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  1. Like
    SilverLi reacted to Jibril in What Video Games Are You Playing Right Now?   
    C&C 4 doesn't exist. It's just a ploy from Activision to get us to hate C&C.
  2. Like
    SilverLi reacted to Kurisu-Chan in What Video Games Are You Playing Right Now?   
    I have played every command & conquer game(of course there's no C&C 4!)
  3. Like
    SilverLi reacted to Jun Inoue in Fall 2014 Anime Discussion   
    Donten Okey.

  4. Like
    SilverLi reacted to Kosakyun in Alice Soft — Translated Titles   
  5. Like
    SilverLi reacted to Down in Fall 2014 Anime Discussion   
    Episode 2 of Akatsuki no Yona: O_O
    This episode was so good from beginning to end. First one had me convinced, second one has me pondering whether this will be the best non-sequel anime of the season. Like, really. I mean, beating the blockbuster F/SN is gonna be tough but I'm conquered.
    As far as I'm concerned this anime has the best artistic direction of the season. From the refined and detailed chara-design to the beautiful backgrounds, the soft, warm yet powerful colors, everything is great.
    And I'm really hooked by the story. That introduction was rather classical to say the least but well executed, and now it screams of adventure and I really hope it will deliver.
    Med-fan is really the theme of the season though. Yona aside, Garo, Shingeki no Bahamut and Nanatsu no Taizai all delivered good second episodes and seem to be solid picks. I guess you could count Log Horizon 2 in the bunch too (wow database wow)
    I have a few other shows I'll keep following for the lulz (Inou-battle isn't all that bad actually but it's so bland), but other than those I mentioned already the only other anime I'm having expectations for are UBW (ofc) and Amagi Brilliant Park (Might KyoAni end up delivering? I sure don't give a flying damn about the US rapper names but the show looks potentially interesting).
    Might pick up Parasyte but I'm not a fan of this kind of story and I already have a bunch of stuff to follow.
  6. Like
    SilverLi reacted to Tay in Not dead, coming back, cleaning house period extended, and some changes! (and bonus Twitter challenge!)   
    Hello everybody,
    As some of you know, I've been extremely sick lately. It's been more a dangerous-sick than just I-hate-life-sick, and so my absence on the site was unavoidable. I'm getting better, I've had solid medical care, and I'm putting my life back together. Thank you for your patience. This couldn't have come at a worse time (for my personal life and for Fuwa!)
    I know that many of us were starting to get really jazzed for upcoming site changes. I want to spell out a timeline for everybody so we all know what's coming and what to expect. I also hope it'll help assuage any anxieties about stagnation.
    The "cleaning house" period has been extended through October (since I've been out of action for almost all September!) Between now and next Wednesday I will be finalizing some behind-the-scenes changes among the staff and writing materials for the board moderator program By the end of next week I hope to have everything in place to roll out the board moderator program (members can be given moderator roles over particular "boards" on the forums and work under the guidance of a global moderator). I made a call for interested parties (https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/6292-are-you-interested-in-helping-moderate-a-corner-of-the-fuwanovel-forums/) and the initial roster will be selected from those who stepped forward in that post. If you're interested and fit the qualifications, speak up in that post! Again, at least the selection of board moderators should be done by next week, at which time I should have the training materials finished and in the hands of the global mods (and then we'll see how it goes) I'm working on getting an up-to-date picture on where our server move is and what front-site changes are ready to be made. Nothing to report yet, but I have submitted a 2-page list of high-priority changes to our web development team I finished my site analytics and I'm very pleased with the VN forums changes (traffic and participation are both up across the spectrum of user groups). I think the data also shows that the "Ongoing Projects" board has been very successful at driving traffic and attention to the projects featured within it. I can't say that for sure (I'm not awesome at the form of statistics my program is using), but if I'm reading the data right, then it's driven >3x as much traffic to each project than they were receiving before the ongoing projects board was made. I don't know about you, but I'd say that's exactly what we'd want for our fearless project leaders! Still waiting to hear the details on software changes before I commit to any tagging add-ons for the Development boards (it could take a while, but it's a high priority for me. Don't give up, developers!) The forums changes, like I said, have been very encouraging. The biggest (most important? controversial? fabulous?) issue to tackle, as we all know, will be the general discussion board with the G&C sub-board within it. Before I go into any details about the changes, I'l reemphasize that my priorities in changing up the organization will be: maintain a space for true general discussion, provide a separate space for Fuwanovel-centered projects and community work/discussion, give an out let for getting to know each other and having fun, and then filtering out the posts which are fluff or worthless and really just deserve to die (more on this in a minute ; )). (In summary: better differentiate between topical discussion, friendship building, Fuwanovel work, and "fluff" posts which deserve death) The details are yet to be finalized, but the current plans (written in a super secret notebook) are as follows:      A. To create a community hub (focused on Fuwanovel) which will be dedicated to community projects, the improvements board system, a leadership council, etc.      