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Everything posted by tahu157

  1. I'm so glad it doesn't look like a car engine part lol
  2. I'm a metalhead before I'm an otaku. Music in general I'd say is more important to me than anything otaku-related. Mostly power metal these days but I like a lot of death metal too. I dabble in a lot of other genres to a lesser degree too. I like a lot of 2000's electronic. Some folk and country. Been sporadically exploring Nordic pop lately. I typically shy away from the top 40 type stuff but every once in a while there's a legit banger in the top 40 stuff. Within all of that, a large chunk of what I listen to is Japanese in origin. They write a lot of crazy good power metal over there, and I like a lot of j-pop rock too. However, the amount of stuff that I listen to from the rest of the world far outweighs the Japanese stuff. Within the last 8 months or so I've been dabbling in 3D modeling a bit. Just recently I decided I want to really push myself to get good at it. If I can get to a good enough level I kinda want to see if I can use it make an original VN using 3D assets. Only what I'm envisioning would actually look nice and appealing and not at all like the patreon-funded nightmare fuel that's been popping up lately. As for stuff I used to like but don't anymore. Around the time Skrillex had his breakout success I thought Dubstep was gonna be my jam for the rest of my life but my interest interest in Dubstep fizzled out pretty quickly. I think that was true of most everyone that was on the hype train at the time. I think I've distilled my Dubstep taste down to about 5 songs, give or take. I had a similar phase with Vocaloid music actually and I think I'm down to maybe 15-20 vocaloid songs that I actually enjoy.
  3. Been wondering what you thought of Episode 2 since you've mentioned several times that you really enjoy the originals. Sorry to hear it wasn't all that great though.
  4. Wasn't there a second one of these? Why revert back to the original one?
  5. I went on DMM last night to see if there were any particularly good deals on Leaf VNs for golden week only to find that they had pulled their entire catalog except for White Album 2. I thought maybe it was just expired licensing or something but then I went on Leaf’s website and their “games” section only lists White Album 2 and ToHeart 2. No mention of the missing games on Twitter or their website announcements. Do you think they’re trying to distance themselves from their eroge past? Kinda seems that way to me.
  6. You might like some of Eushully's strategy games but I don't know that any of them are fully translated.
  7. Was there a schism in the first Aliceshoujo?
  8. If you're planning on doing a high profile title maybe keep it on the downlow until release day otherwise you run the risk of getting a C&D letter before you're even finished translating. Ripping and repacking script files is pretty difficult. Especially the repacking part.
  9. I am one of the people hyped for SAO. There are about four of is globally and we all meet for lunch once every few months. Needless to say we are all most disappointed that the next season has been delayed until July. I wish Strike the Blood would commit to another season instead of going for this OVA miniseries approach again and again. Never could get into “seasons” 2-3 because the release schedule was so irregular. Eighth Son might be interesting idk. Gleipnir strikes me as a parody of stuff like Doubt similar to how Mayoiga was a parody of death game stories.
  10. How long did it take you to enjoy guro? It seems like a very difficult taste to acquire.
  11. Are you still disinterested in VNs?
  12. Every once in a while I would wonder what happened to you. iirc you quit around the same time that fuwa quit torrents?
  13. Found in the replies to that tweet lol:
  14. Done a bit more research and I guess my best bet is to just run it with ONScripter. I still have to use full-width characters but since I can choose the font I can they don't get as spaced out, and the overflow crash doesn't seem to happen.
  15. I'm messing around with a short NScripter game and I'm having trouble with inserting half-width characters. They cause a lot of errors including causing NScripter's command characters (like @ and \) to be treated as game-text, or simply causing the game to crash with an "illegal command" error. I've read a bit about it and I guess each word + the following space needs to be an even amount of bits? That seems to help with the command characters issue but does not always solve the crashes issue. The easy fix is to just use full-width characters but those don't look as nice and present their own problems with crashes due to frequent character overflow. I'm hoping this is a noob issue with an established fix. Is there a reliable way to use half-width characters or should I just use full-width?
  16. Lame answer, but I've had a lot of success running things in a Windows XP virtual machine.
  17. Is the scope limited to VNs that were more or less serious efforts or I can choose any one of those Patreon-funded, pre-rendered 3D CG incest fantasy shovelware titles at random?
  18. I found it y'all. It's a weird looking nukige called Daibubokan ~Oshioki da Game~. Incidentally I already had it on my VNDB wishlist. I went through my wishlist before making this thread but I was banking on the VNDB page having screenshots of those distinctive kneeling CGs. Alas, the page has no screenshots at all so I missed it. Anyway, here's a few of those kneeling CGs:
  19. I’ve had Windows Defender quarantine pieces of my VNs before. Pretty low chance of that, I guess, but worth checking.
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