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Everything posted by Okami

  1. VNs & Anime changed my life for 360 degree. It could be even sad that they saved me. Before I become Otaku I didn't really enjoy anything, my life was boring and I didn't care for anything, I was just moving form day to day not careing for anything and was just killing a time with whatever comes to my mind, I was high or/and drunk all the time and when I wasn't I was doing crimes to get money so I could buy more drugs and alcohol (Witch is how most people in my country live). I was fighting in bars and street fights all the time I even killed someone before (Judged as self defense on court). And some things happened and I ended stuck in hose and after some times of playing games and watching movies/TV shows all day while searching a net for something to kill a time with I stumbled across an Anime that I used to watch as a kid (bleach), and as I was bored I decided to watch it to kill a time. What come as surprise is that I actually enjoyed it, in that point of time I couldn't even remember the last time that I enjoyed doing something, I tried most of the things life has to offer and I didn't really enjoy any of them but while watching this Anime I really enjoyed it. After that I started searching for something similar and started watching more Anime and I enjoyed them even more but what surprised me even more is that I actually cared for what happens in those Anime to those characters, I newer cared for anyone, friends, family, girlfriends it was always just about mutual benefits I never cared for any of them nor did any of them cared for me and it was just natural that way but I cared for those characters in Anime. After that in a very short period of time my life, personality, opinions everything about me changed completely even my look changed I become a new person, I like to say that the old me died and the new me was born. I still don't care for anything in RL if anything my opinion about it gone even lower then it was but this time I simply choose to ignore it and to interact with it just as minimum as is necessary. And when I discovered VNs they expended my life that resolves around Anime as the only thing that has worth in this world. I doubt that there are many people who's life was changed so much by VNs and Anime as they had mine.
  2. PSP version is not an eroge. And I believe that most people who watched an anime would prefer PSP version because of Sana's route as she is the most popular heroine of this title. I assure you that even people who hate H like me still like moege romance.
  3. How much can he edit in work he's translating? If it's a fan-tl he can do it however he thinks is best it's a charity work so people shouldn't have a right to complain. If it's an official localization, once again they bought the rights/made a deal so they can do it however they find it to be best. Either way I think that translators have a right to do it however they think is best. And like greenshadow said "There's never going to be a single translation that satisfies 100% of people". What some people don't seem to get is that translation simply can't ever be 100% true to the original and 100% acceptable to the new audience at a same time, it's like asking to have 1l of cola and 1l of water in a bottle of 1l it's simply not possible. And finding a right balance between the two is also a part of translation. It's also not an option to chose just one of the two as if it ware just 100% true to the original it will sound completely weird and if it's just 100% acceptable to the new audience it won't be that VN anymore. However the biggest problem is not finding a right balance between the two but a part "acceptable to the new audience" it self as this new audience is highly divided.
  4. But not all of those NDS VNs are commercial, so there is no reason to take down all of them.
  5. One suggestion, if you haven't started anything you might want to consider witch version you want to translate as PSP version has additional 2 routes and 1 of those additional routes is Sana's witch PC version doesn't have.
  6. People who say that we won't be seeing a full VR in a next hundred years are underestimating both how advance science is already and value of VR. I don't know what else to say.
  7. Actively a lot about how brain processes pain and Nociceptors (Nerves in charge for pain) is already known that's why we can tell that if we could just find a way to connect our nerves with VR shutting off just pain while leaving rest of our senses would be a easy task. And it's not that hard to predict technology development, if we just look at 20 years in a past and development of technology science then till now and we assume that telephony will continue it's development with the same speed we can quite accurately tell what will we have in 20 years from now. The only thing we need to know is what needs to be done for that technology to be made and how close to it are we now (How advance it is). And the things that need to be done in order for this to be made is not that advanced that it would need more then 20 years to be made. The only question is if demand for it will be high enough in order for right people to get into making it. If we imagine situation ware we had wary high demand for it enough for top scientist with enough founds to get to the job right now this technology could be made in few years. Ask yourself why we needed to wait for something like Oculist Rift so long when similar technology existed for a long time, because demand for it wasn't high enough to get people to put priority to it.
  8. Sense of touch and sense of pain are not really the same so dividing them shouldn't be that big of a problem. It could be even set so you can feel a bullet hinting you and entering in you but not feel a pain of it. Also I don't think that it's so far into the future I expect to see it in next 10-20 years, 25 max.
  9. Terrible, just terrible. Such amazing technology and people want to waste it for such simple things. It's so sad.
  10. That is only one point of view, you should look at a bigger picture. Once VR get to the point ware we can have all of our senses while in it it want be by any means inferior to a RL so there won't be any reasons why spending time in VR instead of RL should be considered as bad. And as IceD said we can gain recurses needed for life (money) in VR just as we can in RL and in the future it would probably be even easier to find an online job then now, not to mention that with help of technology less and less people are needed for RL jobs so people working in VR instead of RL won't really affect gaining other recurses as less people will be needed for RL jobs anyway. Who cares what people say the important thing is that you yourself are satisfied with your life. Would you really sacrificed your own happiness just so people don't have a bad opinion about you. Also whatever you do there will always be people who will have a bad opinion about you anyway but who cares about that.
