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Everything posted by Decay

  1. Maybe... the story and the writing???
  2. None of Kajitsu/Fruit's ends are cliffhangers since the sequels follow a non-existent harem route. Basically, it's a very complete experience. However, I would say that although the protagonist is a bit of a pragmatist, Grisaia doesn't really qualify here. It never questions Yuuji's righteousness.
  3. Looking at the general vote trends on VNDB, people tend to prefer longer games. So do I, apparently. I think one part of this is if a company is dedicating itself to releasing a 50+ hour epic, they're generally going to put some polish on it and make sure it's reasonably good. Naturally, there are some very long VNs that are still bad anyway, but it seems like most of them are the kinds of games developers put their all into. And companies that just poop out generic tripe year after year tend to not make that stuff terribly long (think Peassoft). So it makes sense that the community tends to like longer VNs at least a little bit more on average.
  4. There will be an 18+ version with mosaics. https://twitter.com/moonstone_twitt/status/738674427315916801 (NSFW)
  5. Well, SP = Denpasoft, so many of SP's titles will end up at Denpa. Even if your personal tastes don't align with what MG, SP, and JAST are putting out, you have to recognize that they are at least "halfway decent" and in fact large portions of the community are eagerly anticipating them. The lineup of official releases have been really quite great lately and looks to continue to be great.
  6. There are elements in the first game that call back to Cartagra, and there is some fairly serious drama directly involving some Cartagra characters in Kara no Shoujo. It helps to have played Cartagra in order to fully appreciate both KnS1 and 2 You don't HAVE to play it, but you should.. And besides, it's not bad at all.
  7. Yeah, okay, but this is Love Sweets, a VN that looks unremarkable even by moege standards.
  8. I don't see any use in stretching the definition of visual novel. What good does that do anyone? It's okay for these games to be something other than VNs. It's okay to like things that aren't VNs, you don't have to transform everything you like into a VN. I just don't get why people want to do that so badly.
  9. Good Haro was also retweeting a lot of stuff about it.
  10. I think they're saying it will eventually happen?
  11. I wouldn't associate engrish in OPs to with their actual ability to do an in-house translation. One is probably just done by some random intern using google translate, and the other would hopefully be done by actual translators they'd hire. They would never bother to hire a translator just for some brief, incidental text they don't expect most of their audience to be able to understand anyway. That said, the track record for in-house translations is very poor, so I'm still not particularly optimistic either way.
  12. Moonstone are partners with MangaGamer, with MG having translated Princess Evangile and Imouto Paradise from them, and are currently working on W Happiness and ImoPara2. Yet this announcement is made independent of MG, with no word from them or any of their staff about this, creating a somewhat confusing situation. Some are speculating that e2gaming, the people behind the recently botched Taisho x Alice announcement, are the ones behind this. They had some moonstone games listed on their site before they switched it to being fully about TxA. Or maybe Moonstone is going the Front Wing route and doing everything themselves from now on? Either way, this is seemingly happening, "soon." I'm a little weary of what the end product will be like since MG isn't involved.
  13. Well, you could do a number of things with this line. I'm guessing the cut-off word there is "help"? So, the part that is actually unnecessary in this sentence is not the parenthetical phrase (at least, not the first half of it). It's the "for her help" bit, since that is very easily assumed from the context. "She's very self-assured and is significantly popular with boys and girls alike (mostly boys) thanks to her kindly giving advice to anyone who asks." If I'm counting characters correctly, that would fit while improving the natural feel of the sentence. The "mostly boys" bit is a key part of the line's humor (such as it is), I feel, so removing it would definitely be wrong. Anyway, figuring out where the fluff lies is definitely an art, and not one I'd expect someone who doesn't have a native-level mastery of the english language to be proficient at. If you ask rooke, he'll give a fifteen paragraph explanation and a much better line than what I gave.
  14. Easily the most mind-blowing part in all of Root Double.
  15. It's real. Key's CEO himself confirmed that it's indeed happening, and Ixrec confirmed that it will use his translations.
  16. They're doing this because they expect it to tickle the same fancy Nekopara does. I really don't think their more serious works would fare any better on Steam than this will.
  17. The problem is that after the hardcores who donate craploads of money stop showing up (they're far more likely to back at the start of a campaign), the rate of new regular backers is so slow that they'll struggle to make it to the goal. I still think they'll earn a good chunk of the goal, though. And maybe things will improve once Japan wakes up? It's flex funding so they'll get their money either way and the game is releasing this july no matter what. If it bombs in the IGG, they just have to hope the steam sales make up for it.
  18. Not really? It's doing fine... I was going to say before noticing that it only had 43 backers.
  19. Muv luv uses a dynamic camera that is constantly panning and zooming around the scene. The conversion from 4:3 to 16:9 shouldn't hurt it much as long as they script it right.
  20. Dracu-Riot's translation is still incomplete, so it's best to wait before playing that. Anyway, Grisaia no Kajitsu/Fruit of Grisaia is a top-tier VN from 2011.
  21. I love the phoenix wright localization, lol. Yeah, it's wildly different. But they recognized that they couldn't maintain the spirit of the original Japanese version without making some changes, so they decided to just go hog wild with it. And they actually pulled it off rather successfully, I'd say. The game wouldn't be a fraction of popular in the US as it is now if they didn't do that.
  22. The steins;gate translation was basically the same across all platforms. That guy worked on the JAST version, too. I don't think there's any reason to jump to conclusions about this right now.
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