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Everything posted by ittaku

  1. In the configuration window, try different options there for MPEG-1
  2. Go to the website I linked you by clicking on the clicky thing I gave you, click the clicky thing on that website, and click yes to all the clicky questions your computer gives you after that.
  3. (Re)install ffdshow https://sourceforge.net/projects/ffdshow/ The issue is almost certainly what is chosen for mpeg1 video decoding since that's what most OPs are. When configuring ffdshow, check what is associated with mpeg1 decoding and choose the appropriate option (note I'm a linux user but the same issue occurs when configuring ffdshow under the windows emulator on linux so I figure that's your problem.) If one option for mpeg1 doesn't work, try another.
  4. Thanks, that puts it more into perspective. I'll leave it on the "some day" list, rather than the "I must watch all romantic comedy dramas ASAP" list. EDIT: That means I am now without anything recommended. I guess I've watched everything worthwhile this side of the millenium...
  5. Hah, well welcome to one of the reference classic tsundere incarnations then. Funny how people tend to hate some of the heroines in this game; at least that means their personalities are very distinct instead of blurred to make them all likeable.
  6. It's not your fault I'm so sensitive. I guess I didn't make it clear enough how important a happy ending was. No problem, thanks for the warning about KC. I don't mind some drama provided there's a happy ending - otherwise there's no real emotional investment and a happy ending isn't as enjoyable without that investment. I can't stand over the top drama and unhappy endings. My real world has had far too much drama for my liking and I use anime and VNs to escape drama so I simply have a weak constitution for it. Thanks. I might skip it for now then.
  7. Provided you're happy with Japanese untranslated, there's a couple of good osananajimis in Clover Day's that the MC grew up alongside (Tsubame and Izumi). And a few others in it that did do the absence for years and then came back (Hekiru and Hikaru). And a few step sisters that are effectively osananjimis too (Anri and Anzu). Let's face it, all the heroines in it are some kind of osananajimi. BTW, love the graphic. I'm with you, that's one of the best type of heroine routes ever, with a tinge of Tsundere is nice too.
  8. Kinda frustrating? Let me quote my opening post. So I give you marks for recommending something that was intriguing. I found myself very annoyed at how eloquent and thoughtful the dialogue was coming from high school teenagers, but that wasn't enough to stop me watching it since the story interested me. However it failed miserably on my MUST component in the recommendation. I'm the guy who has trouble sleeping from mild drama that happens in light hearted moege. I hate endings like that. About its only redeeming quality was that I got to hear Rio Natsuki as a minor character again (she also voiced Lucy, my avatar), and I'm not here to debate that there's anything wrong with stories like that for others, but as far as I'm concerned, bitter endings like that can suck my dick. I really hope your recommendation of kokoro connect isn't like that :s Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to drown my sorrows in hard core moege.
  9. You need better friends No, no sign of a second season at all at this stage. Probably best they wait till enough light novels are written for a whole season anyway.
  10. That doesn't count as Rakudai Kishi IS awesome. I doubt there is anyone out there in their right mind who particularly dislikes it.
  11. I'm glad to see the prevailing opinion is to steer clear of Japanese settings. This topic comes up every week or so on these forums and I agree it shows lack of imagination to use Japanese settings or characters simply because the bulk of things you've played/seen/imitated come from Japanese media and games. A non-Japanese person creating Japanese settings will always get it wrong, either subtly or embarrassingly badly, no matter how much they've tried to absorb the culture. The counterargument is that the Japanese often use Western settings, but in my experience virtually all of the Japanese executed Western settings are terrible and since we're used to Japanese'isms we tolerate them although they never survive any meaningful scrutiny. Them using English is even worse... So yeah, by all means make this character a Westerner, and in fact, do it to the rest of the characters and the setting too while you're at it.
  12. Don't forget to report back once you're done.
  13. Still having a soft spot for the Atelier Kaguya Berkshire Yorkshire https://vndb.org/p984 group, I decided to read any of the remainder of their later VNs I could get my hands on. They're just ecchi heavy moege and started getting particularly good at that progressively more ecchi interactions with the girls before you finally end up on one of their paths and from "School Project ☆" onwards I really enjoyed the style. Currently tackling "Prima ☆ Stella" https://vndb.org/v827 which reminds me an awful lot of the thematic material in the recent anime "Shomin sample" for one guy being the only guy in an all girls school for Ojou-samas. So far it's great fun, most readers here would think they're nothing special - though I freely admit to getting a good laugh and worked up by them, often really liking most of the heroines, and this is no different. It rates ~8/10 on VNDB despite that. /guilty pleasure
  14. This is probably what you're looking for:
  15. That's a large chunk of text. Did you have a specific question about a particular line or are you just looking for someone to translate it all for you? That's not what this thread is here for.
  16. You need to specify translated or not. To Heart 2 has a beta patch with a good translated twins route (that I translated.) Clover Day's is untranslated with a good translated route (actually I've finished translating it but we haven't released any patch with the translation and aren't going to any time soon.)
  17. Intensely, which is why I make a judgement during the relatively common route about who I like the most and always leave her till last.
  18. Christmas is in summer here you inconsiderate sod.
  19. Izetta disappointed... without spoiling, that last episode pulled out lots of unbelievable capabilities on the bad guys' part that just didn't hold any water for being credible for that timespace. The lead bad guy figured out too much with too little information, the technology was out of this world for WWII time, and the motivation for Izetta's nemesis doing the bad guys' bidding was non-existent. Fail.
  20. Play it once through without a walkthrough and see where you end up, enjoying the story along the way. Then use the walkthrough from then on. Games where the choices make no sense as to where you end up are bad form in my opinion and there is zero satisfaction out of selecting the correct route completely by accident.
  21. Clover Day's has 3 - count them - 3 classic tsunderes. Anri, Hikaru and Izumi (my personal favourite) would all be considered tsundere.
  22. So I finally got around to watching Da Capo. It was pretty average. The best thing about it was its comedy which I found quite amusing but as the story progressed it got more melodramatic and most of it fell flat and was rather meh. Watchable as a filler but not much else. Onto White Album 2 next.
  23. To understand how baseball can be fascinating one MUST watch Cross Game. Heck even if not looking to enjoy baseball. No it's not a pure sport anime but the baseball it does have is excellent and it's excellent as an anime all round. I usually hate most sports but loved Cross Game, and so did my wife. We've watched it through together multiple times even...
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