B. Restore the "general discussion" board to its true purpose (topically-based and focused discussion about stuff)      C. There will be a Lounge section which will be the spot for getting to know each other, having fun, a little goofing off, etc.      D. The newest addition will be something akin to an "Arena of Death" where pointless, fluff, and/or scum-and-villainy types of posts will be sent to die (or fight for survival). Details forthcoming. One really big thing that needs to be addressed is site media (blog and social media). There will be some long-overdue changes coming to the blog, and a better workflow for how all these services work together and how they're to be used There's more. I could talk about MOTM, for example, which has had a bumpy road due to my illness, or stances on games and translator groups and requests for takedowns. There's a lot more to discuss, but I don't have the energy atm to get it all down on paper. I ask for your patience as I recover. I'll put out as much info as I can on a regular basis. Within the next week I will be finalizing the list of torrents which will no longer be linked-to on our front site. The links will go "offline" the last week of October. The leadership structure of the community to which we're headed is going to be a leadership council structure with voting and non-voting members. I'm not going to say a lot more at this point (since it's still early, there's still too much to do, and because I need to maintain a tyrannical dictatorship power structure in order to accomplish everything listed above ), but I wanted to clearly state that nobody realizes better than I the logistical problems facing the site. I just wanted to assure everybody that soon enough we'll be in a position where responsibilities are better spread out and no life-threatening illness of any one of us puts all the forward momentum in jeopardy ; ). I want to apologize to the logo contest winners! I'm sorry that I haven't been rotating the banners as I promised. I will be appointing somebody to do this and giving them restricted ACP access so they can make the changes per schedule in the future.   
    Immediate Timeline:
    I still need some rest time, but I should be in a better position by Tuesday By Wednesday night I should have a fairly comprehensive proposal ready for my inexhaustible and ever-patient counselor and friend Rooke to examine. Details of above proposals will be discussed and refined for up to 2 weeks or until we're both happy. No later than that point I'll reach out for additional opinions and thoughts/further refinement Concurrently: I should have the staff worked out by Tuesday. The global mods (at least the ones who head board moderator teams) will be given several days to choose from a list of willing members to build their teams. I will also be selecting board moderators and assigning them to particular global mods/boards. While the global mods are working on their team (and, again, this is concurrent with Rooke and I working through proposed changes), I will be finalizing the staff handbooks which will contain rules, policies, important information, and workflows for typical tasks. Once that's done and the global mods have built their teams, the new board mods will be contacted, I'll set up their permissions, and the global mods will conduct training for their teams. Front site: This is an email-based workflow which I'll initiate tomorrow (Sunday). The upcoming forums changes will be enacted once we have  a set plan (on my end) and an army of board moderators willing to help us manage the transition. I estimate this'll go down within 1-1.5 weeks Some basic blog changes are going to be happening in the next week as well: integration with social media, aesthetic changes, and additional un-annouced changes should roll out.  
    That's probably as much detail as is helpful right now. Please note: I have >40 PMs and emails to go through, so if you don't hear from me right away, don't think I'm ignoring you!
    LAST POINT! The Bonus Twitter Challenge!
    I'm not currently able to spend a lot of time up and about, meaning my time for working on Fuwa is somewhat limited. "Working on Fuwa" includes stuff like PMs, emails, reports, TL group sessions, and photo shoots. (<- one of those has yet to be requested. Wonder why...). SO! I'd like to suggest that anybody who urgently needs to contact me should do so through Twitter (at least for the next few days). 
    My twitter handle is @ArchmageTay
    I'll try to get up and be here on the site, but again, if you have a pressing concern or issue, send me a DM/Tweet. Also! The challenge part: my twitter avatar is pretty bland (but awesome! Yay HP!). If you're tweeting at me and get bored of my avatar, feel free to send me alternates you think I should use instead. If your submission is really awesome, you may just see it go up ; ).
    That last bit was just for fun, but really -- it's difficult for me (at least in the short, short term) to get up and around, so if you need me, let me know through Twitter. (Unless you're batman. Then just send me a bat signal through Skype).
    (read the post below- elevator music to accompany things, placed here by me, Kaguya)

