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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Honestly, I took 2 years of Spanish just because it was required for graduation (you the same case? lol), and forgot almost all the basics once I was done with the classes. Learning Japanese would likely require more time than Spanish for English speakers, but I feel like I've had an easier time learning it. Might be because I'm more interested. But the key factor in learning is time. If you can find a source of motivation to keep your studies consistent, then you should be solid. My main problem was that I wasn't that motivated enough to study, but then I decided to download CGs and OSTs of untl'd games I was interested in.

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Confession: I figured out Sca-ji and wanted to write about my findings but.. wasn't able to, because of some personal issues getting in the way.

Also, I realized that I suck majorly at translating so.. :(

Welp, nothing to do about these #firstworldproblems but drown in my sorrows with baked cookies.

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Confession: Girl groups are better than boy groups, just saying. 


Oh and Rio is best imouto. I also payed for Minecraft, again. I gave my original one to my cousin a few years ago and she forgot the info... So, I had to buy a new account.



Confession: i just cried to an album a friend of mine made

Guy is a genius


What genre? Any way I could get a listen?

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Confession: Girl groups are better than boy groups, just saying. 


Oh and Rio is best imouto. I also payed for Minecraft, again. I gave my original one to my cousin a few years ago and she forgot the info... So, I had to buy a new account.




What genre? Any way I could get a listen?



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Confession: Girl groups are better than boy groups, just saying. 


Oh and Rio is best imouto. I also payed for Minecraft, again. I gave my original one to my cousin a few years ago and she forgot the info... So, I had to buy a new account.




What genre? Any way I could get a listen?


How can you forget the information?  Now that you log in with your email instead, as long as you can remember that email and access it, resetting your account is super simple.  


Confession: Me and my friend occasionally play minecraft mod packs and maps, but ever since the aforementioned email update he can't access the account he was using because he got it from a friend in college and doesn't know what email he used to make it.

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I can, with help of course. I use a text hooker, but I am getting to the point where I don't need to rely on it nearly as much as I used to when I first started out. Started back in March I believe, or somewhere around the end of February. Idek. :P Started studying about two years prior (although it was really on and off up until last September).


Confession: I have Muramasa installed and decided one day a month or two back to open it up and see how hard it was to read. Made it through the entire prologue without any problems, although I will admit the progress was really slow. However, I understood it just fine.


Confesion 2: My goal for this year is to finish Muramasa before the end of the year.


Confession 3: My goal for NEXT year is to at least start Dies Irae.



I understand that these may seem like lofty goals, but with my Japanese study regimen that I have been slowly adapting and remaking, but always going through with everyday (RIP Memrise XD)... I think my goals are quite feasible. I mean like, they are feasible to begin with, but it just depends on how much patience you have if you aren't up to snuff. However, by the time I go to challenge my goals, I hope to be in a position where I am up to snuff.


YOU F**KIN' W00T m8???? You dare to raise my hype again? Why must you act in such a way? Must the time that we were brethren in peace come to a resolute end? Was everything that we have been through ever so fleeting?

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