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Rules of Forums


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While people generally have a great number of differing attitudes on personal information on the forums, there are some things that practically have the force of law amongst the average polite internet denizen.


1.  It is ok to ask someone what country they live in, but it is not ok to ask them where they live specifically.


2.  It is only ok to ask about another person's problems if they initiate that track of the conversation. 


3.  Trying to breach someone else's anonymity is a big no-no.


4.  If you are going to ask someone's real gender, do it in a private message.


5.  Edit, don't double post.


6.  Nobody likes a troll.


7.  Politics always result in threads catching fire.


8.  (reference to 7) Religion is even worse.


These are more etiquette rules that I've noticed... have any of you also picked up little unspoken rules about forum-posting over the years?

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6.  Nobody likes a troll.
I generally don't ask anything personal about someone unless they either hint about it or directly state it themselves; that includes real-life name, appearance, job, etc.  I know some people don't like being asked that kind of stuff, and I can't blame them.
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i r 2 k00l for sk00l r00ls

Rule 1: Refer to Tiagofvarela as Tiag of Verela

Rule 2: Participate in all RNG-based giveaways

Rule 3: Troll

Rule 4: Act all happy-go-lucky "Let's be FRIENDS"

Rule 5: Offer self as snack for Clephas


OT: Over the course of my time here on Fuwa I probably broke rules 2 ~ 7 of yours :nervous:

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7.  Politics always result in threads catching fire.


8.  (reference to 7) Religion is even worse.



Breaking these 2 rules lead to some fun arguments discussions.


These are more etiquette rules that I've noticed... have any of you also picked up little unspoken rules about forum-posting over the years?



It is apparently okay to succumb to Godwin's law yet politically incorrect to discuss Hitler in any serious way...

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Opinions on each


1. Is location even important in general/need to be asked at all? Though, I personally don't care, I give out the state I live in, and even the city if needed for specific subjects, I don't think it's something the other person needs to know unless it's crucial to understanding something, such as their background on a matter, since location does have an impact on certain things.


2. Agreed, though, unless the person makes a thread specifically on said issue, I feel anything thing personal should be in PMs only unless it's something that will affect stuff on the forums. It's personal for a reason.


3. You mention PMs for other things, but not this one? This ties to #1 and #4, it's not information you need. If they're being anonymous, they're doing so for a reason, even if the reason is "just because".


4. If not stated on their profile, I normally wouldn't even ask, because gender shouldn't be a determining factor in many things. Gender roles are lame; people shouldn't be tied down to those preconceived ideals.


5. Eh, being around forums a lot, I see double posts and think, "well, that shouldn't be there" don't care personally if people double post. As long as you aren't entering a triple post, I don't see the problem as sometimes, you just want to separate completely different ideas (but if they're very similar, you better be editing your post!) But it is normal forum etiquette to not double post.


6. :makina:


7. & 8. I feel on forums like this, all politics and religion based threads should be banned, as they are heated topics world wide and just don't fit into these themed forums.

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I'll have to disagree with rule 6. I don't know how long you've been on this forum, but trolls seem to be dearly loved around these parts. 



i r 2 k00l for sk00l r00ls

Rule 1: Refer to Tiagofvarela as Tiag of Verela

Rule 2: Participate in all RNG-based giveaways

Rule 3: Troll

Rule 4: Act all happy-go-lucky "Let's be FRIENDS"

Rule 5: Offer self as snack for Clephas


OT: Over the course of my time here on Fuwa I probably broke rules 2 ~ 7 of yours :nervous:

But you seem to be following your own rules to a T. 


You do know my name is Tiago, TiagoFVarela, right?

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4.  If you are going to ask someone's real gender, do it in a private message.


What? Are we 5 years old? Are females and males a concept we don't understand? I don't think forums are an MMO, so I don't think gender really matters.


Strangely enough, I realized that Fuwanovel had a lot more females who I thought were dudes than I expected.


I'm sorry suikashoujo...

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Question 4 is redundant, everyone is clearly a female.


Proof: avatars




Plot twist. I am actually two females at the same time. 

I thought most of these rules were kinda like common sense myself. 'Course, rules always get bent one way or another. heh heh.

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1.  It is ok to ask someone what country they live in, but it is not ok to ask them where they live specifically.


2.  It is only ok to ask about another person's problems if they initiate that track of the conversation. 


3.  Trying to breach someone else's anonymity is a big no-no.


4.  If you are going to ask someone's real gender, do it in a private message.


5.  Edit, don't double post.


6.  Nobody likes a troll.


7.  Politics always result in threads catching fire.


8.  (reference to 7) Religion is even worse.




Rules 1,2,3,4,6,7 = i won't worry about it since i quite rare break those . (maybe extreme rare )


Rules 5 = try my best don't break it .


about Rules 8 = i worry about it...... i quite confuse about it too ......

Clephas-san , do you mean "someone write bad thing to specific religion?" or "person always use word like (May god bless you)" ? 

...... hope for example by pm me ........ so i can learn to prevent breaking rules .


(ps: sorry , i still learning about forum)  

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Rules 1,2,3,4,6,7 = i won't worry about it since i quite rare break those . (maybe extreme rare )


Rules 5 = try my best don't break it .


about Rules 8 = i worry about it...... i quite confuse about it too ......

