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I played some of her route since some guide I've come across claimed Shamshel's route comes after hers (I was planning on leaving the true route for later), but man, it's pure suffering. I really do hate her. :D And I still can't decide whether I like those h-scenes or not, I never thought a nukige would make me doubt myself.  :lol:


Then just skip her route, then, while it does reveal some things about Ryuto's backstory those reveals are also presented later and better in the later games. Not to mention the true route pretty much blows all the other routes out of the water story-wise, I don't think it's locked, and it gives Isis way better character development. There's also Gladys, my (very close) second favorite heroine in the entire trilogy. Also regarding Shamshel's route...it's not really a route, just an ending, she has a much bigger role in the true route.

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I'm playing Umineko, wow.. what a great game o_O I'm still reading the first episode but the game really exceeded my expectations, it is very dynamic, and you always learn something new about the characters or the world of the game. also, great music!

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So I thought I would go for Aoi's route in totono and... and... I see how it is now. I see what the VN is about now.... Oh god. That ending I thought was sweet before? I hate it now. So much. It was turned inside out so easily, and I've seen it so many times... ugh. :D It's safe to say I'm stuck now - though I couldn't stop laughing at that secret (?) scene after the credits, that might've broken the 4th wall more than anything else in that VN so far, and that's quite something.


EDIT: Finally found the choice I overlooked, how did I forget that? What continued after that though... that's it. This VN is already 10/10 from me, unless it gets really horrible from here. This is too good, seriously. :D Everyone who likes VNs should play this, it's pure genius. :D


I'm playing Umineko, wow.. what a great game o_O I'm still reading the first episode but the game really exceeded my expectations, it is very dynamic, and you always learn something new about the characters or the world of the game. also, great music!

Enjoy the ride, you have a lot in front of you! :)

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I'm playing Umineko, wow.. what a great game o_O I'm still reading the first episode but the game really exceeded my expectations, it is very dynamic, and you always learn something new about the characters or the world of the game. also, great music!

I hope you'll enjoy it. ^_^ Good luck solving the mysteries and reserve a spot in your daily playlist for the BGM. 

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Finished Nerine's route... These routes are really short. Playing Primula's now.


Edit: Finished Primula's. I lost interest in her after she started showing emotion. The ending was sweet though. Going to do Sia's now. 

Edited by Schnarf
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Enjoy the ride, you have a lot in front of you! :)


thanx :) the game is long, not because it is over written like many other works, but because it is rich and very detailed.



I hope you'll enjoy it. ^_^ Good luck solving the mysteries and reserve a spot in your daily playlist for the BGM.


I'm already listening to Hope all the day lol

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So I thought I would go for Aoi's route in totono and... and... I see how it is now. I see what the VN is about now.... Oh god. That ending I thought was sweet before? I hate it now. So much. It was turned inside out so easily, and I've seen it so many times... ugh. :D It's safe to say I'm stuck now - though I couldn't stop laughing at that secret (?) scene after the credits, that might've broken the 4th wall more than anything else in that VN so far, and that's quite something.


EDIT: Finally found the choice I overlooked, how did I forget that? What continued after that though... that's it. This VN is already 10/10 from me, unless it gets really horrible from here. This is too good, seriously. :D Everyone who likes VNs should play this, it's pure genius. :D


Enjoy the ride, you have a lot in front of you! :)


Told ya Totono was good shit. Welcome to the club.

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Told ya Totono was good shit. Welcome to the club.

I'm so glad you mentioned it in that one thread, I'm absolutely loving it so far. I will probably finish it up today if I have the time, but I almost don't want to. Such a great experience, really.

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Just finished Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi, and I have to say that was the most unique thing I've ever played. Simply amazing - and just when I thought it could get worse, it only kept getting better, with an ending I didn't even think they'd have the guts to pull off. Simply amazing, I especially love the incredible attention to detail that was put into this VN. 10/10 without hesitation, anyone who likes visual novels should read this at least once in their life. :)


Picked Miyuki in the end, sorry Aoi.

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Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi


I see what you did there.


I picked her as well, I think the game has more of an impact and feels more, how should I put it, "complete", if you go for that ending. In a coming full circle sort of way. True love and forgiveness and all that jazz.

I'm happy to see someone else appreciating this game as much as I do! It was one of my favorites of last year but it really seems to split readers. Many people consider it meh or even outright bad.


Now go read Muramasa, chop chop.

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Now go read Muramasa, chop chop.

Are you reading my mind or something? :o I have that VN ready for a long time, I was just afraid to start reading it since I was told it has really difficult fight scenes and such, and my Japanese isn't that great... but well, it had to come eventually. :D I really wanted to read it sooner or later... and hell, since I'm on the Nitro+ train already, I might just as well do that next! I had absolutely no problems with understanding totono, so I probably need something to knock me back to the ground and show me how much I actually still suck at this language. :D

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Are you reading my mind or something? :o I have that VN ready for a long time, I was just afraid to start reading it since I was told it has really difficult fight scenes and such, and my Japanese isn't that great... but well, it had to come eventually. :D I really wanted to read it sooner or later... and hell, since I'm on the Nitro+ train already, I might just as well do that next! I had absolutely no problems with understanding totono, so I probably need something to knock me back to the ground and show me how much I actually still suck at this language. :D


Well yeah, Muramasa is pretty hard. But overall it's *probably* a touch easier to read than Masada's over-the-top chuuni stuff. And it really doesn't fuck around either, the very first scene of the prologue is a samurai battle with complex descriptions. However, with an exception or two here and there, it's definitely not the fight scenes that make the game so awesome.


Even if you find it too hard, I recommend reading Chapter 1 at the very least, the ending of that chapter will hit you harder than a freight train, in good Nitro+ fashion. And the opening that plays right after that is just fantastic.


これは英雄の物語ではない is the game's tagline for a reason.

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Now go read Muramasa, chop chop.


Got it on my hard drive as well.. I'll get to reading it in a few months. Aside from the difficulty (Which fine becase I am hard M). Utsuge endings makes me nrgh, urgh, argh just thinking about it months later. Hard for my soul lol.


pls no muramasa hype

Indeed lol. (I blame you as well Chrono)

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