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Everything posted by tahu157

  1. Do you still have your old grids so we can see the changes?
  2. Sounds like Windows Defender is forcing the game to nosedive actually. Try telling Windows Defender to ignore the game folder.
  3. The 80s always sound like a really cool time to be alive for pop culture whenever I hear the experiences of someone who lived through that time. Especially stuff like real arcades and video game magazines and catching late night anime broadcasts. Or if you lived in Hawaii you could apparently sometimes catch real Japanese TV broadcasts. Maybe still can idk. Even BBS and IRC chat n stuff which are all horribly clunky compared to today’s internet sound like really cozy experiences to me. I think Macross on VHS from the library was one of my first anime too, before I had a name for this style of animation. The only episode I really remember is one of the pilots marrying a woman from the enemy faction. There’s like this military wedding procession where the couple fly a jet down the middle of two rows of mecha. Pretty cool stuff from what I remember, but my mom decided she didn’t like us watching that and wouldn’t let us get it from the library after a while. My dad was super into Speed Racer though so we got to watch that after we were a bit older. Then there’s a big gap until we started watching Transformers, which my mom also shut down for being too violent. Then we watched Sonic X on 4Kids. We still didn’t know the word “anime” at that point but we saw enough ads for Dragonball and Pokemon and Yugioh and stuff (all strictly prohibited by my mom) to realize that this must be it’s own style of animation and not just more cartoons. At some point when I was around 14 I think I made a conscious decision to “try this anime thing.” I think I started with a 6 episode OVA of Murder Princess that had been uploaded to YouTube with the episodes split into three parts each. I think I saw Deathnote in the same format. Then I watched Angel Beats on an illegal streaming site because I couldn’t find it all on YouTube and that’s when I’d say I got hooked. Wish I coulda been there for the 80s though.
  4. @Dreamysyu are you now drafted into the eternal war that is The Game?
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Game_(mind_game)
  6. I feel like I've seen far more posts from Ange and Pik_Lesiak that would inform me about them than I have from Clephas, and yet I scored far better on Clephas than the other two. It's possible that the difficulty of questions was way different per quiz too. Like, I literally have no idea how you're supposed to know what Ange's favorite food is because I've never seen that topic come up here. Unless maybe that's a Discord thing idk.
  7. Yeah I only made it through chapter 0 when I decided I had to switch. The English voice acting was super forced somehow, Kind of surprising too because I thought the English voice acting for Drakengard 1 was really good. I still would have liked to play that with Japanese voices if given the choice, but I was pretty impressed with the English voices. Charging $4.99 for a voice pack that most games include free is kinda lame, but oh well.
  8. Bought the Japanese voice pack for Drakengard 3. It’s 10 GB holy cow.
  9. I'm sure you've all seen but everyone was super upset with Sony for announcing the shut down the PS3, Vita, and PSP stores which was gonna happen in July and August I think. Well, they just backtracked on that and have announced that they will keep the PS3 and Vita stores open "for the foreseeable" future. The PSP store will still be closing as scheduled but to me that's less impactful than either of the other two. https://blog.playstation.com/2021/04/19/playstation-store-on-ps3-and-ps-vita-will-continue-operations/ So, I guess I get to keep access to Alice: Madness Returns now, which is the only game I've ever bought on PSN.
  10. I keep procrastinating on this VN but now might be the time I actually go ahead and read it. That collector's edition looks gorgeous, especially with what appears to be six whole CDs of soundtrack? That's a crazy long OST. Pre-orders start on March 26th for both standard and collector's editions.
  11. Cool tool but I've already put a lot of hours into getting everything into Launchbox with artwork, developer information and tags and such, so I ain't switching now.
  12. The article says removed from the Playstation store in general though so PS4 probably isn’t an option either. Not digitally anyway.
  13. Well, hopefully you didn't have your heart set on buying them for Vita: https://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2021/01/23/utawarerumono-mask-of-deception-and-mask-of-truth-no-longer-listed-on-playstation-store
  14. Whenever I do these I am always interested to see who goes right for the top of the tree and what they put there.
  15. Basically copy the picture, add a smaller picture as an ornament, and then post the new version of the tree you made. The next person will copy your picture, add something, and then post their version and eventually we'll have a tree full of ornaments. Try not to scale or deepfry the picture please.
  16. I guess I just meant the transition between the hand-drawn artstyle of the sprites and the 3D CG versions of the characters in the last two pictures is pretty jarring. The background is less jarring although a 3D background probably meshes better with the 3D versions of the characters. I guess I have two issues with that 3D CG look. The first is that it's trying to be more or less photo-realistic but because it isn't actually photo-realistic it ends up bottoming out in the uncanny valley pretty hard. The second is that there are /a lot/ of VNs using this same character creation tool (idk what it is) so using that artstyle will never make your VN instantly identifiable as yours versus anyone else's that uses that same tool.
  17. It's a little jarring, although I really really dislike that pre-rendered 3D look to start with so maybe I am just biased.
  18. That's probably it yeah. OP do you have a device that has the VN installed, and at one point could play the game? Idk what it takes to dump an app from an Android device but you may be able to rip the assets yourself.
  19. I'm trying to dig around in the APK and I can find some assets but the sprites specifically are not forthcoming. EDIT: When uncompressed the whole app is only 50 MB, and there is nothing that looks like a VN resource file that I can find. I'm gonna hazard a guess and say that the app itself doesn't have any of the sprites or voicelines in it. Maybe that content was streamed in realtime which is why the app won't run anymore?
  20. Are you using a forwarding service, and if so, do they not offer the option to buy the stuff for you?
  21. A VN's font is usually embedded in the exe itself. You'd have to dig around in the exe with a decompiler to find the font and even then you may or may not be able to replace it and still have the VN run properly.
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