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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Maybe I can say something that might help you Lino. Both my mom and my aunt won't eat certain foods because they say that those foods trigger migraines for them. My aunt wont eat chocolate and my mom stays away from heavily processed foods. I don't even know if they're right about this, but they've lived decades with migraine issues, so I'd at least consider looking at your diet if the migraines keep coming.


I know someone who reliably gets migraines after eating food containing a certain very common food dye (I forget which one - Red number something), so she watches her diet very carefully to avoid it. So, yeah, there's probably something to that bit.


An actual confession for something I feel moderately self-conscious of: I'm interviewing someone at work next week who is thinking about an internal transfer to my team. Was flipping through the CV, realized the person is probably about the same age as I am, and also saw a mention that they have a hobby of working on video games, and thought, "cool, a real kindred spirit here". I got a meeting invite for the interview, which automatically populated an employee photo of them on my screen, and discovered she's a cute girl. So, now I'm somewhat unreasonably excited, and hoping she aces the interview so I can enthusiastically recommend hiring her.

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Confession: After discovering Sylvanian Family toys and deciding they are something I need in my life, then I discovered that there was an American cartoon based off the toys and after seeing the opening/ending once I now cannot get it the hell out of my head.



... wait crap sorry. I apologize to anyone who gets this stuck in their head due to me.

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Confession: I have zero social media accounts. Owning one forces me to look back at people from my college and high school days, reminding me of my inadequacies back then. It's the only thing that brings shame to me these day as if on reflex, to a person who doesn't know what shame is these days. 


Confession: It also reminds me of how unfair life is. People who I knew were privileged when they were young, continue on now with their beautiful and happy lives. They have the same beautiful friends, they've joined high ranking organizations in society and climbed ladders that put them even higher in society, and they continue to surround themselves with even more beautiful friends. Their white pearly teeth makes my stomach sick. 


Confession: I don't need any of that. While I can't say I'm happy yet with my life the way it is right now, I've carved my own life the way it is and I'll play the cards that were dealt. 

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Confession: I quit Facebook about a year and a half ago.  I got tired of all the shitposts, political arguments and reposted content I've seen 10 times before, as well as Facebook's absolutely terrible privacy policy and exploitation of every bit of info they can get their hands on.  It's actually improved my mood.

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Confession: I have been contemplating deleting my Facebook account, or at the very least detaching myself from it. I just feel like I could be doing so many better things, and that it would be much easier on my stress levels just to contact my friends through Skype, text message, and email.

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Confession: I have a Facebook but I only use it for work, because my job requires me to be about 200% more social than I actually am. Mainly I use it for creating networks of 'friends' I can ask to come volunteer at events and stuff. It's like being a telemarketer!


Confession2: I have turned down really solid job offers because I'm so tired of working with people that all I want to do is sit down in front of a computer and translate 24/7 and never talk to anyone but the guy asking me for progress reports for a few years. That's my dream job.


Confession3: While the above two may make me sound incredibly anti-social, it's quite different. I'm a very social person and I enjoy hanging out with people. I just hate situations in which my job or position FORCES me to hang out with people and my paycheck is on the line if I can't make friends with them. Faking smiles and pretending to laugh at jokes makes me die a little inside. I just want to hang out with people naturally and at my own pace. I really like people, honest.

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Confession: I have a Facebook but I only use it for work, because my job requires me to be about 200% more social than I actually am. Mainly I use it for creating networks of 'friends' I can ask to come volunteer at events and stuff. It's like being a telemarketer!


Confession2: I have turned down really solid job offers because I'm so tired of working with people that all I want to do is sit down in front of a computer and translate 24/7 and never talk to anyone but the guy asking me for progress reports for a few years. That's my dream job.


Confession3: While the above two may make me sound incredibly anti-social, it's quite different. I'm a very social person and I enjoy hanging out with people. I just hate situations in which my job or position FORCES me to hang out with people and my paycheck is on the line if I can't make friends with them. Faking smiles and pretending to laugh at jokes makes me die a little inside. I just want to hang out with people naturally and at my own pace. I really like people, honest.

Confession: I am afraid to handle a job in the future because of those reasons. If you made me meet one of your friends and he said something that pissed me off I wouldn't hesitate to say, "I don't like you," and walk away. Fortunately, a lot of people think I'm joking, so I don't really get into trouble, but I doubt that would stay the same in the future.

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Confession: I have a Facebook but I only use it for work, because my job requires me to be about 200% more social than I actually am. Mainly I use it for creating networks of 'friends' I can ask to come volunteer at events and stuff. It's like being a telemarketer!


Confession2: I have turned down really solid job offers because I'm so tired of working with people that all I want to do is sit down in front of a computer and translate 24/7 and never talk to anyone but the guy asking me for progress reports for a few years. That's my dream job.


Confession3: While the above two may make me sound incredibly anti-social, it's quite different. I'm a very social person and I enjoy hanging out with people. I just hate situations in which my job or position FORCES me to hang out with people and my paycheck is on the line if I can't make friends with them. Faking smiles and pretending to laugh at jokes makes me die a little inside. I just want to hang out with people naturally and at my own pace. I really like people, honest.

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