    If you read all of this... wow! Way to go! Thanks for your time, and I'll see you soon.
  7. Like
    SilverLi reacted to crunchytaco in What are you playing?   
    Yeah Rance isn't for the sensitive type or those who have been traumatized. It's like playing a as a frat boy from an American College in a game. Very off putting
    But Rance grew on me the more I played him. I hated Sengoku Rance when I first started and Rance was the main reason I held off for 2 months.
    The gameplay is addicting, and the story can be cute. I love all the female characters (Sill, Kenshi, Tomato girl, etc.), practically a over a hundred of them. 
    I found Rance 2 remake playable just because it had the same humor and updated Graphics. Gameplay isn't all that great and its just a time sink to make a short game longer. They're easily avoidable and don't take much time to beat. The boss battles can be somewhat fun though.
  8. Like
    SilverLi reacted to babiker in Fuwanovel's Battle of the Guilds!   
    I love that way of thinking Okami... Now I'm even more pumped to win this! Fuwanovelians, beware the guild of Kuuderes!
  9. Like
    SilverLi reacted to Blue Ember in The Fuwa shipping thread   
    Orivva x Tiago, based on the chat of course.
  10. Like
    SilverLi reacted to Ouraibaa Hjyuraa in Majikoi Translation Discussion   
    In all likelihood, there will be a complete patch that includes every translation.
    As for the dump/replace, I don't know. I'm not the tech guy.
  11. Like
    SilverLi reacted to Ezeefreak in You're feeling_ Because...   
    If your Location is correct... What do you define as Cold?
  12. Like
    SilverLi reacted to Ouraibaa Hjyuraa in Unlimited Chat Works - Random Talk   
    The animation difference between the old Fate/Stay Night and the new Fate/Stay Night is astonishing.

  13. Like
    SilverLi reacted to Nosebleed in Summer 2014 Anime Discussion   
    Sinnon Ass Online does it again, 10 minutes of the same explanations we've already heard as well as the same flashbacks (must save the budget by re-using footage 100 times) just so they can give us a measly 7 minute fight (that was mostly chatter rather than fighting) that ends in a cliffhanger.
    Am disappoint.
  14. Like
    SilverLi reacted to FinalChaos in Unlimited Chat Works - Random Talk   
    Yes for now, till the next spoiler comes.....
  15. Like
    SilverLi reacted to Kaguya in A Fuwa RPG?   
    Heya. Kaguya here~
    Remember when I made that daibanchou mod? It's pretty old, so I'm guesing most of you don't know about it. The community changed a lot since then, so I thought it would be cool to make another one of those- possibly with a different game. Could even change dialogue this time around to make it even more of a joke, though I probably won't. 
    Would you be interested in playing something like that? Also, would you be interested in being featured as a playable character in the game? 
    I'll be changing this topic to G&C tomorrow, also~
  16. Like
    SilverLi reacted to Zakamutt in Fuwanovel's Battle of the Guilds!   
    I told you to make a goddamn kuudere guild, ren.
    No affiliation for now. May change to a team later.
  17. Like
    SilverLi reacted to OriginalRen in Fuwanovel's Battle of the Guilds!   
    Welcome to Fuwanovel's Battle of the Guilds!

