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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Confession: I mainly carry the pen for self defense.  Its a small tip (like .5mm) gel pen with an entirely metal  casing.  I've stabbed it through half inch drywall before with minimal effort.  It's both comfortable and deadly.   :sachi:





Someone, call batman.

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I've been getting by the past 5 years on a Samsung SGH-T139 with a pay-as-you-go plan from T-mobile


It was the old old plan where if you refilled a minimum $100 over your lifetime, you would get "gold rewards" aka your minutes last a whole year w/o expiring 


Don't know how long they'll let us plebs pay only $10 a year for the rare times we need to make that emergency call, but I'll take this over whatever my friends are spending monthly for their phone plans :Kappa:

I'm jelly.  I had to use that stupid card system, where you paid for minutes in groups and they carried over for a month before they all disappeared.  Never got a real phone plan, so I really hated the system I had to use.  Virgin Mobile once charged me $5 worth of minutes for a 30 second phone call; that was when I knew I'd never give them any of my own money.  Icing on top of the cake was if I wanted to get custom ringtones, wallpapers or pretty much anything at all I had to pay 99¢ a day just to get the option of buying them.  I was also supposed to fork over another 99¢ a day to get internet access.  Virgin Mobile are a bunch of disgusting money grubbers.


I couldn't live without my smartphone. I have it in my hands at least 10% of the time I'm awake.

That's actually quite a bit less than a lot of the people my age I know use their smartphones.  I'll occasionally have to yell at people to make them aware that, yes, I was indeed talking to them, and that they just didn't hear me because they were too busy playing 2048 or Clash of Clans for 45 minutes straight.  I'd say the average percentage of the school day my former classmates in high school used their phones in was a good 25-50%, including in the middle of class.  Hasn't really gotten much better in college, though.  I don't understand my own generation...


Confession: I'm one of the few people I know that can multitask while using a screen.  Everyone in my family (and almost all of my friends) basically gets sucked into the screen they're using and has to be verbally pried away from it to even realize that someone was talking to them, but I can carry on full conversations while playing my 3DS, surfing the net or watching TV.  I can also read and listen to music at the same time without missing parts of either.  The one thing I can't do is watch subbed anime and talk to someone at the same time, mostly because that involves listening to the voice actors, reading the subs and listening to the person talking to you at the same time, and my brain just can't handle that.

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Confession: I'm one of the few people I know that can multitask while using a screen.  Everyone in my family (and almost all of my friends) basically gets sucked into the screen they're using and has to be verbally pried away from it to even realize that someone was talking to them, but I can carry on full conversations while playing my 3DS, surfing the net or watching TV.  I can also read and listen to music at the same time without missing parts of either.  The one thing I can't do is watch subbed anime and talk to someone at the same time, mostly because that involves listening to the voice actors, reading the subs and listening to the person talking to you at the same time, and my brain just can't handle that.

I can't do any two things at the same time. To ridiculous proportions.


My sister asked me to spread sunscreen on her back. However she also wanted to carry on a conversation at the same time. First I messed up and got my hands on the sand twice. The third time I needed to stop moving my hands if I wanted to reply or listen properly.


This inability is also particularly annoying when I'm trying to do something on PC and I hear the television. If characters are talking in either English or Portuguese (coincidentally, the two languages that one typically hears on television, over here) I will likely lose my focus and listen to the conversations, despite my attempts not to. This has made me get into the habit of playing music while working on the PC, lest I be distracted unnecessarily.

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I can't do any two things at the same time. To ridiculous proportions.


My sister asked me to spread sunscreen on her back. However she also wanted to carry on a conversation at the same time. First I messed up and got my hands on the sand twice. The third time I needed to stop moving my hands if I wanted to reply or listen properly.


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Confession: Today I was forced to go to water park and it was awful.


My little brother had birthday party at water park, and I had to look after my brother and his friends for an hour, because my dad had something to do and they require that children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Not that I actually had to do anything, but I felt so out of place alone at a water park full of families, children and flirting couples. Also I can't see well enough to distinguish swim suit wearing little boys from each other without my glasses, so the whole thing was pretty pointless in the first place. In the end I just parked myself in a jacuzzi and channeled my inner ossan, but it was still pretty awkward.


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