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Everything posted by Decay

  1. August's art, while suffering from a bad case of sameface throughout all of their games, was ahead of its time in style. I get the sense that a lot of eroge ended up copying August, actually.
  2. Get the patch here. One of the team members was sick of waiting around for erengy to apply the finishing touches and leaked what was done as of nearly 3 years ago to the public. Should be a 100% translation, but does not fully translate all images. Note that first, you need to download and install the partial patch downloadable here. Apply this to the all-ages "Brighter than Dawning Blue" version of the game, it will not work on the 18+ version. Then copy and paste the files from the 100% patch onto the game directory, overwriting all of the files. Yoake Mae yori Ruri Iro na is a classic 2005 charage from August, the makers of Aiyoku no Eustia and Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai. The protagonist's cousin has connections that somehow end up with the Princess of the Moon (yes, literally the moon) staying at their home. The all-ages version of the game they chose to translate has a lot of new content including two full-fledged routes that the 18+ version did not have. So hurrah, the August curse is finally broken. Kinda. Can we give a little leeway for some untranslated images?
  3. I can't think of any jokes off the top of my head that have been heavily censored in Grisaia. The all-ages versions of both still have a LOT of heavily sexual humor. What little toning down of the sexual humor they did do must have been very light.
  4. Really, Sekai provides their 18+ patches alongside the actual release almost all of the time. The only case where I don't believe this happens is with Grisaia. Fair for who? Let people get access to the versions as they're ready I say, that's the most fair approach.
  5. No, but you should consider the experience of people who are browsing fuwanovel with the intention of learning about VNs and where to get them. To be honest, I think that bar looks kind of ridiculous up there at the top, alone. That's why I proposed putting the walkthrough/savefile/tech help thingy alongside the patch/game download and info, and I prefer it under the description because I feel like for a whole lot of people, the description and general game info is going to be the most important part. It's still just a quick scroll down to find this info. Putting it right up top is just aesthetically displeasing to me and also sort of confuses the objective of the site.
  6. These basically echo my thoughts.
  7. Raison d'ĂȘtre is in most English dictionaries, you know. It is part of the common English vernacular. It was also French in the original Japanese script. This isn't the same as not translating one of the Japanese words. The intent behind its usage in the original script was probably to give it a very important, fancy, and exotic sound. This intent is maintained just fine by keeping the phrase as-is.
  8. I actually do agree that you shouldn't take out too much of the origin culture's "flavor" in a translated work. But Conjueror's explanation makes perfect sense to me and I feel like the change was justified and for the better. I'm not really interested in arguments about how it could go wrong, when that wasn't the case here.
  9. Fully believable that everything Tyr has learned about this world comes from eroge.
  10. The patch for the original game using the nscripter engine is 640x480. What you downloaded wasn't that, but was the russian developed PS3 to PC port, a different thing entirely.
  11. I know Ooyari's art will always have its haters, but man, I think that looks great. Not necessarily a fan of the content though, lol.
  12. It's technically not machine translation otherwise it would have been completed a long time ago, but it's still very, very bad. The Introductory Chapter patch that has been edited last year is still based on the supremely flawed and heavily mistranslated patch they released in 2014, just with a few corrections here and there and some better grammar. If that's the level of quality they're shooting for with the Closing Chapter, then yeah, just forget this project even exists.
