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Everything posted by ittaku

  1. I'm sorry, I did not miss the point, I just hated it, and I'm not alone. Instead of a romantic progression, let's just go round and round in circles repeating the same jealous plot and not progress in a relationship like normal humans would. I loved it at the start, and then... got tired of the same plot over and over again without progressing. The end may as well be the first day. Either way, I'd rather put a caveat on this recommendation to Tiago, much like I did for Nisekoi which I liked but I know others hated. There are definitely things where the majority of people like them and others, like these two, where opinions are polarised.
  2. I object. Infinite endless repetitive blue balls without conclusion does NOT make for good romance. The first chapter or so it was fun and original and sexy but it effectively ended in exactly the same place it started. One series of the anime is enough to get the idea of what the manga is like for 10x that duration.
  3. The Love Hina anime was a classic indeed but it only really made it 1/3 of the way through the manga and then they tacked on those horrible Love Hina Again OVAs to try and finish the story and they were terrible executions and not faithful to the manga. The manga is hilarious and heartwarming at the same time. It was my first manga read in Japanese and I've read it 3 times over (bought it from Amazon JP) though Ken Akamatsu made it (the Japanese one) freely available a couple of years ago. Emma the anime was solid if slow, but then that's consistent with Victorian pace. The only real issue I had with it was Emma herself but I suspect that's faithful to the manga, and I don't want to give any spoilers here. Indeed you remember correctly. I hated Honey and Clover. I didn't warm to any of the characters and I hated the way people related to each other. It was more about drama of unsuccessful romances or unrequited love or fucking up rather than resolution. I gave up in disgust before finishing season 1.
  4. Need to put my vote in for grammar too. No amount of knowing characters will make you understand the fucked up context dependent sparse language that has incredibly ambiguous grammar that only starts making sense after years of reading tons of shit. Knowing who's doing what to whom is 90% of the battle and nothing can automate that. Kanji can be looked up.
  5. I really enjoyed Nisekoi right to the end, but others here really hated the second half so I don't know that it would be a universal recommendation though it is definitely conclusive. You've never read the classic Love Hina, and it's nowhere on your list. Do read it. As for anime, you recommended Emma to me though you didn't watch it so I'll recommend it back to you though you'll probably read the manga through first and then I don't know how it will fare...
  6. For any other losers like me who are watching Masou Gakuen HxH all I can say about episode 11 is oh and fuck you Ronald (if you're watching this series there's a good chance you know what I'm talking about.)
  7. Well I finished this. I'd have to say that you may not really know how this ended. I predicted what would happen but it wasn't as clear as you might think by the end and I think (in my eyes) the truer route was born out. There is a good deal of frustration towards the end as teenage angst burns holes in your sensibilities and the losers did indeed eat dust and tears, one unfairly so IMO. Either way I still enjoyed it greatly though I know a lot of people have conflicting opinions on this, but I'll probably add it to my wife watch list. 8/10 which actually puts it above Amagami SS for me. You've done great with your recommendations so I'll give the last two you recommended a go as well, probably starting with Fortune Arterial and then go to Da Capo. Thanks!
  8. Finished B Gata H Kei, aka Yamada's first time. That was quite different and amusing as a romantic comedy of sorts; I got a lot of laughs out of it, more so as the show progressed than early on. I have no idea what older series I'm going to watch next now... I seem to have run out of recommendations.
  9. I learnt Japanese to play VNs and now translate them as a hobby. But then I also loved Japanese anime, manga, light novels, novels and films, so the desire to learn was strong. Very glad I did it but then even after many years I know that I'm still not very strong at translating. It's a bastard of a language and incredibly fascinating language at the same time.
  10. I said I enjoyed it and kept watching because it had a spark. Its strongest point is that the story actually progresses and doesn't waste the entire anime hung up on tropes that most romantic comedies spend all the energy on. However I never found it particularly funny (just grinworthy), it was mostly predictable, I didn't like the lead hero, didn't mind the heroine but at no stage did I find her clumsy genki nature heartwarming as such and when it was over didn't have that empty feeling you get where you're sad because you're going to miss the characters and story... I didn't want to harp on about what I didn't like originally because as I said I did enjoy it, I just didn't find it great like other people did.
  11. Finished Wolf Girl and Black Prince, and Emma: A Victorian Romance. Both good watches and added both to my ultimately satisfying list. Rewatching Itazura na kiss with my wife and enjoying it again. It's strange because it's not 'great' and neither are the lead characters yet there's some spark it has which makes you want to keep watching it. Now watching B Gata H Kei.
