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Everything posted by Decay

  1. I kinda wish it was half stars never, instead of rarely. Still, good change. ...I say as the main instrument behind it.
  2. Point 2 isn't shaky at all. Every single time MangaGamer posts their best selling titles for each year, a nukige is almost always on the top. Steam has changed that up a bit lately but their nukige still sells well. This is something they themselves have said many times, their nukige are the real earners in their catalog and allows them to take on riskier titles.
  3. The problem with NISA's work isn't "overlocalization," it's that they're just inaccurate and bad. As in, their translators don't know enough Japanese and just start making shit up levels of bad. Some of their releases have pretty much delved into engrish levels of bad writing, as well. NISA is perhaps one of the most widely hated localization companies out there, so you really picked a black sheep to support.
  4. Asonn hasn't played it. I've seen one fuwanovel member talk about it and it didn't sound good, but it didn't sound quite that bad.
  5. Oh right, I must have missed or completely forgot that part. Well, it's starting in two days. Maybe it will be like Karakara, flex funding with the release guaranteed no matter what. Basically, a fancier pre-order campaign.
  6. I'm here to share some shocking news that will surprise you all: Corona Blossom will be crowdfunded.
  7. Most of the reservations people have with Sekai Project I have no qualms with, such as their use of crowdfunding. SP has licensed some interesting stuff recently, and are actually pretty transparent as of late, answering pretty much any question that comes their way with a good degree of honesty. They have been licensing a string of decent looking titles, but really the biggest problem is that outside of the Grisaia series, they all just seem decent, nothing more. Wagahigh, Chrono Clock, Maitetsu (well, I'm not a lolicon so that's to be expected), their Hoshimemo retranslation, 2236 looks interesting but I'm not sure I'm sold on it, and so on. Also their translation quality hasn't exactly been stellar. MangaGamer has released some really great stuff lately, however, and have done a fantastic job translating it. Kara no Shoujo 2, Gahkthun, Tokyo Babel, and Fata Morgana are all great VNs with excellent translations. Purely from a results standpoint, I'll have to go with MangaGamer here. I really hope they keep things up with their polished localization efforts, as they also have some pretty exciting things in the pipeline, such as Himawari. This year's announcements thus far, though? Meh. This has been a great late 2015 and early 2016 for them, but at this point 2017 is looking pretty dire. JAST never releases anything, and when they do it's usually a disaster. I can't in good conscious call them my favorite when you consider what they released in 2015 and the state it was released in
  8. The servers went up like half an hour late only, that's pretty good for such a popular MP game launch! I changed my battletag, btw. So anyone who wants to add me, it's Decay#11491
  9. No offense, but I'm not sure they'd be interested. The translator admits to not knowing Japanese very well (and practically not at all at the start of the project), right? I think trying to charge money for that would be unethical at best.
  10. If they do it for that, they'll do it for anything they perceive as a threat to their brand. Fan translations included. The point is, the risk is there.
  11. Except you're wrong. They aren't in it for the money, they're in it to "protect their brand," which is incidentally a corporate lawyer's favorite activity.
  12. edit: ^^^^ Also Infini Brain/Lilith Soft. They have actually issued a rather large number of C&Ds in the past. Many for games they have no intention of ever licensing, despite them having some kind of partnership with MangaGamer. I mean, even if it's not likely that the Japanese companies would react, it's still a risk. A risk people aren't willing to take. There's some chance that they will follow through with their threats, and who wants to gamble with that when the repercussions can be so severe? It's not worth it. One of the biggest reasons to let people know that you're actively working on a TL is one that @Pabloc has become intimately familiar with early this month, when someone else spontaneously released an acceptable Rondo Duo translation. Pablo was something like 2/3rds complete with his, having only told a few people here and there, when a 100% patch came out from someone else. That's a decent amount of work to have to just drop. Rondo Duo is a fairly short game, think about what could happen when you're 2/3rds of the way through some 50,000 line monster? In the case of Rondo Duo, neither group made widespread public announcements, the slightly slower group ended up having their work made redundant. Announcing translations is like staking a claim, you're letting the world know that you're going to spend the next year or more translating something so no one else steps on your toes. And once the news is out there, people are going to bug you to no end over translation updates, so you may as well give them out, which also lets other translators know you're not dead yet.
