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Everything posted by Okami

  1. Well for one it's not that short as people made it to seem, I am reading it 4h and I had still not finished it, gonna finish it tomorrow when I wake up. Secondly it's not bad at all, sure it has a lot of ecchi witch is it's worse point but outside of that it's not bad at all. It has pretty nice characters and story is pretty interesting. And if it's only prilouge well I would definitely like to read a rest and to support it's development by baying one copy or two.
  2. I am not a troll, people who are around here longer should know that. And there is noting wrong with expressing your opinion or arguing about it with people who have different opinions.
  3. I mean +1 more here, I am in the same situation as you on the matter.
  4. Pabloc > If that is how you see it then I agree with you, however the problem is that most people don't see any difference between Weeaboos and Japanese culture fans and label them all together as Weeaboos, I mistakenly assumed that you see them all the same too witch is why I started those arguments. However I am still against westernization of VNs, VNs are good as they are and we like them for what they are, there is no reason to change what is good, the most popular western VN KS isn't westernize but made in style of Japanese ones and most people still liked it. Tehicly yes, otaku isn't term for just Anime otaku-s but when you just say otaku it is safe to assume that you are referring to anime otakus, and true it is true that most people even in Japan think that being otaku is bad I don't think that there is anything bad with loving what you love or even being oppressed with what you love and being open with it. I recently watched a youtube clip ware Japanese otaku says that being otaku is not a shame and that he is proud to be otaku, I agree with it, I don't think people should be ashamed of what they love and to openly show it and I think that they should be proud that they can openly say what they love and to be part of an otaku culture that they love. Now to get back on topic, like you said VN localization companies are going in a way "good profit = little effort" for some time now, Mangagamer especially, so I don't think this is anything new or anything to rise a big flame for. VNs in a west had always depend on fantranslation groups the most and it will be that way for a long time in a future too. Localizations companies can help a little but a main point of VN community in west are fantranslation groups. And this is by assumption that this really is a bad VN and I still want to give it a try before judging it. And even if it is a bad I doubt it's worse then all those shity nukiges that Mangagamer released till now.
  5. I wasn't actually talking just about Japan but about any country other then their own. One other proof for it is immigration. Back on the topic, those companies are pandering to the wrong group for a long time now, it's noting new. Most of the times it seems if they just take anything they get their hands on there's noting new there.
  6. Life + internet And you completely ignored my point that VN fans don't actually like westernized VNs nor does anyone want them, with few exceptions.
  7. And how is that any different from people who watch Hollywood movies and because of them think that USA is some kind of holly land and they copy culture from those movies and everything else that is considered weeboo just replace Japan with USA and Anime with Hollywood? And what is wrong with not liking your own country and it's culture? At least 20% of people of every country doesn't like his country and would prefer to live somewhere else. You yourself use terms such as one-san, oni-chan, imouto etc. on daily basis. And I doubt that anyone really thinks that absolutely everything in Japan is great. VNs are part of Japanese culture to begin with so whats wrong with copying their own culture in form of media that is part of there own culture. And we saw what VN fans think of westernize VNs in that topic about that VN (Can't remember a name but I think you know about witch VN I speak).
  8. Well the point is in collecting, many people like to collect things they don't actually use. +1
  9. Even grammar in IMHHW is better than this. They seem to be drunk in that scene so it might be intentional. When you have strong profs for your opinion that are obvious it becomes truth, but lets not start another H-scene thread now. And weebooism is term used by the same people who think that being Otaku is something bad and using it here is hippocratism as most of people here could be considered weeboos by definition , but let me tell you there is noting wrong in liking Japanese culture or trying to copy it and wishing to be a part of it just as there is nothing wrong liking any other culture. We don't have a term for people who like USA's, Russians, German's or any other country's culture why would we need one for people who like Japanese one.