  13. An excerpt of the translations, taken just after Sumika bonked Takeru for groping her boobs while she was trying to wake him up: Some of these differences are minor, but have subtle differences in the meaning, such as "so hard" instead of "that hard." "That hard" implies a very specific level of being hit at he's uncomfortable with, while "so hard" implies a broader range, he's mostly not okay with being hit hard at all. With the second line, Amaterasu's version makes Sumika feel more passive and kind of whiny, while the revised translation makes her sound more assertive. "It's your fault" is what you say when shifting the blame, "It's your own fault" is something you say from a more detached position, when you don't think you had or deserved any of the blame in the first place. Then there's just a lot of minor, obvious improvements. "Squeeze" instead of "move" for instance. "Your hand moved" is not at all obvious in its actual meaning, and the moment you have to think about a straightforward joke is the moment it becomes way less funny. Overall, all of the minor accuracy improvements (such as "Why not" instead of "Why would you say that") makes the dialogue flow so much better. Like, every line actually feels like a response to the previous line in the Degica version, while the Amaterasu version felt like it was full of more non-sequiturs. It gives the dialogue a snappier back-and-forth dynamic to it that simply makes it funnier and more interesting to read. And the final few lines in this sequence make so much more sense in the Degica version. The simple "I'm sorry......" made it unclear exactly what he was apologizing for, and it felt like it came out of nowhere. "Look, I'm sorry alright?" feels like the kind of insincere apology that Takeru would give, while the nature of the apology makes it more apparent that he's apologizing for groping her. And so when he immediately takes it back, that take-back has more impact when the apology itself isn't so confusing. And the nature of the take-back is just so much better in the new version. "...yeah right" with lowercase Y and all, feels so weak that you actually have to wonder what it was for. It could even be mistaken for a retort to Sumika's last line saying that he can't act like an idiot forever, which isn't the case. Overall, the new script is so drastically better in almost every single line that I cannot even begin to fathom how anyone could prefer the old Amaterasu version. The old version was a confusing, boring mess, the new version feels snappy and even kinda funny, which is something I didn't think was possible for Muv Luv. Takeru comes off as being cockier, and this cocky attitude is pretty amusing in the new version. I was so insanely bored by Extra when I read it a few years ago, but this new version actually feels readable and mildly entertaining in its own way. The content is still pretty insipid, but perhaps the dialogue can actually inspire some occasional laughs now. But they did use the em dash improperly, so actually this is a garbage tier translation.
  14. When two methods mean the same thing but one simply sounds better, there is absolutely nothing wrong with switching to the better sounding alternative, even if the previous version was already fine. I'm glad that the translation team is being so comprehensive in their methodology here. This conversation is so freaking ridiculous though. I can't believe you're raising a fuss over something so trivial.
  15. Well, the thing is, they didn't leave it unchanged, they exaggerated it even further.
  16. She refuses to use any pronouns whatsoever, actually, which makes it way worse. And the first-person talking style is way more egregious in the english script than it is in the original, where it's actually fairly tempered from what I can tell.
  17. What did they do to Yuzu's dialogue and why? It is so incredibly annoying to read, it's actually painful. I can't actually read this.
  18. ROTK 10 is a pretty fascinating take on strategy. It's like a Japanese developed Crusader Kings set in China. If that sounds appealing to you, check it out some time. Too bad the PC version was never translated, but it emulates decently on PCSX2. It's definitely a game that's kinda there more for the feel and experience than as an actual compelling strategy game. The battle system is an easily exploitable joke and the historical simulation breaks down pretty often. Apparently both of these things were resolved in the PC version. RIP us english speaking weirdos, I guess. Still, I played the hell out of that game. I found it oddly fun to raise my character through the ranks, fulfill the orders my liege gave me and eventually make enough of a name for myself to gain higher positions until I could make my own bid for power, it's that kind of game. Just expect a lot of tedium to go along with it.
  19. I know I'm late, but no, they're not. Sekai Project did end up picking that up anyway. (And yes, they will of course be releasing an 18+ version)
  20. I've been hearing some pretty negative things about it. Pretty sure even the people who like it most won't tell you it's a top-level VN or anything. I wouldn't get your hopes up.
  21. Reminder: Do not link to full VN downloads here. Do not link to sites that directly link to such things here. That pretty much means that post release you are not allowed to link to their site here or anywhere else on the forums.
  22. Oh, right, you can't use spoiler tags because @Nosebleed is being so gosh darn lazy.
  23. ??? You are going to have to be a lot more specific than this. What game were you trying to cheat in?
  24. I mean, most internet services come with some pretty good filtering tools. If they want, they could just turn off comments on their site and do things at their own pace. Ain't nothing wrong with that. And there's nothing wrong with not having a thick hide, either. The internet shouldn't have a high barrier to entry.
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