice!

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Also started Boob Wars. Flat is justice!



With regards to Mio's route in Little Busters:

Gahh freaking Midori is pissing me off.

"In the end, that's how weak and vague your feelings for her are."

Fuck off Midori, you'll never understand how much I love Mio.


Now with that off my chest, I'm just going to say that I'll be scared senseless once it comes time to make a choice... getting a bad end now would hurt so much...

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Just finished Mio's route. Certainly was the angriest I've been while playing LB!


God damn it, why does it always have to seem like a bad end after I choose? When I heard that coffin closing, I shat bricks...


Stuff about Kud's route:

Kud's route also did the same thing to me.... hearing Kud cry for help while rioters were breaking in....


Rin2 is all that's left between me and Refrain. I'm feeling anxious for some reason...


Edit: Guess I'll be starting Rin2 since I don't feel like sleeping tonight.

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Currently reading Devils Devel Concept. It's hard to read, so this will be a somewhat long time reading project of mine. Also a enjoyble (frustrating) change from the easier read novels.

As for the VN itself, it's interesting. I haven't read much yet, but the characters personality and setting makes you think. Also this novel is pretty grim lol. But I like it.

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I didn't think Komari was that bad, and her voice is orders of magnitude better than Nagisa's Oo. Currently gone Komari -> Rin1 -> Haruka -> random CG run for some sasasasuiadhisasegawa CG fun (incidentally Rin had higher stats after this when I started again, even though I didn't get any heroine ending... maybe because I ZOMG WON TEH BASEBALL GAEM?)

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I didn't think Komari was that bad, and her voice is orders of magnitude better than Nagisa's Oo. Currently gone Komari -> Rin1 -> Haruka -> random CG run for some sasasasuiadhisasegawa CG fun (incidentally Rin had higher stats after this when I started again, even though I didn't get any heroine ending... maybe because I ZOMG WON TEH BASEBALL GAEM?)

Hm. I didn't notice any particular stat raise on Rin after winning the baseball game. The stats are somewhat random for Rin and Riki anyway (if you start two games and save both of them, their stats will be different, even without getting one more heroine clear) so maybe you just got a bit lucky? Just a random idea, though. They may raise after winning the baseball game and I didn't notice it.


Well, I'll be playing through Ef- The Latter Tale as soon as I get home (which may vary from a week to a month). /me wants to see the tl differences~

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I didn't think Komari was that bad, and her voice is orders of magnitude better than Nagisa's Oo. Currently gone Komari -> Rin1 -> Haruka -> random CG run for some sasasasuiadhisasegawa CG fun (incidentally Rin had higher stats after this when I started again, even though I didn't get any heroine ending... maybe because I ZOMG WON TEH BASEBALL GAEM?)

Going to have to disagree with you there. Just listened to her voice again to confirm.


In other news, I went and got me some Sasasegawa CGs instead of Rin2 and now I'm actually starting Rin2.

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