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Everything posted by Decay

  1. Crayten isn't certain. He's literally saying that people should be less certain about this. It's still a big unknown. At the panel, they said they literally do not know whether or not there will be an 18+ release yet. The deal still seems to be in progress. They only know Steam for sure so that's all there is on their site.
  2. None of these companies have that title, Conjueror's project is an "independent" release being published by the original Japanese publishers. And that's probably why it hasn't been announced yet, they aren't very savvy with this kind of thing.
  3. By all accounts, SP pays better than MG and JAST. And I very highly doubt they're going to retcon anything. Also, SakuSaku was already confirmed for having an 18+ release. And finally, none of these additional projects affect Grisaia in any way, that team is set and has no other work within Sekai Project.
  4. Baldr Sky had a fan translation project years back that was canceled. There was no official translation released. Aroduc is the translator on Baldr Sky, it seems.
  5. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/animecon-industry
  6. Gave the list a much-needed update. Not sure if I got everything. Maybe it's a bit weird to respond to a 2.5 month old post from a user with only two posts, but you should probably pay closer attention to the OP. Unfortunately, Sakura Sakura is in the dead section, that project is very unlikely to ever see its way to completion.
  7. Woooo, rollbacks... To elaborate on what has been announced so far: MangaGamer Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome - Cute and funny looking 18+ otome game. Hadaka Shitsuji - Naked butlers. "The euphoria of BL" D.S. -Dal Segno- - Circus' followup to the Da Capo series, pretty much looks just like those games except with a different setting. Maggot Baits - Clock-up's gurofest, by the peeps behind euphoria. If You Love Me, Then Say So! - That chuablesoft partnership that everyone anticipated. Moege with the twist of having to time your confession. JAST Katahane - Half yuri, half bishoujo, half political drama. HD upscale of the original with additional content. Eiyuu*Senki - Strategy VN hybrid, previously translated for consoles, JAST will be bringing over the PC version, uncensored. Princess X - Monster girls. Frontwing Island - Highly acclaimed, from the writer of Himawari. Translation may not have even started yet, don't expect this for a while. More Grisaia Spinoffs - More slice of life stuff. One of them looks like a Hatsumira crossover? Aksys Games See Rooke's post above for Otome stuff 999/VLR confirmed for Steam release XBlaze Lost: Memories also coming to Steam. Extended edition of Tokyo Twilight Ghosthunters
  8. It's $15 on Denpasoft right now which doesn't feel like that bad of a deal for what you get, if the VN itself is solid (no idea on that part).
  9. A cut-down version of the game with less content costs less, go figure. Why is this worth getting mad over? If you're interested in the game and want to support 18+ releases from Sekai Project, then you should just buy it.
  10. To put another way, the ability to make games is completely different from the ability to play and evaluate them. Being good at making games does not give your opinions on what's good and what's not any more weight than people who are clueless on game development. On the contrary, I find that most developers who try their hand at games criticism end up having way too biased of a perspective to fairly evaluate them. They end up relating with development issues that other developers might run into and soften their criticisms as a result. But the fact is, criticizing game development is entirely different from criticizing games. Now, if we were to actually criticize the game development processes, I'd agree that arguments from experienced individuals hold the most weight. But that's not what we're doing here. What we're doing is simply saying "I think this is good" or "I think this is not good." The game development process has nothing to do with this evaluation and no additional insight into that process will make us better equipped to make these judgements. Because they are, after all, highly subjective and based purely on our own emotional responses to the games in question. Anyone can give these opinions, and they're never wrong.
  11. Why does it matter? Do you never complain about bad food? Or boring movies? These are games made for us to enjoy. There is actually no one better equipped to critique them than ourselves.
  12. Imouto Paradise was translated and released before Princess Evangile. It also sold better than Princess Evangile.
  13. 99.99% chance that everything in that image is pure bullshit. C'mon guys, don't get trolled so easily.
  14. I'm into some of the darker stuff out there but Fraternite... I dunno, it never really caught my eye. But I guess Maggot Baits interests me even less, so hey, whatever.
