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Everything posted by Decay

  1. I don't see how that being doujin or not is relevant. It shows that SP isn't inherently opposed to mosaics, they just don't want to bully their Japanese partners into doing something they're uncomfortable with. Also, when MG and JAST asks, they always have them? Really? So Peter Payne is lying when he said that there are some Empress titles they won't localize because they lack demosaiced CGs?
  2. One of the reasons that SP gets some "impossible" licenses is that other VN companies turned them down when they learn that they won't be allowed to release non mosaiced releases, while SP doesn't. Giga is specifically one of these companies. Rumor has it, JAST was in talks to license the Giga title Kingdom but walked away from the deal because JAST is pretty hardline on their "no mosaics or no release" stance. If they did have a more flexible approach to mosaics, we'd probably have had Baldr Sky in English years ago, lol.
  3. @Rooke's crappy default theme is the only theme in which the PM box works for me. Fuwafab: Rooke's crappy theme being functional cannot possibly be working as intended. Please break that one, too.
  4. Here's great unrelated quote from a Nasu interview that also featured Urobuchi Gen. Urobuchi on fan reactions to Saya no Uta: Nasu also briefly mentioned some reluctance to do bishoujo titles, and how he no longer wants to make any (Mahoyo came after this and wasn't a bishoujo game). There is of course that well-known story about how Nasu wanted a female lead and male Saber for Fate originally. That kind of falls in line with this discussion but doesn't mention h-scenes directly.
  5. Harder than you'd think, since googling just gives a bunch of modern interviews that don't really address it much.
  6. It was pretty much all over Japanese interviews since pretty much Type Moon's founding, Nasu has always been outspoken about how he didn't actually want ero in neither Tsukihime nor Fate.
  7. Dergonu, what did I tell you about believing?
  8. There's a demo for it coming out soon. I'm guessing the full game isn't too far away but they aren't talking about that yet for some reason.
  9. I knew something was very strange about Princess X when Beliar linked some CGs in VNDB. If I knew that much about it, I would have said more than "it seems weird" in my AX article, lol. Or maybe I'm not too unhappy if no one gets warned about it beforehand.
  10. If Steam had any sort of curation whatsoever, VNs would have never made it into the platform. Well, I'm sure some of you would have liked that.
  11. here's all of the announcements but with a lot more words: http://blog.fuwanovel.net/2016/07/anime-expo-2016-recap/
  12. I played the all-ages version of Meikyuu. It's still full of sex jokes. The changes that were made were made by Frontwing for the Vita version, that's the version that was translated as the all-ages version. So again, Sekai Project conducted none of the censorship.
  13. Well, I imagine they are going to keep in as much of the porn as humanly possible. You can get away with a lot on Steam these days.
  14. There's always at least two, the Japanese license holder and the localization company doing the translation. Smile are the Japanese devs behind the game. A lot of people seem to forget that these companies are often very involved in the localization process.
  15. Why would they? There's a lot of money to be had in this. I imagine they're going to try to push the boundaries as far as possible, following Gahkthun's and Purino Party's example.
  16. Apparently the Steam release of Koikuma is something that Smile is handling, so no one at SP seems to know what's going on with that.
  17. Oh yeah, also: So I really don't know what you guys are on about.
  18. It's by Aroduc, the translator of Romanesque, Kamidori, Seinarukana, Bunny Black, and several other gameplay VNs.
  19. That's marked as nukige, very clearly. Please do not complain about the VNDB tag system if you refuse to contribute. The tag system is an open voting system, if you don't vote for tags then complain about their absence, you're just being a huge hypocrite.
  20. Verdelish was at the Aksys panel: (we didn't actually know about 999 and VLR, there was only that (obvious) teaser tweet) edit: And if you wanted collaborating sources: https://twitter.com/RPGSite/status/749705198189314048 https://twitter.com/RPGSite/status/749706206592237568
  21. Sharin no Kuni is also a crowdfunding project, and Akabeisoft2 had to be weary of fans refusing to back it due to the lack of 18+, torpedoing the whole thing before it got off the ground. While g-senjou wasn't crowdfunded, AS2 had no incentive there. Sekai Project has been trying to get fans to express their desires more in an organized manner for ages, and even still everyone just claims it's a futile and resort to petty snipes on random message boards. The fact of the matter is that it's not futile, and never has been. If enough people let the people making the decisions know that an 18+ version is desired, then the chances of it happening are actually way higher.
  22. Maybe if you guys want an 18+ version, you could very politely ask for it directly from the source.
  23. They said they ran out of time, and had to reschedule it to another con. I asked why it had to be a con announcement, and dovac said "because Japan."
  24. Tay talked to Ren and I guess Ren assured him that the translation project is still active. He just doesn't want to deal with the constant questions so he decided to remove all reference of it from his site. ...Which seems like a pretty unwise thing to do if you want to dodge attention, but oh well. So no, it's neither a secret project or an official license. It's still just the same project. Make of that what you will.
  25. I expect nothing. As should everyone, really. It would save you all a lot of salt.
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