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  1. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from JoshB2084 in Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart English Release   
    That's why I asked which release is the most complete one. I was thinking there may be one that has everything included, but... turns out you either play the original Japanese release with H-scenes, or you play the all-ages one without H-scenes, but some other additional content. RIP. Huge RIP. You would need a great hacker to add back in the H-scenes into the all-ages release
    ...Guess I'll just go for the original Japanese release with H-scenes anyway.
  2. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from kokoro in Is A Sky Full Of Stars +18 Restoration completed?   
    Why are they doing this to ussssssssssssss, aaaaaaaaa!!!! :sad_face:
    I hate when they do this, I hate it
    Noratoto 18+ probably never too.
  3. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to flamepaladin in Kami no Rhapsody Translation by Rhapsody Translation (Full patch released)   
    Before I answer your question, I should say that I'm the type that read anything as long as they don't make me fall asleep. So I'm probably not the best person to ask for impression on the story.
    In any case, I think the story is quite good. It's not amazing or anything, but it's enjoyable. At the very least, I haven't fallen asleep while reading KnR yet XD.
    In comparison to Kamidori... It's been so long since I played Kamidori so I don't remember much of it, but if I have to, I'd rank them around the same.
  4. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to kokoro in Is A Sky Full Of Stars +18 Restoration completed?   
    I think the MTL patch is good enough for sex. Not like it has any literary value.
  5. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from kokoro in Is A Sky Full Of Stars +18 Restoration completed?   
    Don't wait, as I already said in my thread. It's quite unlikely it'll ever be finished (unless a random TLer one day translates it himself). There's a way to play the game with MTLed H-scenes, which is your best bet at the moment if you really need to play those H-scenes. I may or may not finish it one day, but for now, the project is for all intents and purposes dead.
  6. Thanks
    Infernoplex reacted to novurdim in Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart English Release   
    Pretty sure he simply meant the censored nipples which can be considered a part of censoring H-scenes.
  7. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to marcus-beta in Kami no Rhapsody Translation by Rhapsody Translation (Full patch released)   
    Yeah, I think so, create tool is 'hard' and isn't everyone who understand, but basically the hacker in a group just need work in the begin and the end of the project... (usually 2 weeks...?) but the translator, editors, QC and etc need keep the work for years usually, then, is more 'easy' but is more 'exhausting' than the coder work.
  8. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to Fuwanyan in Reading VN is masochistic   
    Yet another autistic thread on this "wonderful" forum?! No wonder the forum is dying.
  9. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to McDerpingheimer III in Reading VN is masochistic   
    There are only three types of post, good post with lot of thought, stupid post that make you want to commit die and post that disturb you.
    You rode through a great argument, then you realise you have no brain cell to process. The emptiness overwhelms you.
    You endured the post for the sake of making your point, feeling you have wasted your time and should have done something else.
    You are so disturbed you closed window. Since you have already seen it, it is still your own loss.
    In all cases, the reader suffer. I have observed that people frequently deliberately and consciously do something that is against their own interest. This can only be explained by a latent desire to be punished, a thing I know well. I have long realised I am incapable of bringing much joy to anyone, and as such does not deserve to be happy. This is the punishment that is due to me. A sin that cannot be absolved through religion, science and humanity. Fuwanovel is one of the last thing I can enjoy in life. Through this masochistic experience I can repent my sin.
  10. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Zakamutt in Reading VN is masochistic   
    You rode through a great journey. The emotional high stays with you throughout the day, and maybe the next, slowly phasing out. Sometimes you think back to just how good it was and reminisce in fond memories. You start another visual novel. You hope it'll be as good as the last.
    You read an unpolished gem. You found some interesting parts, narrative patterns, or thoughts in the novel that you enjoyed. While parts of it may have dragged or been unpolished, there's a certain charm to it all. You want to shill it to all your friends so they can enjoy it too, and start to think about whom it would be good to recommend it to. You look up other works by the author...
    You read something you ultimately didn't find amazing, but think will be interesting to discuss with people. You don't feel like you wasted your time, exactly; maybe you used it suboptimally, but how could you know? You know more about the medium and can draw more parallels with other works when talking to other people deeply into the medium.
    You read something pretty garbage. You find solidarity with other people in talking about just what makes it such trash. It lets you see how storycraft can go wrong, and improves your pattern recognition to help you avoid something so disappointing again. You know the medium better, have better picking skills, and have something new to meme about.
    You read a Fuwanovel forum post by a fifteen year old trying but failing to sound profound, and cringe. You contemplate suicide, but eventually decide that it is not worth it, even though something tells you you have just contracted a painful form of malignant cancer. You write a forum post in reply
  11. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to HataVNI in I'm leaving Fuwanovel, because I'm starting to realize that this community and the VN community at large has hurt me.   
    Imagine thinking you could leave this place so easily. 
