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So why aren't that many VN about lolis translate by companies?


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Probably because companies like Sekai Project are afraid of back lash. I guess SP also had some staff in countries where lolis are illegal, like Canada, because it is considered child porn instead of two dimensional art. I am sure you have seen that mangagamer has a few games with loli characters. Shuffle, Da Capo, Impara, the one you linked, Eden*, and others I am sure.

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10 hours ago, Nosebleed said:

"Hey let's sell a game with a subject matter most people are not comfortable with and could get us into legal trouble in some places"

"That sounds genius mate"

Said no one ever.


You are being an ass you know. I serious about the question.  Since I new to VN.  Also even if what you say has true to it. We got start somewhere.  I need lolis dammit @_@ 

PS can we stop using the word most people? Unless I see data for that I don't believe it. Reason. Humans are full of shit.  A lot of people make fun of hentai but we go to Pornhub and we got a different story.   Especially  the loli department. Holy shit Pornhub comment section is something else when it comes to hentai. 

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7 hours ago, Clephas said:

Reasons that should be obvious to anyone who reads the news...?

Backward reason in my opinion.   PS what the name of the VN where such a fabulous man is in your link? Where the blond guys from?  

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5 hours ago, Rooke said:

Much of the VN fanbase doesn't like to read the news. A lack of moe and erotic content is a dealbreaker, apparently ...

I read the news if isn't political shit.  Although I not sure what you guys are talking about? Mind filling me in? 

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11 hours ago, BookwormOtaku said:

Koihime Musou has some loli heroines, for a "special" case we have Rika from euphoria :makina::upupu:, Otoboku has Kana, I suppose you can consider Konomi from Princess Evangile a loli though progress on the FD has been stalled and finally we have (best heroine) Anzu from Da Capo 2.


What FD stand for? 

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1 minute ago, Ningen said:

FD stands for Fandisc.

I see. Thanks. 

9 hours ago, sanahtlig said:

Give Shiny Days a try (make sure to uncensor it).



Song of Saya is well-liked by loli fans also.



As is Little Witch Romanesque.



You can also read in-depth about JAST's justification for censoring Shiny Days.


I already have read it though. They get a pass because a least they give you a patch to unfuck it.   Granted not officially but better than nothing I guess. 

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Just now, Ningen said:

On a side note, you should stop double triple quadra etc. posting.

You can quote more than one person per post and even edit posts to add more quotes.


I know but the quoting system is bipolar with me. Is working now but before was being a pain to make it work. 

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56 minutes ago, Nekolover said:

PS can we stop using the word most people? Unless I see data for that I don't believe it. Reason. Humans are full of shit.  A lot of people make fun of hentai but we go to Pornhub and we got a different story.   Especially  the loli department. Holy shit Pornhub comment section is something else when it comes to hentai. 

Because after this happened the market mindset completely shifted and everyone became afraid of international scrutiny over hentai featuring obscene content like this.
More recently, people were arrested in south korea for owning the game Teaching Feeling. And before that, a visual novel translator was arrested for merely importing erotic games. This is but a small sample of people who have gotten themselves into legal trouble for this kind of thing. Manga has also gotten people into trouble in the past. That's why everyone says it should be obvious why companies don't risk localizing loli content willy nilly, because it only takes one lawsuit for everything to burst into flames.

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2 minutes ago, Nosebleed said:

Because after this happened the market mindset completely shifted and everyone became afraid of international scrutiny over hentai featuring obscene content like this.
More recently, people were arrested in south korea for owning the game Teaching Feeling. And before that, a visual novel translator was arrested for merely importing erotic games. This is but a small sample of people who have gotten themselves into legal trouble for this kind of thing. Manga has also gotten people into trouble in the past. That's why everyone says it should be obvious why companies don't risk localizing loli content willy nilly.


OK I know that. So? Has any of that happen in the US? Besides Canada or other weird countries?  Ah forget it. It the same.  People are coward. Always doing what some uptight asshole says. 

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21 minutes ago, Nekolover said:

OK I know that. So? Has any of that happen in the US? Besides Canada or other weird countries?  Ah forget it. It the same.  People are coward. Always doing what some uptight asshole says. 

I literally linked an article of a man that got arrested in the US and was jailed for 6 months for owning loli hentai manga. Don't know what else you want.

You have to understand there's no clear cut definition for these things. One lawsuit could easily go wrong depending on the jury involved in the case, because obscenity laws are entirely subjective, that's why most companies don't want to risk it, as anybody with a sane mind wouldn't risk it.

Also, even if they won a potential lawsuit, localizing companies are rather small businesses, and as court fees add up, it could really hinder their future regardless.

If they lost said lawsuit however, they'd be setting a huge negative precedent for any future localizing company. That's why most don't want to shake the current status quo.

But hey, since you seem so brave, why don't you localize some loli games for all of us? I personally recommend this one, it's one of my favorites.

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3 minutes ago, Nosebleed said:

I literally linked an article of a man that got arrested in the US and was jailed for 6 months for owning loli hentai manga. Don't know what else you want.

You have to understand there's no clear cut definition for these things. One lawsuit could easily go wrong depending on the jury involved in the case, because obscenity laws are entirely subjective, that's why most companies don't want to risk it, as anybody with a sane mind wouldn't risk it.

But hey, since you seem so brave, why don't you localize some loli games for all of us? I personally recommend this one, it's one of my favorites.


Yes but didn't see it.  True and we need to change that. But people are lazy fucks.   You are being asshole again and that was uncalled for.  But if I am where to become rich one day. I will try doing it myself though. Make a VN company that is. 

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