    The realm of Fuwanovel is infamous for its intrigues and power struggles. It is a website with a deep history, whose thick walls contain many places of power and hidden relics. The lure of these mysteries makes Fuwanovel the focus of yearning for many. The most exclusive circles of power in Fuwanovel are occupied by numerous corporations, known as guilds. They compete to control the website's vast resources. Can the agents of your guild recruit the most influential members of the website and recover the most precious relics? Can you claim control of Fuwanovel?
    Welcome friends, to OriginalRen's Battle of the Guilds, a month long activity of deck building strategy and intrigue!
    The Objective:
    In Battle of the Guilds (BOGs for short), each team is the leader of one of the guilds of Fuwanovel. A team's guild is represented in the game by his own unique deck of cards.
    Each guild must rely on a group of agents to secure the good graces of the website's most influential personalities. These agents can also be sent to recover precious relics and take control of key locations on the website. These cards are then added to the team's deck, expanding and increasing the power of their guild.
    Guilds collect resources, represented by the victory point value of all cards in a team's deck. When Tay's Final Decree is declared, the guild with the most powerful and valuable resources will take control of the website and win the game!
    The Rules:
    The Game Round: https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/6497-fuwanovels-battle-of-the-guilds/?p=164040
    Match Format: https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/6497-fuwanovels-battle-of-the-guilds/?p=166858
    The Guilds of Fuwanovel:

    The Guild of Chibis

    The Guild of Kuuderes

    The Guild of Lolis

    The Guild of Senpais

    The Guild of Traps

    The Guild of Tsunderes
    The Teams:
    Team/Match Announcement: https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/6497-fuwanovels-battle-of-the-guilds/?p=165983
    Prepare Yourself...
    If you are interested in participating in my final activity before my departure and readjustment to Japan, feel free to post in this thread. Choose a guild, and at the end of this coming weekend, teams will be formed. Keep in mind that space is limited, so sign up now if you want to claim your guild as the most powerful on Fuwanovel!
    If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
    Preview #1
    Preview #2
    Preview #3
    Preview #4
    Preview #5
    Preview #6
    Preview #7
  18. Like
    SilverLi reacted to Aniki in What kind of game do you like best?   
    Strategy. I enjoy seeing Carthage burn. Every man, woman, and child.
  19. Like
    SilverLi reacted to Ouraibaa Hjyuraa in Unlimited Chat Works - Random Talk   
    Agave Patch: Unknown (Will edit after Azengar answers).
    Kazama QC: 33%.
    Chika QC: 0%.
  20. Like
    SilverLi reacted to dowolf in Unlimited Chat Works - Random Talk   
    update: Chika route done, handed off for QC-ing. Which means voting is now closed.
    ...And, in what should come as a surprise to absolutely no one, Mayo wins.
  21. Like
    SilverLi reacted to Mr Poltroon in Unlimited Chat Works - Random Talk   
    For accuracy's sake, I'll add some more details. 
    Translated routes: Kazama, Agave, Chika(going through a final sweep), Miyako(nearly finished).
    Quality Checked routes: Agave, Kazama(is in possession of the QC'er)
    It is also possible, although it has been left unclear, that Agave might come out as a patch of it's own.
    Then again, it might include Kazama's, Chika's or all the routes.
  22. Like
    SilverLi reacted to twdarkeh in Unlimited Chat Works - Random Talk   
    It is mine!
  23. Like
    SilverLi got a reaction from Zenophilious in What are you playing?   
  24. Like
    SilverLi reacted to dowolf in Unlimited Chat Works - Random Talk   
    Update: Chika's route at 100%!
    I'm still going to give it a once-over before handing it over to Ouraibaa, which might take a couple of days, but in the meantime:
  25. Like
    SilverLi reacted to Ouraibaa Hjyuraa in Unlimited Chat Works - Random Talk   
    Update: Agave QC 100%
    Time to contact Azengar.
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