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Everything posted by Decay

  1. I now expect one of MG's "announcements" to be an official announcement of the Fata Morgana fandisc, which they've teased for release this year within the first game. Even though the news already got there and it's in the dang game they released, they aren't responding to anyone about it and are generally refusing to promote it for the time being. Which tells me they're waiting for Friday's panel to "surprise" everyone with it. The cat's already outta the bag, just roll with it, geez.
  2. People who suffer from depression often seek out validation from others online, can confirm.
  3. Cho Dengeki Stryker - I like Overdrive and found CDS to be a somewhat fun read, but it's also pretty standard fare. You won't find anything in it that you wouldn't find in your run of the mill shounen action manga. It's pretty unremarkable, but still has some fun moments and some actually pretty decent humor in the common route. I kinda liked it. Duel Savior - Meh. It's kinda funny. The protagonist's voice acting is great and completely sells the humor, if you use that version of the translation patch (you should). The routes are pretty mediocre. There's too much repetition in their storylines I it gets really old after a while. The gameplay sucks. It's easy and incredibly tedious. Overall a very mediocre experience that I didn't like much at all. Aoishiro - Super boring. I couldn't finish it.
  4. Please give us something to work with. What kind of VN are you looking for? Help us narrow down things down, because the list of possible recommendations is huge. Most translated VNs are either charage or chuuni. Otherwise, my suggestion is to go here and work your way from the top down: https://vndb.org/v/all?q=;fil=olang-ja.tagspoil-0;rfil=type-complete.lang-en.released-1;o=d;s=rating (except for cases where sequels are rated hgiher than previous games)
  5. More accurately, the translation project was transformed into an officially licensed release. This was announced around six months ago.
  6. Confession: I've had signatures turned off for two full years now.
  7. Honestly I recommend doing the Makina route first since it's practically the Yuuji route and serves as the best introduction of his backstory and circumstances. And it helps to fully understand that for the other routes. But you already did Sachi's route so... welp.
  8. What I'm saying is that there's a degree of payoff in a porn scene between the two. You are right when you're breaking down what the h-scenes mean for the story, but what you don't understand is how that experience can feel for many people with different expectations than yourself. I believe that people desire and find a sort of release from those scenes for the same reason that many people seek out erotic fan fiction. It's really hard to explain.
  9. Well, no, they won't spend a ton of money on a "decent marketing campaign" if they can't expect to earn that money back. That would just be stupid. If they could expect to make that money back, then I'm sure they would happily do it, who doesn't like more money? But are you suggesting that they should just throw money in the garbage because they can? I'm sure the backers would like it more if they spent that money on something more tangible, or at least not on a potential boondoggle like a marketing campaign. They'll probably pay for a few banners ads here and there and produce a promotional trailer or two. I'm not sure how much more you're expecting. Although I get the feeling that you are underestimating the costs of literally everything involved here. Reward fulfillment is surprisingly expensive. This is the one thing that shocks most indie devs who use kickstarter. They plan out and budget for reward fulfillment and then suddenly it's literally twice as much as they expect and is the biggest cost in their entire KS. I have seen this happen enough times to be convinced that most of that extra $400k will actually be spent on reward fulfillment and they won't have much left over at all. They also upped the scale of retranslation considerably from when they originally budgeted the kickstarter, increasing their localization costs by a large amount. Before, you get the sense that it was just going to be a dude or two breezing through the scripts before giving them the okay, and now it's a very extensive process involving many people.
  10. That was you ustreaming them? Thank you, it's really nice to actually be able to watch them instead of just reading summaries.
  11. Most people who aren't clephas seem to like it a lot. If it interests you then yeah, why wouldn't you give it a shot?
  12. I've been spending so much time editing in the last few weeks... this music is drilled into my skull by now.
  13. It was interesting when Akebeisoft2 was claiming that it would have Denuvo because this wouldn't have happened with it, the current version of Denuvo is still uncracked after many months and many highly-desired AAA western releases with it. Instead, they used some shoddy DRM and of course there will be people who crack and pirate that shit ASAP. That's how the world works.
  14. I read a few routes from the source VN and wasn't terribly impressed. Maybe the anime is better? That's almost never the case, though.
  15. I knew it from persona 3/4. I didn't actually know that being's role or anything, I just thought "hey, it has a really cool name so I bet it's the big bad." I was right.
  16. Akabeisoft2 weren't facing a potential kickstarter failure with g-senjou.
  17. I don't buy into the idea that pornographic sex scenes enhance romance. What it does do is deliver a certain kind of cathartic gratification as they deliver a sort of payoff for the buildup that came before. Standard charage h-scenes are cheap way to deliver a climax for a relationship arc, one that requires little thought or creativity. Other kinds of h-scenes in non-nukige titles, such as rape scenes, instead are a rather cheap and uncreative way to evoke sympathy or anger from the readers. This post sounds judgemental as all hell, but really, I have come to enjoy the unique formula of relationship-building and sexual payoff that eroge offers. However, I am under no illusion that these elements offer some kind of depth that can't be provided elsewise, nor are h-scenes usually the best way to accomplish what they ultimately aim to do. Instead, they've ended up scratching an itch many of us have come to have, and I suspect it's the same kind of itch that readers of erotic fan fiction have, except they deliver that payoff within the original story itself. As for the words MG used in their interview, they can't just say "a handful of porn scenes doesn't actually devalue the entire work" when you consider the sheer number of people who feel exactly that. These people aren't exactly lying to us when they say that a single pornongraphic scene can poison the entire well. You can't just say "NO, YOU'RE WRONG!" when most people probably think that way and will never change that way of thought. This even goes for most otaku. You gotta respect their feelings on the matter and find ways to serve them instead. I wonder how many potential customers MG has lost after they've stumbled onto their site and saw what it contains? For all the shit we give SP, the division of all-ages and 18+ brands was a really smart move, and is something I've been saying MG should do for years.
  18. As I already said, Akabeisoft2 has already licensed one game out and is planning a kickstarter for a second... They've already entered the western market, without MG. There's nothing to debate here.
  19. Someone really, really has it out for you.
  20. Decay

    Wagamama High Spec

    Good to hear this one isn't bad, even if it's not spectacular or anything. I'm looking forward to the SP release. Also, the anime was some super short promotional thing. 5 minute eps, I don't remember how many eps but only a few. It had no story to speak of, it just basically introduced the heroines. I don't even think the protagonist made a single appearance.
  21. They produced that GGN DLC late last year which basically doubled the length of the game, I think? It's still not exactly something you'd expect to take 2 years to develop.
  22. We do know, Bokuten is 73.5% edited. Although I doubt they'd announce their next Overdrive game before the current one is released. And I'm not entirely sure if the next one will be Green Green. Overdrive is overdue for announcing their next VN, maybe they'll jump on the current trend of simultaneous or near-simultaneous releases in japanese and english. Well, I say "jump on," but I guess GGN actually counts, huh? Overdrive has been developing VNs for the west before it was cool. So I wouldn't be surprised if their next localized title is all-new. edit: You know, I really do wonder what the heck Overdrive has been doing these last three years. They had to have been working on something other than that one GGN DLC, right? Are they doing alright? Years of inactivity is always concerning. GGN sold like gangbusters but maybe that alone isn't enough if they are having trouble selling VNs in Japan.
  23. Hope you get better soon, Clephas. I get the feeling you'll be back busting moves on the dance floor again in no time.
  24. I doubt all six will be new VN releases. I can totally see Light and Eushully entering the western market and I think them doing so is actually inevitable. They may want to do things their own way, though.
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