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Everything posted by ittaku

  1. The vast majority of all great scientific research starts from the premise of an observed anecdotal association and it just so happens that I work in a scientific profession myself.
  2. Best secret I've ever revealed on the internet only to have it ignored as unscientific. Your loss.
  3. 1. Don't fap... the hormonal effect of you fapping will take away your will that will help drive you to confess. It also kills off any pheromones you may be giving off that will help her be attracted to you. You won't read about this anywhere, but that's what my experience has taught me 2. Don't do anything you'll regret years later. It's incredibly hard to surmount the energy to do what you want now, but it's better than regretting it for the rest of your life. This one everyone will tell you and it's absolutely correct. (Now happily married for 20+ years.)
  4. Not confused, just disappointed. Sure their next episode obviously wasn't ready in time, but rehash episodes are nigh on useless filler. They may as well have not broadcast anything and put up a video of a nice boat. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a rehash episode even when it's 32 episodes into a 50 episode series. They're a complete waste of space.
  5. I love H scenes in games and I can't stand the fact that Japan is still stuck with its laws regarding censorship. However I've bought heaps of censored games from Japan because they have no other choice whereas for Western releases, I flatly refuse to purchase anything that was (censored) hardcore in Japanese but was either toned down or left censored for the Western release because there they have a choice and that's when I feel as you said "rewarding them for" making censored releases. I'd rather encourage the industry to do the right thing (as I see it). The Japan censorship situation really can't be helped from here but I still feel it's important to support the original source of the art for the industry that I love.
  6. Started watching Kokoro Connect as well. This is great so far!
  7. Just finished Haibane Renmei. It was a beautiful story of redemption with angel themes without being openly spiritual or religious as such. It had virtually no themes or tropes from any of the common anime productions of today and was nicely paced without being too slow despite being quite old. It was also really nice to hear Motoko's VA (from Love Hina) in a big role again; I recognised her immediately. My only complaint was what I watched was BD resolution but clearly only about 480p so it had upscaling artifacts which were worse than just watching DVD res. Nonetheless I highly recommend it if you're looking for something different. It's like... Angel beats without the deceptive action and artificial soppy romance. Also I've started watching gintama... with my wife, since I have no intention of watching the whole thing through so far and then going back and rewatching it with her, so it's an experiment for both of us. We've made it 5 episodes in and so far it's okay and seems to be getting funnier as it progresses. Having survived that many episodes so far, I'm hopeful we'll both get an extended watch out of it.
  8. Well fortunately I do have someone redrawing for me on that very project. It was just a fun experiment. As I said, though, no redrawing will ever be the original artist's vision (if he/she had one and drew lots more detail at the time only to pixelate it, which isn't always the case.)
  9. Actually with a bit of manual cropping, minimal interpolation and some layer/mask magic I can reduce pixels in the pixelated region to 1/4 their size without any manual drawing, thus retaining only the original artist's work in a less pixelated form. Unlike redrawing the result still looks like part of the original and requires no drawing skills on my part. Here' s a rough example I slapped together for demonstration (obviously nsfw below): It's pretty time consuming but kinda fun to do, and I guess I could improve a little bit on it by being more careful in my cropping. I have previously tried to automate the process but the manual input is crucial since they often overlay detail (usually bodily fluids...) within the pixelated regions.
  10. Normally yes, but that's not what this is doing... it's trying to match from tiny amounts of data what is in its massive database to recreate the missing data.
  11. No need to take me seriously... For this to work google would need a massive bank of uncensored 2D hentai images which I doubt they have... or at least they won't admit to having, or give us public access to.
  12. All hail google. http://news.softpedia.com/news/google-brain-creates-technology-that-can-zoom-in-and-enhance-pixelated-images-512688.shtml I'm sure you all know what I'm thinking.
  13. So I'm watching 'Lagrange: The Flower of Rinne". It started out being decent, looking like pretty stock standard big robot with girls fare in season 1 with a mildly annoying protagonist but was okay to watch. Now I'm in season 2 and it's almost like a different series being very good with some great strong female leads and intrigue... even though I doubt the ending will be unexpected. I'll probably marathon the rest tonight so I may well report my final impressions very soon. EDIT: Finished watching it. Yes it was very good to the end, and with a mandatory happy ending for me to like it. The story's rather silly in places and a bit shaky but it has a feel good momentum that makes it enjoyable to watch regardless. It went a bit evangelion for a while there but recovered by the end Next up: I've been convinced to at least try watching gintama so that's what I'll do... somewhere amongst Kokoro connect and Haibane Renmei which I've also queued.
  14. Spoilers from the anime Lagrange if you haven't seen it. Got lost in tags somewhere there and put it in a double spoiler and can't figure out how to delete one lol.
  15. How old is old? 2+ 5+ years? 10+ years? From my 10+ year old list, in addition to what @Nandemonai recommended, Eureka 7, Ghost in the shell (SAC), Love Hina, Lovely Complex, My Hime, Planetes, Kaleido star.
  16. Full screen for immersion, as others have said. If it's a difficult Japanese VN, windowed for text hooking help but even then I resize my screen to make the window as large as possible while still having a separate window for translation aggregator, and when H scenes come along - full screen regardless for maximum perversion satisfaction. And fuck you twitter for insisting on me getting an account just to vote, so I didn't vote.
  17. Fear not, my friend, for this may well be the first time I can recall where WE all agree what is good this season. Thus we can gloat about how superior our opinions are and how the rest just don't get it. I can't believe how much I agree with everything you're saying, especially on scum's wish. I keep waiting for a review to come along and say "what a steaming pile of emo shit" it is since reviewers keep saying things like "I keep hoping for a happier or better outcome in the future", not knowing they're going to be shafted by endless cyclical progressively worse relationship fuck ups just because. I find that time is the real test and growing and sustained popularity over time is a better marker of global-subjective-appeal or some shit and often correlates more with what I end up liking. Somehow people seem to easily get caught up in hype and forget to ask themselves what they're thinking - often I find the shows that affects the most are the ones that start out strongly and slide to garbage. Somewhere in the slide people forget to reassess whether they're still enjoying it or not and are stuck to their first impression. There's a busload of stuff that falls into this category of late - erased where it was intrigue that was awesome to begin with and then plot completion was lame, and koutetsujou which started out amazing and then ended up with laughable villains on motorcycles or some shit that got moronic.
  18. Inari Kon Kon was really sweet and enjoyable with nice romance in it but ultimately fell just short of my own requirements, and I'm not sure why they didn't quite go the extra yard (are my requirements really that demanding?) It was also set (I believe) at a shrine that I've spent a whole day at myself and it was nice to relive it.
  19. I think it's even seizure inducing in susceptible individuals. EDIT: And Demi-chan still makes me grin stupidly for the entire episode it's so sweet. Definitely my favourite this season.
  20. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/hand-shakers/episode-4/.111708 quote from above article: Even Big Order, for all of its many failures, never managed to so thoroughly botch a single sequence the way Hand Shakers did this week.
  21. Ho baby are you in for a treat Nothing on earth has ever been as bad as "peeping life" but they didn't even try in that, whereas Hand Shakers has this amazing try-hard aspect which fails on so many levels, words can't even...
  22. Well Space Battleship Yamato delivered on romance. Since no one has recommended anything romcom here in a while, I found Inari Kon Kon on Animelab and am watching that next. So far so good.
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