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Everything posted by ittaku

  1. Amanchu's pretty cute and a very easy watch but it never really hits any highs IMO. In a similar vein, Amaama is equally cute but has some real highs by comparison. Both are "healing" style anime.
  2. Well after floundering for half a dozen episodes Qualidea Code actually pulled out quite a good and interesting one.
  3. Just finished wolf girl and black prince. It was pretty decent. Unfortunately it didn't feel remotely original after watching Itazura Na Kiss which it seems to be a lesser imitation of with the broody cold male and genki ditzy girl combo. Plus INK covers much more ground in its story. Still I enjoyed watching it enough, but couldn't rewatch it with my wife as she'd loathe the lead male way too much.
  4. Rewatching Lovely Complex. Still one of my all time favourite romantic comedies ever
  5. Still disagree. Can't see any reason why they would, Japanese sensibilities even considered.
  6. In this, I think you're dreaming. If you cite that example where the original artist was upset that the mosaics were removed, I don't find that as convincing, especially since to me it still seemed to be an indirect way of saying it's the law. There is plenty of Japanese porn being made and distributed outside of Japan to circumvent the laws. Mankind has a history of censoring, well, everything, as a way of controlling the people and the people respond by trying to get access to the censored material. There is a already core of local Japanese that are obsessed with getting uncensored material from the USA and elsewhere. Create a new market by removing the laws and the market will respond, even if it's just a handful of publishers to begin with and they will sell like hotcakes. Pornographers the world over are known for trying to push the boundaries, not restrain themselves - irrespective of Japanese sensibilities, the Japanese pornographers, be they 3d or 2d will do the same. Once the sale of uncensored material is shown to be a guaranteed way to improve and maintain market share, why would any sane human keep censoring it?
  7. Bad idea. A drunken stupor gives you no real rest and when you recover from it you won't be able to get to sleep properly... More facts that I have almost 30 years of drinking to attest to...
  8. Well you're not going to be able to fix it in time for the next day. Sleep hygiene is as much about routine as it is the actions you choose. The things that will make the biggest difference to your sleep are maintaining the same routine almost every day, not sleeping in on occasional days and do all the things that help maintain your circadian rhythm that will make you sleepy at night. I do all of the following as they're proven effective through research and made a massive difference to my own sleep patterns. Specifically: Go out in the midday sun if you can (I try to do this religiously if work/life commitments allow it, even if just for 10 minutes) Use blue blocking at night for your local time zone when the sun goes down - either with a PC/tablet/phone red shift application like flux, or wearing blue blocker glasses (I use gtk-redshift on linux). Set your TV to "warm" colour tones if you watch TV at night. Do much more continuous physical activity during the day - standing instead of sitting at a PC. I have a standing desk at home and work. Eat mostly during daylight hours, avoid snacking after dark - to that end, eat a low carb high fat diet which will make you less hungry outside meal times. Don't do or watch anything emotionally or intellectually stimulating as sleep time approaches - I watch episodes of the most boring anime I have on tap. Use your bedroom only for sleep and sex for the right association of place and action. Keep your room very dark during sleep hours, dim lights only and preferably warm (red) colour tone lights. Use a light alarm instead of a music alarm in the morning to help set your rhythm. Philips make some great ones. Don't sleep in on your days off - instead get up at about the same time as each time you sleep in you ruin the stability of your body clock. Orgasm just before bedtime - with your partner if you have one, otherwise fap/vap to a VN/hentai/porn instead. Good luck.
  9. Thanks. I understood that. Nihonreview gives it a fairly decent rap so I'm willing to give it a try. I keep looking for (possibly older) gems that are often overlooked, and that's how I stumbled across things like cross game and lovely complex; both awesome viewing.
