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Fuwanovel Confessions


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I very randomly picked up persona 4 without knowing that much about it except apparently it was good a while ago. Then I took a long time and eeeveeeeentually played it in a moment of boredom iirc. I never did get the true ending I think, though I did get a good one.

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I very randomly picked up persona 4 without knowing that much about it except apparently it was good a while ago. Then I took a long time and eeeveeeeentually played it in a moment of boredom iirc. I never did get the true ending I think, though I did get a good one.

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Sometimes people tell me I look constantly pissed off.

I used to be told that often. It shocked me since I didn't even realize I always looked angry. So I started practicing to smile more, and be more aware of trying to appear friendly. I don't want to scare people away~


From my vast experience of one long-distance relationship: Long distance sucks. Just don't do it. Either break it off, or don't move away from each other. Long distance just doesn't work.

I think some Long Distance work depending on the people involved and their personalities I guess.  I just learned it's not for me, since I desire closer contact probably. It sucks~

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Confession: I didn't descend into my current weeby form until about a year ago.

I was weebin' as an awkward pre-teen.  Get on my level, brah.


Confession: I used to only watched dubbed anime because I was too lazy to read subs.  Fullmetal Alchemist was one of the first I watched, which had an exceptionally good dub.  Then I watched more than one dubbed anime, and I swore off of dubs forever.  Never again.

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Long distance relationships do not work for people who like close contact. I mean, ugh. It's different when she's not there beside you. Of course, that's from experience.


Confession: I would've had a girlfriend already if she didn't move to Korea. ;)


Who doesn't like close contact? :yumiko:


But yeah, any long distance relationship have to be get close someday or another. Otherwise, what's the point...


Both parties have to mutually cut it short or wait for that moment when you can be together.


@Kosaki: Go start swimming towards S. Korea then

:wahaha: . See you there in 2 years.

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