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Everything posted by Okami

  1. USA had tried the same thing a few years back, they did menage to shoot down a few big hoster sites and the only thing that achieved was making torrents more popular again. And those hosters come back eventually too only with servers of countries that are outside of USAs control. Internet is global, none single country can hope to control it. Piracy will exist as long as internet does. True the second part of this is interesting, as much as I support piracy I also support people supporting companies and products they like, if they can afford it. And just because they won't be able to shoot down piracy doesn't mean they won't have incomes. All games that exist can be pirated but game companies still earn alot, same for live action movies/tv series, softwares etc. And if they do manage to get big incomes, who knows they might start bringing VNs/JRPGs over too. Pretty much all other countries have that right, why wouldn't they have it too.
  2. Do you accept recommendations outside of poll? If yes how about Gigai no Alruna, I checked releases for July and this one seems as most interesting title, It seems it is a chuni and you said that it's your favorite genre, (And it's not on your list). If not then Shinsei Mokushiroku ~Death March~.
  3. It's fake, 3 days don't have 300 hours in it. This VN was released on 07-09 and this "review" was made on 07-10, 3 X 24 = 72 true as we don't see time of the day of review it could be closer to 4 days but still 4 X 24 = 96 where did he found the rest 233 hours. and 3000 hours, there's not that many hours since date of release till now, 21 x 24 = 504, could be 22 x 24 = 528, still nowhere near 3000.
  4. Well that is an open harem ending. If you still want for more serious closed polygamy ending you can give a try to Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa wo Hirogete. And good luck learning Japanese, glad to see more of us on that quest.
  5. Agree, forget about #3 one you want enjoy it, and you want really understand anything. Go for 1 & 2, wait for English patches and read them while learning Japanese in mean time, If you love VNs and you plan to read them for a long time you will have to learn it sooner or latter and it is worth it as less than 5% of VNs out there are translated to English. Sure it takes time but so does learning any other language, imagine how limited your VN/Anime enjoyment would be if the fact that it takes a lot time stopped you from learning English (Guessing that Spanish is your native one), well once you learn Japanese you possibilities will expend that much more. I myself am doing the same, reading translated ones while learning Japanese, sure you could like some suggest first read/watch everything you can now and only once your out of stuff to read/watch start learning but then you would be out of things to read/watch until you learn it, while if you start learning right now by the time you run out of translated VNs you want to read you will already be able to read untranslated ones. Also I suggest you lean Kana first, once you know Kana learning Kanji is alot easier, and that's the order that Japanese kids learn to read/write too.
  6. He knows what he is talking about? He said that a game doesn't have a good art witch is a one thing that this game certainly does have, and he says 1 hours "If you don't read any text". He has no idea what hi is talking about I would be surprised if he ever did read any other VN. Also am I the only one here who dislikes ecchi but had still liked this VN?
  7. I used to watch live action movies/series and read books but I discovered Anime and VNs and I found that I enjoy them far more. There is many things that I like about VNs there are some that I dislike too (H-scenes) but the biggest reason is probably because it's anime-like book and I love Anime. Sure there are Manga & LNs too but they tend to be to short for my taste and they need years to finish airing and I hate watching/reading things weakly that's nowhere near enough for me, and noting forbids me to read all of them VNs/LNs/Manga. And If you ask me why I love anime, well I could probably write a whole book about my reasons for that one, but long story short for me anime and other anime-like media are one good thing in this world and the only thing I can really enjoy in it. As for "normal" games, well there are a few good ones but generally I can't enjoy games if they don't have a good story and for good gameplay & story in one JRPGs with VN elements & VNs with RPG elements are a best choice, especially now that game industry have fallen in the west. True there never were so many western games with good stories to begin with, and on top of that JRPGs & VNs with gameplay have anime style stories and characters witch is in my case always better. As for live action movies/series their stories don't get so much to me and their characters are in general weaker then those in anime and anime like media. For example while in anime-like media my favorite genre is romance x action(Chuni) and I think that romance is always a + and I always have my shippings even in those that are not romance based stories in action movies I newer care for romance and I found romance live action movies to be shallow and boring. And then we have books, for someone who loves psychological stories you might imagine that I would love books, however there is one big problem with me and psychological books, and that is that they almost always are bound to classical morals and classical way of viewing a life and while that's not always bad in general I prefer for psychological stories to go beyond normal view of life and to challenge those morals rather then to be part of them, and while there might be some books that do the same from my experience it seems that they are rare. And with other genres of books there are the same problem as with live action movies, I rarely care for characters and I don't find most stories too be that interesting as those in Anime-like media like VNs. I had never read a romance book that I found interesting they always just feel shallow to me, like it's just a casual romantic relationship rather then a true love that you get in VNs/Anime romance genre. Even the masterpieces of live-action movies/series and books are just as good as an average good anime/VN (At least for me they are). Some people say that they would like VNs to be more westernized but for me that would be a disaster as one of the biggest reasons why I like VNs is because of their anime-like style of stories/characters that they have now, that make me care for them and for a story to really get to me. Also a lot of people tend to take live-action stories and books more serious then Anime/VNs, for example psychology in VN will newer be taken as serious as psychology in books by most witch I think is a grave mistake and to prove it we have people being far more influenced by VNs then in any other media. Also non-other media has as much freedom as VNs, you will hardly find story in any other media that supports things that are considered taboos as much as VNs does, and as I myself support alot of those things that are considered taboos I like to read stories that challenges those taboos. Simply put I love all anime-like media for what they are, other media will never give me such enjoyment as they. And from them my favorites are Anime and VNs. Sure they are not perfect and they have their faults too but they are closer to the perfection that we have, and that's why I love them and read them.
