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Everything posted by Decay

  1. You guys didn't want one of the announcements to be a physical version? Good news, it's not a physical edition, but THREE physical editions!
  2. Why? It's not like anyone has already paid for it or anything. What, exactly, is wrong with this?
  3. There's not a lot of action stuff translated, really. Looking at your list, you've already read almost all of them. Maybe give Cho Dengeki Stryker a shot. It's way more light-hearted than TB in that Overdrive kind of way. It's not amazing or anything but it's decent, I thought.
  4. I mean, I believe it, I just don't see the proof for a "100% confirmation."
  5. I'm not about to judge a VN by its trailer. The premise seems alright.
  6. So... it seems SP had to cancel their announcements? Great. This convention is going swimmingly!. edit: wait, nevermind: https://sekaiproject.com/2016/05/20/anime-central-2016-announcements/
  7. Yeah, I dunno. I'm not sure what, exactly, he was expecting to happen, but Key has been going after the western market pretty aggressively, so of course this was practically a guarantee. I wonder how he'll respond.
  8. So... I'm guessing nothing of note happened at the Key panel? Sort of figured that would happen. The SP panel has begun.
  9. No. This game was announced some time last year by MG and was announced again by SP during anime boston or sakuracon. Both of SP's announcements are from new partners, anyway.
  10. I'd say that Ever17's art is a bit on the crude side, actually. Unmodified, original Umineko is obviously extremely crude. I rather liked the PS3 art, though. Muv Luv's art is mostly okay, except that character design is something else. It is clearly inspired by a certain early era of harem comedy, and the hair is especially silly. Mostly in a bad way. If you do play Umineko, get the most enhanced version possible, that full PS3-to-PC port that russian team is working on. Unfortunately, I think only the first 3 episodes are available for that.
  11. Really? It's the super energetic style of posting. It's sort of effeminate in a way. Like, how Richard Simmons being overly enthusiastic about everything made him seem effeminate (well, also the lisp). I'm not saying that's how girls always are, it just gives that feel, you know?
  12. Don't do Muv Luv now when a version with a much improved translation is coming out next month. (Well, of MLE/MLU) Read Fata Morgana, fool.
  13. Oh, they're in the "industry" part of the site, where those specific industry panels aren't listed with the rest of them in the panel programming section. Makes perfect sense.
  14. The acen site is frustratingly incomplete. They didn't have any info on VisualArts' panel for example, I had to get it from their facebook page. That said, Frontwing hasn't said anything about acen on their social media, so maybe they aren't attending at all. Are you sure about this? Frontwing doesn't mention it anywhere on their site or social media, and acen doesn't list them at all. Are you mistaking acen for Anime Expo? They announced a month ago that they'll be attending AX.
  15. The climate was extremely different several years ago. A Japanese company giving any sort of response to a direct inquiry from western fans, even fan translators, was unheard of. I don't think their silence in that case was indicative of anything at all, really.
  16. Well, the Sonohana games are yuri nukige. But yeah. I definitely don't expect all of those predictions to be accurate.
  17. Hey all, it's time for another convention! Anime Central is starting just tomorrow, the 20th of May. It's the biggest convention until July's Anime Expo, and most of the major players of the VN world will be there! Except for JAST, I can't actually find them or J-List on the exhibitor's list on acen's website. All times below are CDT, or UTC -0500, I believe. I will attempt to keep this OP up to date with all the latest developments. VisualArts/Key VisualArts is one of ACEN's "premium partners" so they get a nice posh booth that you'll want to visit if you're a Key fan (Booth 11). They will also have a panel, too. It will be held at 4PM on the 20th. "Join CEO Takahiro Baba, Artist Na-Ga, and Composer Shinji Orito for this multimedia industry panel all about your favorite games and shows from VisualArts!" Announcements: VisualArts announced that the Clannad side-stories will release in just a few weeks, and that they have plans for an Angel Beats localization. Sekai Project Sekai Project will of course be present as well. They'll have a premium booth at Booth #61. Their panel will be at 5:30PM on the 20th. Sekai Project has teased two new announcements from two new partners. It's always hard to predict exactly what Sekai Project will announce, especially since they have a fondness for partnering with pretty obscure doujin and OELVN developers. They've announced some pretty big stuff recently, though, so who knows? Sekai Project were previously planning a livestream but it unfortunately had to be canceled due to a lack of manpower. Announcements: Sekai Project announced a couple new doujin titles, the sci-fi doujin VN 2236 A.D. and a side-scrolling platformer MAGICALxSPIRAL. The previously announced yuri VN Ne no Kami will have an IndieGoGo launch on May 25th. MangaGamer MangaGamer may have the dinkiest booth (Booth #410), but they'll have the biggest panel, at 9PM on the 20th. MG has teased six new announcements for this show, one of them from a new partner. You can see their site for it here. Things to expect from MangaGamer: A new hardcopy announcement, perhaps euphoria. An "official" announcement for The House in Fata Morgana's fandisc, which has already been announced within the first game, MG seems to be waiting to give it a proper announcement. For the remaining four announcement, I'm guessing one of them will be a BL or Otome title, basically whatever Good Haro is translating next. We might also hear about the next Alice Soft title they're licensing at this point. Many people are expecting their new partner to be Chuablesoft, which is indeed possible considering their CEO took to twitter last year to engage english fans and talk about localization possibilities. That could just as easily be one of SP's announcements, however, or maybe they haven't yet made a commitment to the western market. They're also overdue for announcing their future SonoHana plans. There's a lot of possibilities with MG's announcements, it'll be interesting to see how they play out. @Yotek says that he'll be at the event and will attempt to record the panels for those interested. So what are you all expecting?
  18. Indeed, maybe you could go with a decent proportional font, if the engine allows it. That, with a slightly smaller font size, could solve all your woes.
  19. I too hate it when VNs are funny.
  20. The game's art was already in 16:9 so there shouldn't be any cropping. edit: Also, the promo art is reused from the first game, so I doubt we're stretching into "remake" territory here. At most, there might be a few bonus scenes or something. edit 2: To clarify, as said below the game's resolution was 800x600, but the art's resolution was 800x450 with the bottom 150 pixels being used by the no-transparency text box and UI. So, no cropping necessary.
  21. "Extremely disappointing" may be a bit of an overstatement, it's one announcement of six and I bet there's going to be an even less interesting one in there (a hardcopy, probably euphoria). If they announce some interesting stuff in the other four slots, I'll still be happy.
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