  13. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," eternally wise words that apply to all life scenarios. The problem is that you think Fuwanovel is critically damaged and in need of repairs. The truth is that it's actually kinda fine! If you attempt to fix something that isn't broken, you're bound to fail and end up worse off than you were before. Fuwanovel is at worse a bit slower than it used to be, and in reality is simply different from what you were used to in early 2014. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. You seem to find it really hard adapting to the current Fuwanovel, and because of this, you have deemed the site necessary to be "saved." Furthermore, you seem to have deemed yourself the only person worthy of this task, rarely ever working with anyone else to accomplish your goals. There's a whole community of members here who would love for fuwanovel to become a better place and are willing to put in the effort to try and make it happen. Some of us are already doing it. I'm doing it in the only way I know how, basically with my writing. So if I was to give some reason for why things turned out this way for you, they're 1) an overestimation of the severity of Fuwanovel's peril combined with a selfish viewpoint where it must be you who is the savior, instead of a mere cog in the machine helping things along, and 2) an unwillingness to work with everyone else who wants to make Fuwanovel a better place. I still don't know what your vision of Fuwanovel is, after all this time. I really can't tell what goals you were working towards. And that's a problem, when you're trying to be an almighty savior. If it's "a bustling community where OriginalRen is at the center, beloved by all," that's not a cause we need a savior for, frankly. And if that wasn't your goal, then I'm not entirely sure what your actions were meant to accomplish. Maybe you don't even realize it yourself, but that's the only future your actions were working towards. It didn't pan out because it's this forum does not seem interested in idolizing any single member. Sometimes communities evolve in ways you don't agree with. It's not always a bad thing, and usually it's best to just move on when that happens. It doesn't mean the forum needs to be "saved," it just means it's a different place now. That's okay. I hope things work out for you. Take it easy, buddy.
  14. So... Yuuji isn't in it at all? Huh.
  15. Just more of a reason to follow our weekly VNTS - you would've known about this weeks ago. The game isn't my cup of tea but some people really seem to like it. Personally, I think it's a bit over-animated and the general style is a little off putting.
  16. If you don't think Ixrec's translation is worth reading, then don't read it. If you think it is, then pay for it if you can. I'm not sure how you can justify any other argument.
  17. Why did they think it was a good idea to slap the logo on top of the character images so you can barely see them? edit: And what's the deal with those "last resort" tiers?
  18. Well, who knows, maybe the western VN release will be a year away. It would be great if they could get a fast turnaround on this and release it soon after or on the Japanese release day. It's not that infeasible, considering the bulk of the TL is done on both Rewrite and Havest Festa. They just have the new/modified stuff the plus version brings to translate. And yeah, at this point I'm just assuming they're going to use the Ixrec translation as a matter of course. Maybe they'll edit it a little, hopefully?
  19. Rewrite+ was just announced for an official english release: http://anitay.kinja.com/visual-arts-announces-plans-to-release-rewrite-in-the-1778000315 With the anime coming soon, this seemed kinda obvious.
  20. All adult booths are shoved into a dark corner somewhere and all adult goods have to be completely hidden behind curtains and all people trying to enter your booth must be ID checked.
  21. 2236 is the most interesting announcement of the day imo. It's amusing how MG announced four hard copies in anticipation for selling a ton at AnimeExpo, and AX just now completely changed the rules for how adult content is sold, completely shafting them.
  22. Kyonyuu Fantasy is ridiculously popular so it will probably turn into one of their best selling titles. It's a good get for them. The Fata Morgana fandisc was nice but they already announced that. I wish they had literally any other new title announcements.
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