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How stupid is too stupid?


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So today I started reading a manga called Aho Girl. 

As the title implies, it's a series about a girl that's really stupid (beyond the boundaries of uncommon sense) and the manga itself takes pride in the girl's stupidity and mostly focuses on it.


Here's just an example:





But, surprisingly (well not really since this was exactly what I was looking for), I'm having tons of fun reading this thing.

And this is not the first time either, stuff like Milky Holmes, Teekyuu, Nichijou, D-Frag, etc are all series I actually have tons of fun watching/reading because they're just simply that stupid/ridiculous.


I don't know how to express it in words, maybe it's because i'm also stupid ( :Kappa:) but this kind of sillyness has always been something I enjoyed and it has for the longest time entertained me.


So I was curious, if someone else felt like this.


What makes one like or enjoy stupidity? How can it be fun? 


Do you think this is good form of comedy?


Do you not enjoy stupid series/characters? Why/Why not?


And of course, when does stupid become too stupid? Or is there absolutely no limit for how much one can enjoy stupidity?



And don't forget to eat your bananas.

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I had read this a long time ago, you just made me remember it.  ^_^


I usually enjoy stupid comedy/characters because sheer stupidity is something that I find mostly difficult to take seriously. It's also good to cheer up when you are lazing around not feeling like thinking too much :wafuu: .


I also never found something too stupid in a manga regarding stupidity as a comic relief mechanism, now when it comes to characters being stupid in more serious series and/or contexts I, for some reason, find it to be hitler and I want that stupidity killed with fire.

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Nichijou is absurd, not stupid. The line can be thin between the two but I think the flavor is pretty different.

Stupid is also a bit broad. For example, Aldnoah/Zero is stupid too :Kappa: But that second point is me nitpicking.


I also like stupid series like Milky Holmes, although it's pretty hard to get huge laughs out of them. A better example would be Gintama, which can at times be pretty damn retarded but incredibly hilarious. Anyway, there's no bad form of humor, I'm even one those people who enjoy puns.


It's mostly a question of execution, I think. Making people laugh is an art, being retarded is not enough.


Also, when will you add the Teeku icon to the forum? I wanted to use it a least 3 times while writing this post!

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Eh, I guess by stupidity I mean characters that are not really in line with common sense, they act in ways that would be considered.. well.. stupid.

(Read: why would you do this instead of the obviously logical and correct thing?)


For Nichijou there's plenty of examples, like Mio flipping a goat (in her defense, that was probably the best course of action).


Of course this is not to say something stupid is inherently bad, like you said execution really matters.

I think what does it for me is the tsukkomi act, or rather, the reactions after whatever they have done.


I feel like just pure stupidity with no tsukkomi would be hard to bear (can't think of any series like that at the moment though).

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That looks like the manga Mashiro draws in Sakurasou. 


I'm actually quite fond of airhead characters, as long as being an idiot isn't the only trait said character has. Sadly, it's very easy to lose these characters in a trope for good, a weakness commonly shared by brooding, edgy characters.


What's too dumb to be acceptable? A drooling caveman or a shit throwing ape, I guess. Not that I've seen that before. 



Minatsu002.pngAnd no, I'll never eat my bananas, because I hate them! I hate bananas! 

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This isn't an anime, but I've yet to see a character dumber than Patrick Star from Spongebob. One of the best scenes ever:




What makes Partick such a great character is that he is not just dumb, but he is incapable of thinking. Everybody thinks all the time, (try not thinking about anything, all you will notice that you can't stop thinking), but Patrick is a believable representation of a creature that can't think. He is just as dumb as you would expect a real starfish to be.


Off topic, but I love your new avatar Nosebleed. :3   

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I don't like this, i love nichijou but this manga is nothing like that, calling her a monkey and that nobody will ever love her, that she is not a woman, is just not funny :/ they are making fun of her, she is not weird or funny she clearly have mental issues(that's what the manga is saying at least in that page you put here), I mean is like laughing at a guy that has down syndrome, it's just sad.

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Eh, I guess by stupidity I mean characters that are not really in line with common sense, they act in ways that would be considered.. well.. stupid.


*looks at avatar* *looks back at topic and opening post*


Needless to say that I love airhead characters.


See, I like having airhead characters in my shows, but I am usually not a big fan of comedy shows that put emphasis on the stupid (of course with exceptions like Nichijou). I like my stupid comedy in small bits. Hence why I enjoy having my airhead characters, so I can have that derpiness in small doses. 

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I don't like this, i love nichijou but this manga is nothing like that, calling her a monkey and that nobody will ever love her, that she is not a woman, is just not funny :/ they are making fun of her, she is not weird or funny she clearly have mental issues(that's what the manga is saying at least in that page you put here), I mean is like laughing at a guy that has down syndrome, it's just sad.

I think you might be taking a gag manga way too seriously..

The page i put up there was just an excerpt, Yoshiko is portrayed as silly and lacking intelligence and common sense and the manga takes jabs at it, much like plenty of shows have this really dumb character, like Patrick in spongebob (that's the greatest example ever Zalor). Yet you still come to love those characters for their quirks and silliness.

I guarantee you Yoshiko has friends, this is an average school gag manga, not some morbid comedy.

Of course you're still entitled not to like it, but i don't think it's as dark as that.

(By your logic, Milky Holmes would be a horrible show too)

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I think you might be taking a gag manga way too seriously..

The page i put up there was just an excerpt, Yoshiko is portrayed as silly and lacking intelligence and common sense and the manga takes jabs at it, much like plenty of shows have this really dumb character, like Patrick in spongebob (that's the greatest example ever Zalor). Yet you still come to love those characters for their quirks and silliness.

I guarantee you Yoshiko has friends, this is an average school gag manga, not some morbid comedy.

Of course you're still entitled not to like it, but i don't think it's as dark as that.

well that page looks really dark, probably it's out of context, so maybe you are right, hard to tell with just 1 page :P

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'Stupid' should be used with moderation. Truly stupid characters aren't funny, they are just sad and I end up feeling bad about them instead. I love 'airhead' as a general trait for characters though (see Amane from Kono Sora, I couldn't help at how hopeless she was at 'dating'  ;) )


I think Clannad's Sunohara is a good example of stupid done right. He is obviously the comic relief punching bag but in return he gets a lot of screentime and enough character development through his very own story arc. Thanks to this you get to see multiple sides to him and he becomes a 'fun' character for me. One-dimensional characters are always bad.


Also, the airhead-deredere combo is overused in VN's but it works rather well imo.

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I do enjoy "stupid" anime/manga, but I don't really know when it becomes "too stupid". I'm interested in stuff like D-Frag, Seitokai no Ichizon, Milky Holmes....and the newest one, Militari!, but for some reason, just can't handle some similar titles like GJ-bu, Ebiten....

Aaaaand nope, I'm not interested in Aho Girl either.

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