  8. Can you put a full patch over a partial pre-patched version from fuwa or do I have to search for unpatched version to add a full patch to it? I haven't started reading it yet as I wanted to weight for full patch to come out but my expectations are very high for this title, as I said in that other thread I had been stalking Amaterasu daily for progress on this VN since I started reading VNs. Gonna start reading it first thing tomorrow when I wake up, so please someone tell me if I can use partial pre-patched version from fuwa fast so I know what to put on downloading while I sleep. Thanks.
  9. Yes that's what I was talking about. Now I feel really dump for not noticing it.
  10. I think those are some nice updates to our forum, but I want to ask what happened with sub-section for VN suggestion, many people had expressed that they would like to have that so was it denied after all, if so could you tell as why. Sorry if you already explained it someware and I just missed it.
  11. So nobody here knows that this is old news, like 15 years old stuff just updated? "Japan had earlier banned the production and distribution of child pornography in 1999." And now they just added that possession of child pornography is illegal too.
  12. He will just troll them same as people who ask nicely. And official story is that he is still working on it as he did post something like updates a few times this year. And his site was never really down it just had some bug that you had to reload it to show itself.
  13. I meant VNDB, not having slept for nearly a week is getting to me, I gonna go do that now.
  14. No I newer read multiple VN's at once, I prefer to finish one before starting next one. The closer I come to reading multiple VN's at once is if I put a VN on stalled then reed something else and that happened only twice to me and it's because those titles ware very boring and I would had dropped them if my policy doesn't forbid me to. I don't even watch 2 anime at a same time, always finish one before starting next one, with few exceptions like Naruto and that's because that one won't be ending for atleast few more years. Hoewer there are many other people who do read multiple VN's at once, you just need to check there's IMDB profiles to see that.
  15. Not sure about easier but translation does require somewhat more time then editing, but it's also a more needed position. If you do know Japanese and want to help western VN community I think everyone will tell you that you should go for translator rather then an editor.
  16. To be a translator you need to known a Japanese, to be an editor you need native level English. Those tools that GentleBlade provided are for hacking VNs not for translating, good machine translator doesn't exist you need to know a language in order to translate. Hacking VNs is needed in order to translate them but those are two different steps. And in order to use those tools most of the times you need hacking skills, also different tools are needed for hacking different engines.
  17. No, hardcore PC and Emulators gamer here, the last actual console I owned is PSX, The only reason I would want to have one is JRPGs and most of them don't have English versions anyway.
  18. Welcome to the Fuwa! I have a save for eien no aselia 100% true I finished all routes on normal difficulty, If you want it I can send it to you on your mail (Send me your mail in PM). As for what to play/read first I had read only first 3 titles, I would recommended that you go by length (Shortest>Longest) and that is Sakura spirit (5h-6h), Shinigami no Kiss (Around 30h), Yumina the eternal (100h+). Oh and a you might want to known that Yumina the eternal starts somewhat weaker but becomes better as it goes and becomes really good halfway true. Enjoy your stay.
  19. It doesn't seem to me that Zettai Fukujuu Meire is a nukige, if someone played it and know that it is please tell me so I can remove it. As for titles except Natsu no Hi no Resonance that I did miss other all look like nukige to me, true I don't know what to think about Heart de Roommate. And as for Clannad true officially it's partial patch it is 100% translated so I think I should add it, not sure why I didn't already. So for now I had added Clannad & Natsu no Hi no Resonance. And I will wait for confirmation for Heart de Roommate and Zettai Fukujuu Meire so I know If I should add/remove them from my list. If someone had played them please tell me if they are nukiges or not. I am pretty sure that other titles are nukiges but just to be sure if someone knows for sure let me know so I don't have any doubt. Oh and Tiag I appreciate your help but you don't have to bother to check for nukiges Tom hasn't been online for a mount so he probably won't be updating his list anyway.
  20. Both those titles are already there in my list, true in case of Zettai Zetsumei Auction I had mistakenly written "ZettaiZetsumei Auction" I somehow forgot to add a space, not sure how that happened but I fixed that, Kindan no Koi ~Yurusarenai Futari~ was there under it's English title Forbidden Love - The Unforgivable Couple, I changed it to original title. I don't see a two Zettai Fukujuu Meirei, one is under 2006.12.31 where it should be as it's first full translation, there is a second translation by JAST USA on VNDB released on 2012.12.05 but that one is not in my list as I put only a first full translation. If somewhere in my list there is a second entry for this title could you point it out for me as there is noting under 2012.12.05 in my list.
  21. Yea sure they can. Racism is hating other races it doesn't meeter witch race that is. True being annoyed at how "KPOP MVs always have that stereotypical white girl(blonde, blue eyes)" isn't really racism.
  22. I had been fallowing this title's translation for as long as I am into VNs, can't w8 to finaly read it.
  23. The only fully translated VNs from 2014 that aren't on fuwa (And aren't official translations or nukiges) are Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side: 3rd Story (PSP) and White Album 2 ~introductory chapter~ true it's up for debate if second one should be considered full patch or partial (as it's not yet edited and version that they are translating is the one that has introductory chapter & closing chapter bounded in one). Not just most it includes all fully translated VNs that are not nukiges. But there is no partial patches there. Do you mean older ones too? If so there are for sure atleast a few titles that are missing.
  24. It's a pity that you have to leave stuff but I am glad that you are staying on forums with us. I and you always had opposite opinions on some stuff (Mostly about H-scenes) but on the other side we are both fellow lolicons who are truly passionate about our 2D world and we have many things in common. See you around Steve.
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