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Everything posted by Decay

  1. The Bayesian rating on VNDB is quite literally worthless when it's at a low number of votes. It crashes the score to super low levels when there are barely any votes in order to make sure that a few people can't vote for some obscure title and elevate it high in the rankings. You should make absolutely zero judgement calls based on that score. The fact that you are is kind of sad.
  2. Arunaru has recently said that he doesn't expect MG or AS to bother with any of the older Rance games, which would basically mean the completed 5 and 6 translations are doomed to never see the light of day. But he doesn't really speak for all of MG. Since those translations are already basically complete, it wouldn't take much time to do the finishing touches and release them. If MG were to go that route, expect 5 to be released before 6.
  3. Oh, right, and that. It's been so long since I saw anyone else even mention sumaga.
  4. JAST announced Sonicomi and Flowers last year. They haven't delivered on either yet, although sonicomi is probably coming rather soon. As for Nitroplus, JAST already said they won't announce any more titles from them until they release the Hanachirasu and Django. They got Hanachirasu out the door last year, but Django is taking ages.
  5. 3rdeye would be cool. After seeing Sorcery Jokers receive so much praise, I kinda want to read that. An Alicesoft announcement is one of the things I find pretty likely. My two guesses so far are basically some kind of Alicesoft announcement (maybe Rance, maybe not), and a euphoria hard copy.
  6. Akabeisoft2 are already slowly entering into the english market at their own pace. Remember this? Light would be cool, but... I'm not holding my breath.
  7. The voice acting in Tokyo Babel is truly great. It still makes me wish all VNs had voice acting that good but alas, that will never be. None of the best VAs will ever touch eroge, after all.
  8. For Himawari, MG already signed the deal with Front Wing/Blank Note, and are still advertising it on their site and such. So no, they didn't suddenly lose the rights to that or anything. Although if this deal happened a year later, it probably would have been FW themselves who sought to release it.
  9. I mean, hopefully MangaGamer has more than one "huge" announcement this year, and are interested in spreading them out. I guess I'd call Maitetsu "huge" and Sekai Project announced that at Anime Boston or whatever. You never know how these things will shake out. But do expect at least one of those six slots to be something sort of unremarkable like a euphoria hard copy.
  10. Just FYI, Sekai Project will also have a panel here. SP's panel will be at May 20th, 5:30PM. They will probably announce some stuff. MangaGamer's Panel will be that same night, 9PM. I think these times are in CST, or UTC-5. Also, if anyone from MG is reading this, you incorrectly formatted your panel description on acen's site. Also, once again, JAST is a no-show. They haven't held a panel yet this year. I'm not sure if they've even had a convention booth yet. I wonder if Payne is slowly backing away from VNs or something.
  11. Really, Eclipsed, you of all people are hoping for Maggot Baits? I never would've guessed. I don't think it's impossible or even all that unlikely, actually. I don't think MG has ever done a guro title before, and maybe they want to avoid that, but I get the feeling that they'd be okay with MB. And Clock Up probably won't stop licensing out their stuff any time soon.
  12. Some might, some might not. Any seriously lengthy titles they announce you can expect next year. They still haven't released some of their 2015 announcements (Himawari... )
  13. They updated it from 2 to 6, huh? I was going to post a less lazy thread about this with an actual OP in the next day or two.
  14. (official site) Novectacle's gothic horror VN The House in Fata Morgana is finally translated and released on MG's site, and will be released on Steam shortly (19 hours, according to Steam's countdown). Just what is Fata Morgana about? The author wrote a good summary on MG's blog: It's a very highly rated VN on both EGS and VNDB, and has received some pretty serious acclaim from members of the community in recent times. And the spoiler-filled content advisory that I very briefly glanced at indicates that it deals with some rather dark themes. I'm a little bit worried that it will underperform, however. It's a very unique VN, and uniqueness is not always a selling point for a lot of people. If you're one of those people who don't like ever leaving your comfort zone, I suggest that you at least give the demo a shot. This VN deserves to be a hit. I'm eager to start reading it, but it may unfortunately be a while before I'm able to. Anyone else excited for this?
  15. First part was super standard. The second part of the interview was put up today and there are a couple more interesting questions but nothing to write home about. One of the more noteworthy parts of it was that MG brought up the "otoko no ko" genre's rising popularity in Japan, implying that maybe they're looking into licensing one of those VNs?
  16. No, I totally understand and agree 100%, which is why I was trying to recommend the better version that rewrote those ridiculous parts of story to be a bit less stupid.
  17. Joke's on you for not playing the Realta Nua version. There are some crazy people on the internet who constantly try to say that the Realta Nua version isn't as good because it lacks the 18+ content and I just find that perspective so baffling when I consider how unimaginably bad the h-scenes are, to the point where they are actively destructive to the overall story. The Realta Nua version is the superior version by far and with the rewrites they did, it's also considered the canon version by Type Moon. Basically, what I'm saying is that you're playing the crazy, outdated version abandoned by the developers. If you liked Fate so far, you should get the real version and keep going, you'll continue to really enjoy it. It only gets better.
  18. Read less shoujo manga, read more moe vampire nonsense, imo
  19. Comyu probably doesn't fit that category but who cares. "Charage" is a weird weeb nonsense term that I'm pretty sure was invented in the west and no one really knows what it means but we still use it anyways because it makes our shabby VNs sound more important. My top rated charage is Grisaia, my second top rated is Little Busters. I think LB is a good VN to start with to see if you enjoy Key's particular brand of melodrama, the group dynamic is really enjoyable. It has a crazy long common route but that's part of the appeal to me. You go to charage for the character interactions, after all, and LB is full of great ones. It is a little bit light on actual romance, though. Not every route has a strong romantic focus, and notably the true route is pretty light on it. ef is a pretty good romance melodrama if that's what you're looking for. It's one of the purest, most focused romance VNs translated to English and it does a pretty good job at it with some ridiculous production values. You could also go for an Overdrive VN like Kira Kira or Deardrops. They're both musically themed and have a bit of a different feel from most charage, in that they don't really focus too much on high school SoL (there's a little bit of that in Kira Kira but not much) and I think they're pretty decent overall.
  20. You should probably read the whole thread before posting.
  21. Also, if you'd like it translated, bug JAST about it. They've released another Alcot game (osadai) in the past, and every time I ask them, they say they'll be doing another one of theirs and will have something to announce "soon," but they never do.
  22. She's from this: https://vndb.org/v10237
  23. No offense to arcadeotic, but if someone else is offering help, maybe you should take it...
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