  12. @Tiagofvarela I finished Emma: A Victorian Romance. It was good overall 7/10. It was hampered by being relatively quite slow compared to modern anime, but it was a far more mature story as a result with fleshed out characters and a great deal of attention to period details in the animation. Ironically Emma was probably the character that changed the least in my opinion over the whole story. My viewing was hampered by poor source material. The first season is mostly predictable and very slow, the second picks up the pace quite a bit and has a few unexpected turns though to be honest some of the plot devices towards the end felt a bit contrived in an attempt to create more tension in the lead up towards the (very happy) conclusion. The sort of level on which romance would have occurred in high class societies in the Victorian Era certainly rang true to me. There were a handful of other things on your list with less strong recommendations that I might look into next. I had a quick look at keroro gunsou and it didn't work for me so much. DC Da Capo, Kimikiss, and Fortune Aerial are the only things left so I'm really getting to the thin edge of the wedge here and will have to just assume that I've seen all the decent romance/romantic comedy animes. BTW I ended up watching Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji and it was quite okay. The protagonist wasn't quite as nasty as I thought he'd be, though I had little respect for the lead heroine falling for the arsehole, and the story was close to 100% predictable. Also 7/10.
  13. Added "Emma: A Victorian Romance" and "Wolf Girl and Black Prince"
  14. I always thought like-to-post ratio was a good metric of someone's forum-foo. It's a shame CoC skews the figure, but Fiddle deserves respect nonetheless.
  15. I've hated every logitech mouse I've ever had. The microsoft ones were better. The steelseries mice are, however, fantastic. I have a steelseries sensei and it's the best mouse I've ever had. There are newer models around at a range of prices and features but I've had this one for a while. I also don't like wireless mice as they sometimes have a mind of their own, no matter how expensive. The most expensive mouse I ever bought was a top of the line bluetooth wireless logitech mouse and it was basically a steaming pile of shit (double negative, both logitech and bluetooth.)
  16. I recently remembered this and though it's an oldie, it never gets tired.
  17. Quote from Australian law National Classification Code (link https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2013C00006 ). Note the section that says "appears to be". This means even young looking adults of any age, even if they're beyond their teens can't be depicted. If they want to be bastardy about it, pretty much all Eroge falls into this category since 2D artwork tends to make all characters look young and most Eroge is set in high school which is underage in Australia. Refused classification are Publications that: (a) describe, depict, express or otherwise deal with matters of sex, drug misuse or addiction, crime, cruelty, violence or revolting or abhorrent phenomena in such a way that they offend against the standards of morality, decency and propriety generally accepted by reasonable adults to the extent that they should not be classified; or (b) describe or depict in a way that is likely to cause offence to a reasonable adult, a person who is, or appears to be, a child under 18 (whether the person is engaged in sexual activity or not); or (c) promote, incite or instruct in matters of crime or violence
  18. Thanks, there could be no greater compliment for an Aussie.
  19. I'm Australian myself. When I go on vacation in Japan I buy my titles, install them on the laptop and copy the iso images off the DVDs and then much to people's horror... throw the packaging and disks in the bin before I leave the country... and I don't even touch loli stuff. I don't trust any of this stuff to get past Australian customs.
  20. Australia is about as anal as it gets with respect to this. Derg's advice is spot on and applies to Australia as well. Basically if anything looks remotely loli, it's illegal by Australian laws, even if it says "thousand year old faeries" on the front cover. However they almost never open packaging unless there is a strong degree of suspicion for something much more harmful and if the cover is relatively innocuous then they're never going to stick the DVD in and install it and check it out. Download versions theoretically they could come into your home and raid it if they're looking for something in particular but realistically this is out unless someone has been ratting you out for drug running/gun smuggling/terrorism/slave trading/child pornography rackets and the federal police here have too much more important stuff than waste their time on that. Nonetheless if it's illegal in Australia, you are treading a fine line. If they intercept what you buy at customs, at best they'll confiscate it, at worst you'll be branded a paedophile and have your activities watched and restricted for the rest of your natural life. To sum it up: Go for boobs.
  21. Mate I feel the same way as you do but the Onodera camp are so angry about just how she got the raw end of the deal it's not funny. He didn't let her down badly, but there was no future written for her into the story (just making cakes, even for his wedding.) So many people have said the writing went downhill - and if you track when they consider the writing going downhill, it's about the time it started becoming obvious he was going to end up with Chitoge so no doubt emotion plays more part in my opinion. It's bizarre to me that people expected anything else since it seemed obvious he'd end up with her from Chapter 0. As lovable as Kosaki was, she was never going to be in the running. I'd religiously watch any future animated seasons if they did as the original series is one of my all time favourites.
  22. Her and Sasara are both older in To Heart 2 but they're only 1 year older.
  23. And that song... Canaria singing in the earlier episodes was great, even if the lyrics were Engrish. It may well be the reason I kept watching when everything else about those earlier episodes was so meh.
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