Clephas-san , do you mean "someone write bad thing to specific religion?" or "person always use word like (May god bless you)" ? 

...... hope for example by pm me ........ so i can learn to prevent breaking rules .


(ps: sorry , i still learning about forum)  

These are not "Fuwanovel's rules" per se, these are just general forum common knowledge rules. 

If you'd like, this is more of a "good internet conduct" type of thing. 


It's not forbidden to talk about religion, but anyone with common sense knows talking about religion on the internet only leads to a flame war 99% of the time (and why I personally wanted to ban it alongside political discussion but we ended up not enforcing that)

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These are not "Fuwanovel's rules" per se, these are just general forum common knowledge rules. 

If you'd like, this is more of a "good internet conduct" type of thing. 


It's not forbidden to talk about religion, but anyone with common sense knows talking about religion on the internet only leads to a flame war 99% of the time (and why I personally wanted to ban it alongside political discussion but we ended up not enforcing that)


Thanks for reply , Nosebleed-san

i think i understand more or less.


(PS: Please guide me if i walk on wrong path.)

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That's mostly why I said 'keep it so PMs, if you really want to know', because a lot of people are seriously rping a woman or a man who are of the opposite sex...  I did when I was younger, though it got old eventually.  I still primarily play females on MMOs, though...

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This.  When I first joined I assumed everyone with a female avatar was female.  I later learned that I couldn't have been more wrong  xD

You're not the only one that thought that xD. I think it's because the avatars influence my perception of them.  Liike how some people have a certain avatar for a long time (@Tiago), I felt weird when I saw him using a different avatar, because it wasn't Tiago to me anymore, lol.. I was thinking to myself, "an imposter!!"   so I probably imagine people as their avatars somewhat and it can influence my initial impression of their gender too (but I've stopped that).

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You're not the only one that thought that xD. I think it's because the avatars influence my perception of them.  Liike how some people have a certain avatar for a long time (@Tiago), I felt weird when I saw him using a different avatar, because it wasn't Tiago to me anymore, lol.. I was thinking to myself, "an imposter!!"   so I probably imagine people as their avatars somewhat and it can influence my initial impression of their gender too (but I've stopped that).

Admittedly, and in my defence, I've never used an avatar that wasn't Edgeworth for more than a day.


Though I understand that even if the character is the same, the avatar still changes, indeed.

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The most important rule regarding Forum etiquette that I learned is to use proper English. When I was 12 I learned this the hard way. The forum I was active on then was littered with Grammar-Nazis. They would always ignore the meaning of what I said and give me an English lesson instead. This was hard for me then, since at that time a lot of the subtleties of the English language still confused me. For instance I got in trouble a couple of times for confusing "there", "their" and "they're". Back then I thought they were just a bunch of assholes (okay I still do), but being publicly humiliated did a better job of teaching me the grammatical nuances of English than my crappy middle school Grammar classes. By the way I am native speaker of English. This is why I am so impressed by how so many people on this site who learned English as a second language use it so well. Since even as a native speaker I found the grammar difficult for a while.    



You're not the only one that thought that xD. I think it's because the avatars influence my perception of them.  Liike how some people have a certain avatar for a long time (@Tiago), I felt weird when I saw him using a different avatar, because it wasn't Tiago to me anymore, lol.. I was thinking to myself, "an imposter!!"   so I probably imagine people as their avatars somewhat and it can influence my initial impression of their gender too (but I've stopped that).


Even though I always knew that most people who use female avatars are males (since in my earlier days on other sites I myself used female avatars), I always attached female personas to such people. Also, it used to really bother me when people changed avatars, since I would then have to change my perception of them (as you said). Over the years it no longer bothers me, but I am still using the avatar that I used when I first joined Fuwanovel around 2 years ago. (I have been tempted to change it several times though). Tay changing his avatar came as a shock to me. 

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The most important rule regarding Forum etiquette that I learned is to use proper English. When I was 12 I learned this the hard way. The forum I was active on then was littered with Grammar-Nazis. They would always ignore the meaning of what I said and give me an English lesson instead. This was hard for me then, since at that time a lot of the subtleties of the English language still confused me. For instance I got in trouble a couple of times for confusing "there", "their" and "they're". Back then I thought they were just a bunch of assholes (okay I still do), but being publicly humiliated did a better job of teaching me the grammatical nuances of English then my crappy middle school Grammar classes. By the way I am native speaker of English. This is why I am so impressed by how so many people on this site who learned English as a second language use it so well. Since even as a native speaker I found the grammar difficult for a while.    

That's because of just what you said about the teaching. I can't vouch for the country, but I can't recall a single class that focused on Grammar and Spelling since early elementary. Since we know the spoken language, and live in it, we tend to pick up the slang and not focus as much on the written side. Meanwhile, someone learning the language second hand is probably learning it written and spoken at the same time, so they are focusing on the grammar as well. What we take for granted as contractions, others have to learn.


I personally have been using correct forms of "you're" and such since I started using the internet, I hate "ur", it's one of my pet peeves :P


So I guess another rule, no l33t speak on forums either (tied in to using proper grammar)

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