  10. @Fred the Barber and @Tiagofvarela. At your suggestions I finished Kimi ni Todoke S1 and S2. I thoroughly enjoyed season 1 and the diabetes side of it didn't bother me one bit. It even had a great non-conclusive ending. Season 2... was painful until it started to properly resolve. The tension was maintained through gratuitous overuse of my most hated plot device - misunderstanding. The level of misunderstanding was way beyond what I could suspend disbelief for and Sawako's character regressed far too much during that first half. I understand only too well how hard it is for the Japanese culture to speak without indirection and obfuscation but that was ridiculous. The second season may as well just have been the last 5 episodes since I would have dropped the series if season 1 was the way the first 7 eps were. On the other hand once the story started resolving it redeemed itself immensely - what more could I ask of an ending than that, and resolving slowly over 5 episodes was actually most welcome instead of a confession 30 seconds before the end. All the other characters were great and fleshed out , with real development too which was satisfying. So overall I greatly enjoyed it even with that painful flat spot so thanks again for that recommendation! Next, I grabbed Emma a victorian romance so that will likely be my next romance watch.
  11. Tried most shows this season, and of shows I've made it this far watching (including double season shows)... Alderamin's decent (it would be better without the spirits, they're pointless in the plot) Amanchu's ok. Ange Vierge is silly but ok for a fanservice show. Days is good Food wars 2 is very good First love monster is kind of okay. The outcast is forgettable even with Saori Hayami as a VA in it (one of my favourites, but at least she's also in Amaama) Masou Gakuen is lulz bad but fun for the fanservice Momokuri is good and sweet New game is good Orange is very good Qualidea Code is borderline ReZero as very good but not excellent Rewrite is okay Saiki K is good. Sweetness and Lightning is very good Zestiria is okay Konobi is good Taboo tattoo is forgettable Time Travel Shoujo is okay Twin Star Exorcists is very good So nothing is scoring more than an 8 in there for me. Other shows just didn't click with me or were so bad I couldn't watch the first ep.
  12. There are other things that can make something a classic too, like the oreimo ending...
  13. You're not far off but you need to try to read between the lines since it's a common Japanese trait to never discuss things straight up, especially if someone is unsure. This is nothing but my own interpretation of events and I'm sure others will have read things differently. That's the point of making the ending so ambiguous. There almost certainly will be a third season as the light novels aren't finished yet either and season 2 Zoku ends way before what the light novels are up to.
  14. Hitozuma hime club https://vndb.org/v138 An oldie but fun nonetheless. Though very heavy on the H.
  15. My Teen Romantic Comedy both seasons were awesome. Good enough to make me buy the light novels in Japanese to read. What didn't you understand about the ending? Put in spoiler tags of course in case others haven't watched it.
  16. Oh are you talking about the fact the text appears on the whole window? There is no way to disable that in TH2. However you can temporarily get rid of onscreen text by pressing SPACE or clicking the * looking icon on the right tab that automatically appears when you hover over it.
  17. Are you using applocale or have you fully changed locale to jp? Some games need the latter.
  18. Failed to read file blah, the file may not exist or you may not have permission to read it. Cancel retry ignore. Don't know how to fix it for you.
  19. I did agree with you, just saying that it's not primarily a romance.
  20. To be honest I thought Conrete Revolutio was pretty bad. It's on my ANN "will not finish list". Of course that doesn't change the fact that it might have a very satisfying ending so I might add it to the "others" recommended list. What about the rest of the Jigoku Shoujo seasons? (Not that I know how many there are.)
  21. Thanks for the recommendation on that one. It definitely belonged a genre that was off the radar for me but I did enjoy it. I agree it hit a bit close to home at times and some arcs made my skin crawl. It wasn't haha funny but amusing and engaging enough to keep watching and the ending was satisfying in its own way. I agree with @Kenshin_sama that the chemistry between the two leads is great and very different. As @Fred the Barber said, I wouldn't exactly call this a romance anime but there were definite shades of romance there that were unique. Kimi ni todoke is probably next... Dunno what I'll do once I've run out completely. Probably just rewatch FMAB and Cross Game through again..
  22. Moved Welcome to the NHK to my recommended list after having watched it through.
  23. I remember someone complaining about this years ago without a solution being found, sorry. I don't know if you can set up a virtual machine on your PC and run it on that perhaps?
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