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Everything posted by Decay

  1. In a sense, it is Meikyuu and Rakuen that are canon and the first game that isn't.
  2. To be completely realistic, you should probably expect a turnaround time of 2-3 months here on the 18+ patch.
  3. To quote Doddler on what this version does and doesn't have: I will be reviewing it.
  4. If it's only five scenes, maybe someone will make a restoration patch so we can experience their terribleness for ourselves.
  5. I can't unsee the mouse cursor in your avatar.
  6. The biggest surprise of this entire debacle is that the translation doesn't even seem bad. Like... it's fine, I guess? I certainly didn't expect that after everything else that went down. This whole release has been so thoroughly mismanaged. They probably intend to release the chapters piecemeal. I'm not entirely opposed to that plan if they're affordably priced.
  7. http://store.steampowered.com/app/464780/ Uhh... as far as I can tell, there aren't any F2P aspects or DLC here, but here it is, on Steam, in English, for free. UPDATE: Apparently it's just chapter 1. Uh huh. Not gonna lie, I'm very confused right now.
  8. Hey, look on the bright side, if the rights to these arcs shifted hands, maybe they'll be easier to license for localization? Yeah, I'm not betting on it. Yo, Asonn, don't be a fucking dick.
  9. Looking forward to a good sale on Hitman.
  10. I'm glad we're making such a big deal out of this rice bowl ricebowlgate is real.
  11. Well, because they are actual faults, lol. They're minor, but they're real. She's not properly gripping the rice bowl. I feel like such a weirdo for pointing this out so much since it's not really a big deal. But he rice bowl is just sort of hovering in her hand with nothing to support it, it's unnatural and wrong. Truly, this rice bowl controversy will tear our precious forums apart.
  12. There are many different levels of art, just because there's something worse doesn't mean that this doesn't also have its faults. Going back to my example, Otoboku's art was massively distracting and actually brings you out of the experience by a significant degree. R07's art is different, it doesn't try to serve the same purposes so it's not as immersion breaking. In that sense, Higurashi's art was better for what it was trying to be than Otoboku's. Now, Corona Blossom's art is largely fine, but there are still deficiencies. There's nothing wrong with pointing them out.
  13. There are definitely minor technical problems with the CGs. Nice hand. I think Vorathiel is also referencing the bowl of rice the dark haired girl is holding. As for why they're drawn that way, because art is hard. A lot of artists really struggle with stuff like hands (apparent here) and characters actually interacting with objects and other characters. Many eroge artists simply lack the skills required to depict those kinds of things properly. This game is by no means the worst I've seen at this kind of thing. The translated eroge that is possibly the worst at this is Otoboku, the characters in its CGs don't look at each other and when they're meant to be touching each other it looks super awkward and sometimes like they're not even touching, like in this CG where they're meant to be embracing and kissing. Coroblo has a little bit of this but it's not nearly as bad. It seems largely fine, although I disagree with the general aesthetics of the character design
  14. The NekoHen translation patch is abominable. It is actual machine translation and is just insanely bad. Calling it "okay overall" is downright criminal, you might actually trick someone into playing that shitshow.
  15. The loli doesn't seem to be in the VNDB character database, either. I'm stumped.
  16. Oh yeah, that's always worked so well in the past. People with even more money than mere millions and plenty of experience with video games have yet to be able to even make a dent. People like Steam too much and it's become too ubiquitous for a competitor to be able to take any sizeable market share away from them.
  17. Tough. Steam is the PC, good luck playing most PC games without it. That goes for any all-ages VN not published by MG or JAST, too.
  18. New Zelda looks great. I love the look of the game, and it seems like they're finally doing what everyone has been asking for since OoT. The demo area seemed a little sparse, but based on what they said during the stream, it will be a lot more populated in the final version with more NPCs, villages, etc. I would have liked to see what the actual game would have looked like instead of their carefully constructed sandbox demo, but the mechanics they displayed all seem really interesting. And the game seems huge. It's back? Were you a Codename Eagle fan? I never played that. I feel like BF1 is "WWI" and not WWI. In the same way that Wolfenstein is "WWII." It's basically the same old Battlefield gameplay with very little actual WWI flavor baked into the game's mechanics or even map design. That's a little disappointing in my opinion.
  19. Uh huh. Will this also be the same artist we use for our VNTS commentary avatars? Because Tay's been scouting that one for like six months now. p.s. I'm suppose to have a big boss robot arm, it's gonna be rad when it finally happens in 2018.
  20. pqube was hyping up this announcement and it was a little disappointing since we've known about Root Letter's localization for a solid six months now, just not who was doing it. Oh well. It seems like an interesting game, shame about it being console only.
  21. For me, when I scroll down on infinite stomach, it still uses around 5% of my CPU, whereas fuwafabulous uses 0%. When scrolled to the top, it uses 15%. Not a super big deal, but it's an issue for people who frequently use phones, tablets, or laptops to browse fuwanovel, as it will eat away at your battery pretty quick.
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