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Everything posted by Okami

  1. I am somewhere between Chaotic Evil last boss level and ancient evil. Chaotic Evil here.
  2. I always thought that they ware original art Ahhh I like this forum already haha! So my pick was Nymph from Heavens Lost Property <3 . Funny enough I don't really favor the anime to much but I love Nymph! xD .Same here, I am not really the fan of Anime but Nymph is just adorable. Unfortunately there are very little of her's pics.
  3. Okami


    So you are saying: "I can't prove that I am right as your arguments are not what I am used to and I can't think of anything to answer so I am going to ignore you and to discus only with people who share my opinion or those who have week opinion and arguments witch I can easily go against" Well suit yourself.
  4. Okami


    So you are assuming that every person who likes kids is a rapist? Or are you saying that if a underage girl/boy have sex with an adult willingly adult should be arrested anyway? Or even if adult just looks at an underage while not ever meaning to even approach her/him should be arrested? Low might say so, but low is not always right. If you don't won't your kid to have sex at early age with an older person you should rise him that way, not go and demanding that every person who likes kids should be arrested just because he likes what he likes. And if you are saying that anyone who has a potential of commiting a crime should be arrested before he has a chance to make one, then you are basically saying that every human should be arrested as everyone have a potential for making crimes.
  5. Okami


    You missed my point (Intentionally or not), them being arrested for just liking what they like is what I call stupid low. Low changes all the time anyway, like I pointed it out in past being gay was also considered a mental disorder but today it's a normal thing to be a gay (In most countries at least). Forythos > Moral also changes with time, same as low, same argument could be used too. Some things that ware considered unmoral in past are considered normal today, some things that are considered unmoral today might not be considered unmoral tomorrow. I prefer to have my own opinion/morals rather then to copy/paste the ones most people have just because most people have it.
  6. Okami


    Tastes are 100% subjective, they don't become objective just because the way you got them. And I am not searching for an easy way out of an argument I was just trying to put it back on track, I have given a lot of arguments on that meter in another topic (2D VS 3D opened by Tom) but this is not a thread for that discussion. And it's not non existence of 2D characters isn't proven by empirical evidence because you can't observe an universe as a whole to be able to say with certainty that other universes don't exist, if you can't even prove that they exist or not how could you possibly prove what in them can exist or can't. But for suck a long post you actually didn't say anything inside a discussion of a topic, I would say that you are the one who is trying to get an easy way out of discussion by going of topic. I already said that I mentioned that only on a side note so there is no real reason to continue with that topic.
  7. Okami


    I already said I am not interested in 3D of any age. And as for possibility of being arrested that is just stupid low, in past you could be thrown in mental institution for being gay too, even further in a past you could be a slave your whole life just because your skin is a different color.
  8. Okami


    Well ofcourse it makes you a pedophile that's a definition of pedophile, what I am saying is that there is noting wrong in being one. It's just like liking people of same gender makes you a gay, but there is nothing wrong in being gay. Nor does person who is one can do anything about it, you can't change what you like just because people tell you to, Just as I can't start liking 3D people just because someone tells me I should, or like streit man/woman can't become gay just because someone tells them too or other way around. Ofcourse you can like both too, but that still won't change that you do like both. And I don't think there is a right and wrong taste.
  9. Okami


    No I am not trolling, there are many theories about multiversums that can't be proven right or wrong, and if you do believe that they exist why would all of them have to have a same 3D "Graphic" as the universe that we live in. But this is going of topic, I just pointed it out that it's not a fact but an opinion. What I wanted to say the most is that even if you do like 3D little girls there is noting wrong with it (As long as you don't rape anyone) it's all about preferences. After all it's only about last 50-100 years that it's considered to be wrong to like girls under age of 18, in history both girls and boys have been getting married and had sexual activities in far younger age, from biology side of view people are sexually mature far before age of 18 (In between age of 10-14 I think).
  10. Okami


    Because just as you believe that they are not real there are us who believe that they are, and as neither side can prove that they are right it's a subjective opinion. As for tastes, well I think you do know that they are subjective and that there is no need to explain that.
  11. Okami


    Tastes are subjective, I myself honestly don't see how can anyone be attracted to RL people at all but majority still are. If they are real or not is also subjective opinion.
  12. This, I really don't get how do people managed to signed out by accident at all, much less often, and on daily basis ..... seriously?
  13. Here's two a little bit dark but still plenty cute And here's some cute ones for those who dislike dark themes
  14. Here's a guide for hacking, Hackers are probably the second most needed position.
  15. There's also TLC (Translation checking) work to be done between editing and patch creation, it's also optional true. As well as Image editing that can come anywhere between hacking and patch creation, optional as well. Depends from VN to VN but it does require hacking skills.
  16. Okami


    Well true it's not official Lolicon is kinda a person who likes 2D little girls while pedophile is the one who likes 3D ones. I am a lolicon myself, I am not interested in 3D girls of any age at all and I like only 2D girls and out of them my favorites are Lolis. By pool that we had some time ago it seems like 60%+ of people here like Lolis and those who don't like them still don't have anything against people who like them. Most people here are very open minded and accepting, so even things that are worldwidedly considered taboo are generally accepted here. That's why I like it here so much.
  17. I don't think that there is any problems with this section, true I do have one suggestion that could improve it, and that is to make a sub section inside VN Talk for VN recommendations.
  18. I think that even in GD there should be a limit how off-topic/spammy threads can be.
  19. I think that necroposting is better then making a double thread, firstly because points that people already made will still be there in that thread, secondly while it's not big deal if we have 2 or 3 same threads it becomes annoying when we have 100 of the same threads. That said I don't really think that we have a problem with this here on Fuwa.
  20. A little over a 2 years since I started watching Anime, But I also have been reading VNs for that time and making my VN collection.
  21. but its understandable, since it's only 12 episodes. Well, not all the routes were good, but Kazuha's route had a pretty original and interesting plot and Sora's route had (obviously) the main heroine. Even though I spoiled the other VN routes through the anime, I'm still looking forward to them, especially Motoka route. If you guys call this VN boring, look at Da Capo and Shuffle that everyone loves so much. They couldn't be any closer to being "boring". I don't know about Da Capo but Shuffle VN was really bad, I will never understand why people like it unless the other two are better I only had read an original, Anime ver was great true.
  22. I haven't yet read a VN, but I loved the anime. And offcourse my favorite route was Sora's, it's the reason why I liked the anime in a first place.
  23. When it comes to single word it is highly correct, if you are speaking 2 languages give it a try and you will see. If more then one tranaslation for that word exist it gives you all of them, and you don't really need exemplification of usage.
  24. Did you forgot about Mizuha? Most female x male romance centered VNs that are not otome have at least one tsundare, If you hate them that much you might want to stick with Shoujo-AI, Snounen-AI & Otome VNs when it comes to romance genre.
  25. It's not really good for that either as you probably still won't understand anything if you try to use it for understanding a whole sentence. The only thing it can be used for is if you already have a good knowledge of the language and then just get to that one word you are not familiar with. Basically it's useful as a dictionary, but that's all it can really be used for.
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