  15. Hmmm... I never noticed this. You sometimes see companies use language like this when they're actually like a month away from announcing it, but yeah, I guess this puts more points in favor of Ero Manga, fewer in favor of Maggot Baits. "Eroge!" was really successful for MG so them licensing more stuff along those lines that wouldn't be unexpected at all.
  16. None of that has actually happened yet.
  17. From the various interviews he's given, Payne seems pretty displeased with how things have turned out with Steam rewarding low-effort releases and quick cash-ins. He seems kind of skeptical that it will last and doesn't seem happy with every company expecting similar performance to Nekopara. I get the sense that he's just plain disgruntled with the direction the industry is going in.
  18. To be honest, Payne seems to be dumping a lot fewer resources into JAST these days. It was always a side project for him, but it seems like he made a pretty big go at it for the first few years of this decade. They made a lot of big announcements and seemed to be on the up. Then after some project delays, getting screwed over by some of his partners (5pb mainly), and the market shifting in a direction he's displeased with (steam), it seems like maybe he's a lot less enthusiastic? It's hard to say since he doesn't talk too openly about this kind of stuff, but the fact that they haven't even made a single convention appearance yet this year, not even a booth, tells me that JAST is a pretty small presence in general right now and Payne isn't too interested in rectifying that.
  19. Lotta people not understanding the concept of bingo itt. Although this chart is a little too easy, imo. Real predictions: A Rance title will be announced, and not Evenicle. Chuablesoft is an easy layup, they'll be one of MangaGamer's new partners. A new clock up title will also almost assuredly be announced there. Possibly Maggot Baits, I think Ero Manga might actually be a little bit more likely. And they'll announce either a new BL or a new Otome title. JAST will announce either Muramasa, or something on the same scale. I don't have any insight into any specific announcements here, but I am told that all three big publishers are basically swinging for the fences here, and a Muramasa announcement would be relatively safe and easy for JAST to do. I also expect a new Alcot game announcement, but I'm less sure about that. I really don't expect more than two announcements from them. SP is always a total unknown. One thing to expect is a lot of actual 18+ announcements. They keep saying "Wait for AX" whenever anyone asks them about anything to do with 18+ stuff, including Maitetsu. And Dovac was talking about how he's happy that AX staff lets them talk openly about and show previews for 18+ stuff. Wild guess: SP will announce an August translation, possibly Daito before Eustia. The editor for the fan translation posted two or three months ago that the project was actually revived with the original translator back on board, and that they were working on the true route or something to that effect. Then we've heard nothing since. I wouldn't be surprised if that was picked up.
  20. List of all Japanese to english translation releases in 2016: https://vndb.org/v/all?q=;fil=olang-ja.tagspoil-0;rfil=released-1.type-complete.date_after-20159999.lang-en;o=a;s=title;p=1 Some of these are re-releases or retranslations, but a lot of it is new. My personal recommendations are Tokyo Babel if you want action, Root Double if you want suspense and mystery, and Kindred Spirits/Yurirei if you want nice, mushy romance (and yuri). edit: Christ, I forgot Fata Morgana, get that if you want one hell of a dramatic and mature horror VN.
  21. http://reviews.fuwanovel.net/category/fuwareviewsteam/
  22. Denpasoft's store currently only supports credit or debit cards. Paypal is really difficult to deal with when selling pornographic stuff.
  23. A lot of people suspect this of being a political power play to bully the EU and for the UK's far-right to gain the upper hand internally. It seems like many of the Leave advocates actually expected to be able to renegotiate down the line so they didn't have to fully leave. The EU seems to be calling them on their shit and might wish to make an example out of the UK: http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jun/24/europe-plunged-crisis-britain-votes-leave-eu-european-union "EU leaders call for UK to leave as soon as possible" So yeah, this could backfire spectacularly on the leavers if they didn't intend to actually leave. And pretty much nobody wins.
  24. I skimmed through the E3 treehouse stream, At one point one of the hosts said that they removed some NPCs and villages specifically for the demo and the area shown would be more populated in the final release. So yeah, expect more stuff in the complete game. I think it looks pretty fantastic overall. It seems freaking huge. I'm gonna have to get a Wii U or NX to play it.
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