  12. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to Yuuko in I'm leaving Fuwanovel, because I'm starting to realize that this community and the VN community at large has hurt me.   
    ban all porn tbh
    and sex too, only lewd hand holding allowed
  13. Thanks
    Infernoplex reacted to flamepaladin in Kami no Rhapsody Translation by Rhapsody Translation (Full patch released)   
    Hello everyone,
    Though a little late, I'm back with another progress update.

    For the translation, the script for the append and New Game+ is about 80% translated.
    Dany and Vuken are continuing with the tlc and edit for chapter 2 respectively.
    Nylios will continue to translate the In-Game Terminologies.
    Glupak will also continue with his work on the Menu Images.
    We've been a bit busy irl, so there wasn't much progress. But now that summer is here, maybe we'll be able to find more time to spend on this project .

    In any case, that's all for now.
    Thank you for reading and see you next time ^^.
  14. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to Templarseeker in Birthday thread   
    Happy birthday to me lol! And its raining hard here too huhuhu
  15. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to novurdim in Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart English Release   
    Fruitbat don't publish/license the game so I have only meant that even though they don't release 18+ games themselves, they should still bring to the Harukaze's attention (who are basically self-publishing the game) that there's a very eager audience for the original 18+ version and plenty of platforms to sell it on. Since, you know, it looks like Harukaze have no meaningful interaction with the western audience whatsoever. Nothing more, nothing less. 
    I'd even say that I generally like Fruitbat, they have released plenty of cool non-ero VNs like Chuusotsu or Seabed, sustain a somewhat decent TL/tech quality and the only game of theirs that originally had ero got the 18+ release on behalf of JAST anyway so it's not like they robbed you of anything. I'm only salty that they didn't bring Eiyuu Senki to the vita back in the day. Boo.
  16. Thanks
    Infernoplex reacted to littleshogun in Birthday thread   
    Late to the party here. Happy 25th birthday to both of @Infernoplex and @flamepaladin, and I hope that both of you will have a good year ahead.
  17. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to Dreamysyu in Birthday thread   
    Not really, but I just randomly decided that you are older than me for some reason, lol.
  18. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to novurdim in Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart English Release   
    Based on how eroge companies generally operate regarding their western releases (especially when they have no "partner" to help them), I'd say simply asking them first would be the wise decision as japanese eroge pubs may not think of releasing a 18+ version for the most absurd reasons you can't even imagine in the right mind. Looking back, I'd even say they usually approach the release with the mentality of "of course we are going for the safe console version, why would we release porn in the wild west and ask for trouble?" and only then fans can sometimes manage to dissuade them. 
    I have a very hard time believing that NoraNeko of all things (considering that all seiyuus in the game are the usual suspects) is exactly that legendary game which can't be released uncut due to the extreme licensing issues and it's not simply a case of "can't be bothered to go back to the basic preparations that late in the game". If there's no will, there obviously won't be a way. While true, it would be absurd to stall the steam release for another, say, six months simply because they didn't think of releasing 18+ version, it still means that if noone presses them about it, they'll just think that everything is marvellous and they are genious strategists. Especially since, as I understand it, they don't even look at the feedback, only Fruitbat does. Fruitbat that's not even releasing 18+ games to begin with.
  19. Thanks
    Infernoplex reacted to Dreamysyu in Birthday thread   
    Happy birthday to @Infernoplex! I actually thought you were older for some reason.
  20. Thanks
    Infernoplex reacted to Plk_Lesiak in Birthday thread   
    All Best Wishes to You, @Infernoplex! 
  21. Thanks
    Infernoplex reacted to Dergonu in Birthday thread   
    Happy birthday @Infernoplex! Huh. You're a year older than me. Guess I'll have to start calling you senpai now (/ω\)
  22. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Fred the Barber in Sol Press looking for newer/lesser expererienced translators for future "experimental" releases   
    Can only speak from my personal experience, which is about a dozen things with about eight different translators, but at least from what I've seen in the industry, the translator usually checks over the editor's output and does so-called "counter-edits" (75% of the games I've worked on). Also, who gets the "final cut" between the TL and the editor is kind of up in the air, though usually the TL and editor simply discuss anything where they disagree, so it's not really an issue.
    And just briefly, regarding Fureraba: the translator has spoken very highly of the work the editor did on Fureraba on several occasions, to me and to others, so you can at least assume they were agreed that it was good work overall. I haven't read it myself, but the screenshots I've seen posted here and there have always looked fine to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  23. Thanks
    Infernoplex reacted to Mr Poltroon in Birthday thread   
    Happy Birthday, @Infernoplex! And, Happy Birthday to you too, @flamepaladin!
    The text sounds so excited! Look at all the exclamation marks! Woah!
  24. Sad
    Infernoplex reacted to bored in Sol Press looking for newer/lesser expererienced translators for future "experimental" releases   
    eroge translators should create a union, otherwise they treat you like lab rat
  25. Haha
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