  11. NEETs, Hikikomori, even now we have people who completely changed their life because of games and even now it is possible to live a whole life without going out of the house thanks to online jobs and online orders/markets. So yea imagine what will be like when we get an actual VR worlds with senses and all.
  12. And people laughed at me when I said that till 2020-2025 we will have a nervegear in RL.
  13. I am very grateful to everyone for giving me their opinions and so much inside of what I can expect. And yea I find this to be enough of new content for me to enjoy it, I was mostly worried that VN also focuses mostly on true ending and that other routes are half assed just there for sake of having a choice, and as people here assure me that that's not a case and that they are decent ending worth reading that + some of those characters having more background and more events are enough for me. Especially since I liked Mayuri, Feris and Suzu far more than Christina, and I liked Ruka too (My favorite one was Suzu for a record). I'l start reading it tonight, I'l tell you how was it when I finish it. Again thanks you all.
  14. Help me decide if I should read Steins;Gate VN or not, like is there enough content/events that doesn't exist in Anime, are they good enough/worth reading a VN for them. Are other routes as good as true ending that was adapted in anime. Thanks.
  15. If you like Otome VNs there are a lot.
  16. No it's not a VN, it does have some VN elements to it but it's not a VN. Agarest has far more VN elements in it but it's still not considered a VN. If I had to define TWD I would call it story driven puzzle/adventure game and I wouldn't say it's so close to being a VN either there are far more VN borderline games (JRPGs) out there that are still not considered a VN.
  17. I finished the VN (All routes) and I have no idea what you are talking about nor did anyone else complained on anything similar. Something mast be wrong with your copy of the VN.
  18. Please wait brain loading..................................................................... ........................................................................ ............................................................................ ................................................................................... .................................................... Your brain antivirus has detected trojan32 entering true your eye and ear nerves........................... deleting corrupted informations.................................. I fell like I saw something terrible but can't remember what.
  19. Katawa Shoujo and Swan Song.
  20. No not at all, it's average length, like Ashadow said Rewrite is far longer, at least double maybe even triple times longer. If you like it I recommend you read G-senjou no Maou next it's from the same writer but it's a lot better (I am not saying that Sharin no Kuni is bad true.) As for learning Japanese I think you have to do it sooner or latter if you plan to read a VNs for a long time. Also you might want to create a VNDB profile if you don't have it already and put it under your avatar here so people can easier recommend you VNs. But back on the topic I think you have to read at least one serious harem ending (Or harem-like ending) to know what it's all about as it's probably wery different from your idea of harem ending.
  21. As you say that you haven't read any harem endings you probably don't know that there are two types of them. First type of harem ending is when you don't pick up any girl and many girls like protagonist and are fighting over him. Those endings are rare in VNs but are very common in anime, and true a lot people don't like them as they prefer "closed romance ending" I myself think that in some stories they are the best option. One translated VN that has this as one of it's endings is Sharin no Kuni. Second type of harem endings is what you had in mind, protagonist ending being in relationship with more then one girl at a same time. Those endings are mostly for nukiges, or hard comedies so they are most of the times not something you should take too seriously. However there are sometimes harem endings in more serious stories too true they are more rare. And true I am in general against the idea they are usually done in a meaner where you will support them in the end. If protagonist seriously loves all of them a lot and they all love him back and they are all ok with him being with all of them as they love each other too as friends and they want all of them to be happy, well I guess in that situation there is noting wrong with it. True in real life I doubt that such situation could happen and guy would probably just be using those girls and because of it I am still against it in real life but if it did actually happen in real life in the same way as in anime/VN I wouldn't have anything against it. True there is no full harem ending VNs in English there is one where in one of the routes protagonist end up with two girls and it's Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa wo Hirogete. PS: I know that you are against H-scenes I am too (I probably hate them most on this forum, maybe even in the whole world), but if you decide to read Kono Oozora I suggest that you add H-scenes restoration patch, not because H-scenes themselves but because of better translation and because of other originally censored scenes in localized version such as kisses, hugs and jokes.
  22. Oh but I am not trowing personal insults it's you yourself the one who shown level of your intelligence by reviling that you are in support of "apprentice more important then iteligence" and it is obvious that person who sad that is pure example of idiocy witch is obvious to anyone who know how much is 1 and 1. I myself just given up on trying to explain things to idiots. I said what I had to say and I finished my discussion with people who own a thing called brain before you shown up anyway. I don't care anymore, your arguments are extremely week and repetitive anyway.
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