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Everything posted by Okami

  1. First this is not really a project request, I am thinking of creating one myself and I just want to ask people if they think I should make it, in terms would they found it helpful. So do you thing I should make it? would you find it useful?
  2. Yes but if we start there there will newer really be an end for it, as we could separate VNs that are completely all-ages from non-nukiges that do still have H-scenes, or PC VNs from console ones, or just android ones from the rest, or official localized ones from Fan-translated ones, or the ones with gameplay and those without it, or kinetic VNs from the ones with choices, or ones that have a true route, or we could separate them all on genres, or, or, or..... And adding them all would just end up more confusing then anything. And out of the all separation that could be done I think that the one on Otome and non-otome VNs is the one of the bottom of useful separations as it would just be separating one genre from the rest of them. If I ware to do some separation to the list it would probably be one on all-ages titles and the non-nukiges still have some H-scenes. True I don't rally think that that is that much needed either, the only separation I find really needed is the one that is already there on non-nukiges and nukiges because they are compliantly different, as for the one you go for a story for other you go for porn, and because I don't want to have anything to do with nukiges. Also I have one other bigger project in mind for now similar to this list but unrelated to it. I'l be asking people's opinion on it latter today so you will hear about it.
  3. Thanks it's pretty simple, I thought that specials and movies where somewhere in between seasons.
  4. I don't know how did this anime fly out of my radar, this is first time I am hearing about this series. I'll guess I give it a try durning this mouth after I finish a few other anime that I decided to watch in next week or two (Including one other mahou shoujo anime that I have been putting on a side for so long (Madoka magicka)). So would anyone be kind enough to help me sort out in witch order should I watch this one including movies and specials.
  5. I don't think that is really needed since it's not like the male audience can't enjoy Otome VNs or that female audience can't enjoy VNs that aren't otome, not to mention that VN not being otome doesn't automatically mean that it is aimed at a male audience.
  6. If you just want to know all non-nukige official licensed titles I could make a list for you.
  7. Maybe this guy: It would be nice to have someone dependable for your best mate.
  8. If he downloaded preached version from Fuwa then game location > savedata
  9. You mean light novels right? Sword art online doesn't have a visual novel (It does have 2 games true, but they are made after an anime).
  10. Technically neither in Steins;Gate or G-Senjou true routes don't need to be unlocked, true they are obviously made in order to be read last. But yea, I get what you want to say, having a Main/Canon heroine doesn't necessarily mean you have a true route.
  11. If you just want to LOL like crazy Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu is probably a good choice.
  12. Nice, thanks all. True if anyone knows a direct source they are getting their info from it would be good to know that one too just in case, but this is good too.
  13. After vntls had gone dead I have no idea where too look in order to follow progres of official translation/localization projects such as Sumaga, Seinarukana -The Spirit of Eternity Sword 2-, Bokuten Why I Became an Angel etc. They had followed their progress somehow so I know that there has to be a way for me too I just have no idea where should I look for it.
  14. Oh and yea I forgot to mention if you prefer sci-fi over fantasy then there is Yumina the Ethereal, true gameplay isn't much better then in Eien no Aselia.
  15. I agree that story of Eien no Aselia is better then Kamidori but Gameplay in it is boring while Kamidori has a really great gameplay. So if he wants a good balance between both good gameplay and story I recommend Kamidori rather then Eien no Aselia. Eien no Aselia is a great VN but it is definitely not something you go into if you want a good gameplay.
  16. But that is a main route not a true route, that is a big difference. Canon/main ending is not a same thing as a true ending. Author can just pick up one ending as an canon/main ending but he can't just decide that he wants one ending to be a true ending he needs to write that ending so that that ending reviles all the big secrets that have not been reviled in previous ones in order for that ending to be a true ending, otherwise it's just a main ending.
  17. Welcome to Fuwa, I hope you enjoy your stay (And you probably will). As for recommendations it would be good to know what you like first. If you are fan of mystery/triler with drama and romance I recommend you G-senjou no Maou (The Devil on G-String). If you want supernatural action X romance with drama and some MOE you could try Rewrite. If you want something darker with drama, romance, psychology go for Saya no Uta (Song of Saya). If you want some chuni action x romance then go for Ayakashibito. If you want something other let me know what you like.
  18. Multiple routes are like parallel universes witch took a different turn. I don't think that there is much to be said, if you know what a parallel universe means that that's all that needs to be said about multiple routes. I generally don't like when VN tries to explains having multiple routes because they can rarely come with anything better then some kind of parallel universes and trying to explain multiple routes as parallel universes is unnecessary and it can interact with the rest of the story in a bad way and it doesn't really change anything. The only cases when it is necessary is when some character needs to remember something from a previous route. To discus one of the VN examples, Rewrite: Steins;Gate I also agree with what madvanced said.
  19. Human is just a race, just like a cat, dog, tiger, etc. The only difference between them is that human race has an intelligence while other races have only instincts, whoever that intelligence doesn't define human, what defines human is biology therefore cave man that didn't have intelligence ware just as human as today human and just as people who fallow their instincts true life rather then using intelligence are also humans, they are no better then animals because they don't really use one thing that makes them above animals but they are human just as those who do use intelligence, we can say that those people who don't use intelligence are below those who do but that doesn't change that we are the same race. Just as you can't say that one cat is more or less of a cat then other, one human can't be more or less human then any other human. There are some who say that there are human thing to do and inhuman things one human can do but that is just a delusion, no mater what you do you can't change a race you are, that is just a term people who don't want to see themself as a member of a same race as some individuals who do things they don't like use in order to express that, but just as wanting to become a cat doesn't make you one wanting someone to not be a race that you are doesn't make them not be that race any more. Humanity is a biology not a psychology.
  20. Also I forgot to say, but for me a true end/route is just another end/route that reviles more secrets and has potential of being better then the rest but it is not more significant then the rest of the routes, If I hate a true route, or find a true end unsatisfying but I liked others that won't ruin the rest of it for me, I will just see it as one route/end that is bad. Few post above Rewrite was mention, it is one of my favorite VNs, I hated a Terra route and found it to be the worst route in this VN, and that didn't spoil the rest of the VN for me.
  21. True route is the route that reviles main "secrets" that are not reviled in other routes, otherwise it's not a true route but a main route. Many people seem to mix the two.
  22. So basically your 4-7 waifus only from VNs. Saya (Saya No Uta) Kisaragi Suzu (Ayakashibito) Yuubana Mayuki (Coμ) Mylen (Kamidori) Suina (Kamidori) Uruka Blackspirit (Eien No Aselia) Selia (Eien No Aselia) Well it will probably change the more VNs I read as I had read only something above 30 VNs till now but first 2 will probably stay for a long time since they would still be in my top 10 heroines even with Anime heroines incuded.
  23. Yea about that.... When it comes to 3D world I completely agree with psychology of this VN sometimes to the point where I feel like I myself had written those lines about but that's exactly why I don't like it, while I am completely aware of those things being truth in 3D world I don't want that kind of world in my 2D stories. One of the biggest reasons why I like Anime/VNs in a first place is because they are different worlds in witch things that are in 3D world only empty ideals, lies and delusions really exist in those 2D worlds so trying to create a 2D world that is as empty as 3D world is already flaw in my book, I already live in one such shitty world I don't won't to read/watch about another one of those. It's ok if they only start that way but letter in story turn it around in a decent 2D world but it's not ok if they go with it all the way, and true they kinda did try to do exactly that they did it in all the wrong points and too late.
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