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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Confession: Yesterday my sister told me she didn't want to come to my guitar concert because she was not interested and also I kept shouting at her yadda yadda. I am glad she did that because that means I do no have to keep up the farce of caring about her and her accomplishments whatsoever beyond the barest minimum coming from being blood related siblings living in the same house. Whatever affection I have for her is just because she is my sister, I hate every other aspect of her. But thrn again, I know all those aspects about her because she is my sister.

Are u denying the wincest route? tsk tsk tsk

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Flutterz, Kosaki, Taco, Zeno, Noel (madvanced), Chewy (Mustkill), HMN, Kaguya, Rose, Zakamutt, hsmsful (I wonder if it comes with his sister or niece...), Nosebleed and Sarayne


Confession: The lack of me is utterly soul-crushing~


*goes off to his feely corner of feels*

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Yay, this conversation is coming up again ^^;;

If I may throw my hat into the mix again, though I'm a bit busy for a full-on debate again.

Basically, for whatever reason, said introvert has a deficit of social experience, which leads to anxiety. Even if that social anxiety is defeated though, depending on how late it happens, said introvert may lack places to go where they could meet potential romantic interests. They never learned the locations of places where something like that could be done. It turns from a social problem to an information problem with a social solution, but because the connections required to make that require having a place to interact with people to begin with, it turns into a Catch-22 situation. You require places to meet people to find people who can tell you where to meet people.

At least, this is in the local sense - most introverts are capable of interacting over the internet, which means that the people and places they know are from that space. This is why people attempt to find mates over the internet, or at least why it's become that much more common. It changes the problem from one of whether or not someone who lives near you is compatible with you or shares similar interests, to one where one where whether or not said romantic interest who has similar interests with you is both compatible and has a way to close whatever location block may be in the way.

The quality of potential mates increases, due to internet sites being interest and sub-section based as opposed to location based, but the number of roadblocks increases at the same time, in addition to lower total potential mates depending on how niche your interests are.

So, in short, once choices have been made in your life that mean you've passed up the standard meeting places - school just flat-out isn't for you, you don't think you could handle a normal job or you would be more efficient in another path, the number of non-internet locations dwindles into possibly non-existence. And something along the lines of school/normal jobs if you've already set your life on another path is easier said than done - managing that on top of a relationship and giving them the attention they need simply isn't feasible, and would require abandoning the path one has already taken in life. If that path turns out to be wrong, fine, but if the path is moving along relatively well putting those weights on as well is going to be as disaster in both the short-term - breaking down trying to keep the dream, school/job and potential relationship/dating in all at once, and in the long term - the pressure leads to damage on the dream and more likely than not abandoning the school/job route. This requires recovery time, and in that recovery time there's the possibility of losing the dream anyway. My estimates for recovery time are about ~5 months ish - mine was more like ~8 after dropping out of school in October but the last ~6 of those were recovering from my first breakup on top of that.

If you've actually completed the initial goal and found someone, it can be even harder - you have to balance the dream and the relationship at the same time. This is usually the minimum of what's required, if you're below this usually then you're better off trying to focus on the dream still. That said, the recovery time can bring it down to a point lower than this, which leads to one or both faltering - and when one of them does it usually effects the other - the dream and the relationship are both important factors to the subject, and the loss of one is severe enough to make the other one falter or collapse outright as well.

I'll end my rant here. It's a complicated subject and there's counter-arguments to be made, but this is the conclusion I've come to this time around. I'll see if I can continue the conversation though I'm focusing on writing at the moment.

It's really not that hard. Find a local casual sports group, pick up a trading card game and meet people at your local game shop, or even volunteer or something. If you're in school, join a club. If you're not, sign up for some classes or something. It's more likely a failure to seriously leave their shell that's causing them issues. Either because they won't try hard enough or because they have some serious issues.
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Confession 2: I didn't actually drink real milk until about a year ago.  I drank soy milk because that's what we had around the house.  Real milk is infinitely superior.


Confession: For a moment I was curious if you had soy milk instead of getting breastfed, then I decided to not ask that.


Confession 2: I pity you, natural (semi skimmed) milk with some Nutella on a slice of bread is amazing

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Confession: For a moment I was curious if you had soy milk instead of getting breastfed, then I decided to not ask that.


Confession 2: I pity you, natural (semi skimmed) milk with some Nutella on a slice of bread is amazing



Your milk is weak sauce.  I drink whole milk, and it is delicious :sachi:

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I once read a VN route with machine translation and had huge difficulties understanding some parts.

A few months later I found out that what I had read was a machine translation and I didn't even notice.

What was that?  The only machine TL I've ever read, or at least that I'm aware of, were the non-Houzuki routes in the Sharin fandisk.  They were completely unintelligible, and anyone that says that machine TLs are okay is just wrong.

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I feel your pain :amane:   I got through about ten minutes of Sachi's route before I just gave up.  Doesn't help that the non-Houzuki routes themselves just appeared to be fluff with h shoved into them, either.  Thank you, based control key.


Confession: I was using a friend's computer once, and I noticed that they'd bookmarked some hentai sites.  I pretended I never saw anything and have never mentioned it.  No idea why they bookmarked it in the first place; you don't do that if you don't live alone  >.<

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I feel your pain :amane:   I got through about ten minutes of Sachi's route before I just gave up.  Doesn't help that the non-Houzuki routes themselves just appeared to be fluff with h shoved into them, either.  Thank you, based control key.


Confession: I was using a friend's computer once, and I noticed that they'd bookmarked some hentai sites.  I pretended I never saw anything and have never mentioned it.  No idea why they bookmarked it in the first place; you don't do that if you don't live alone  >.<


And that is why I use two seperate browsers :makina:

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What was that?  The only machine TL I've ever read, or at least that I'm aware of, were the non-Houzuki routes in the Sharin fandisk.  They were completely unintelligible, and anyone that says that machine TLs are okay is just wrong.


I wouldn't say that, after reading for a while brain gets stupid and you somehow make sense of what you are reading. Or at least that's how it is for me. Worked with both Sharin fapdisk and Kimi no Nagori wa Shizuka ni Yurete. Afterwards my head hurt though. 6/10, would do again. 

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