  10. I simply don't think that grammar is that important, sure it's better to have a normal grammar and it's kinda a common sense to have a proper grammar in books and similar media but I don't think it's that big of a deal if it isn't. At least as long as it isn't a total "grimrish". And don't get me wrong I am not saying that it will be a good VN, actually my expectations are pretty low, but still I don't like when people judge things without trying them out for themselves.
  11. I update the ones that turn to be my favorites and I always search for BRs of horror anime when they get out, other then that no, 720p is good enough too and on 21 inch monitor it doesn't really make much difference between 720p and 1080p but it does make big difference on space it occupy, so even the ones I do have in 1080p is more on a whim because they are my favorites. As for the ones I have in lower quality they are either not available in better quality as they are old and best quality there is is DVD 720x360 or they are not good enough for me to bother to update quality, and then there are those long anime witch would take far to much space for me to get them in better quality and their graphic usually isn't anything special anyway so 480p is good enough for them. And as I don't delete anything and save everything on my HDD I am always low on space anyway so I always have to buy more hard discs and with my budget 1 2TB HDD a year is max I can afford (And even that is not easy) so I am trying to not download more then that.
  12. I completed 320+ Anime till now and I have all of them on my HDD and I have another 200-300 anime on my HDD that I plan to watch and I always download more, especially around the end of season when anime seasons end airing and then I download everything I want to watch from that season usually around 20-30 excluding OVAs and movies. As for formats it all depends from anime to anime, usually 720p and I download my favorites in 1080p but I have some smaller formats too for old anime that don't exist in better formats or/and for long anime like Naruto, Bleach etc. For a list look at my MAL profile. PS: I have to go on bus I am late so don't have time to write more, will edit when I come back home.
  13. No, few grammar mistakes don't mean much too me, story is more important then grammar used to tell it. Well I am a little concern about all that ecchi but like I said it could be only used as bait, I'l judge it once I play it.
  14. Like I said PSP version is not an eroge. I am tired of people who want porn in everything too.
  15. Actually what you say doesn't make any sense as H are just forced in story most of the times, authors don't write them because they want them as part of story but to boost sales, and you know that it's the truth. And how do you know that writing is bad as it doesn't seem that you played it? Just based on those few "Weeboo" lines? well that doesn't really tell a thing about a story it self. And yea I do think that there is a lot wrong with ecchi but let's not go in there now.
  16. If we weren't talking about VNs I might agree but VNs used far worse things to even get to this point, I mean come on they use porn as a bait for people to read them. Not to mention that you don't really know that it is bad you are just assuming that is bad. As far as we know it all the fanservice and ecchi might be there just as bait too. I mean as none of people here seem to actually had read it we have as much to judge it on as we had before it was released.
  17. From Archtypes #1 Loli - They are the cutest, they are justice. #2 Imouto - They are usually lolis and I love bro X sis romance find it most pure and romantic. #3 Tomboy - Hard to explain I just like their personalities, I don't like too famine girls (True I prefer famine male characters). True I don't really pay too much importance on archtypes it all depends from character to character. Saying anything bad about Lolis is blasphemy.
  18. Bad commercial is still a commercial and considering that a lot of people never even heard of VNs well it's just like Kaguya sad in a Babiker's thread for pigeon VN: "There is also a saying about how bad popularity doesn't exist. It's the same principle of why a bunch of celebrities do outrageous stuff for more attention- it doesn't matter if they're badmouthed like hell, they have more to gain by appearing in the news than they do by fading into quietness."
  19. Yea I bet on this one. I mean the more people badmouth it the more I want to give it a try too see if it is really that bad, especially since people badmouth it here. And even if it is truly a bad VN I still think that it's a good thing that it become so popular to become a top 10 on steam as it will still rise a popularity of VNs in general.
  20. The ones nobody mention yet are: Aoishiro Amaranto Katawa Shoujo (Has an option to turn of a H) Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa wo Hirogete (Without a fan restoration patch)
  21. I believe that they help found it or something, they are put as publishers on VNDB. It was released yesterday, so anyone here played it yet? If anyone has a copy could he/she be kind to upload it somewhere, I would like to give it a try.
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